Tuesday, November 17, 2009

American Spectator: "Palin's popularity vs media mania"

If the AP ever decides to start fact-checking what is written about Sarah Palin as rigorously as it fact-checks what is written by Sarah Palin, maybe they'll be doing a service to journalism. -- American Spectator
Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue: An Amerian Life," hits the stores today ... and the MSM is in an uproar even as it flies off the shelves as a runaway best seller:
Palin announced the schedule, as she announces everything else, on her Facebook page, which has a readership larger than Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC audience.
Avoiding large cities, Sarah is taking her book tour to the smaller towns and cities of America including Roanoke, Virginia, where she will appear this Sunday, Nov. 22. She apparently has enraged media elitists even further by not including an index in her book ... you know, the pages in the back where someone who doesn't read the book can look up a name and flip to that page rather than read the entire book:
At this point, Palin controls her own destiny. She is independent, and has no need to court the approval of the media "gatekeepers." She's the hottest topic in political news, and if the New York Times or the TV networks want a piece of the action, they have to play by her rules. They're so used to dictating the rules -- every book must have an index! -- that Palin's rogue refusal to follow their rules is even more offensive to them than her good looks, her handsome husband, and her five children.
Read all of Robert Stacy McCain's article in American Spectator ... he hits the nail on the head over and over and over.... And then pop out to your local bookstore and pick up a copy of Going Rogue ... and be thankful we have a strong, conservative woman like Sarah Palin who is willing to withstand the barbs and arrows and be a principled leader for millions.

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