[UPDATE: Sarah! fever hits Roanoke Valley ... update of Sarah Palin's visit on Nov. 22.]
She's the woman conservatives love to love ... liberals love to hate ... and some Republicans love to stab in the back.
Former Republican Alaska governor Sarah Palin is coming to Roanoke, Virginia, on Sunday, November 22, as part of her book tour for "Going Rogue: An American Life." Appearing at Barnes & Noble in the Valley View Mall, supporters are expected to begin lining up by 6:00 a.m.
Already a runaway best seller that will not be released until Tuesday, "Going Rogue" sets the record straight as she fights back against the liberal press and her own Republican Party.
The last time Mrs. Palin appeared in the Roanoke Valley was during her run as the Republican vice presidental nominee in the 2008 presidential campaign ... and she brought out 16,000 supporters.
The Wall Street Journal reveals the new media strategy used by the Palin team in promoting her book, noting:
Sarah Palin will launch her national book tour next week, one part of a carefully crafted strategy that has allowed the former vice-presidential candidate to leapfrog traditional media outlets and appeal directly to her dedicated and vocal fan base.Now communicating with 1 million friends through Facebook and with Sarah-friendly blogs supporting her, she has also established SarahPAC which is "dedicated to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation."
With her continued popularity, Sarah Palin's Roanoke stop is sure to see a large crowd.
Check out Fishersville Mike as he sets the record straight with a fact check of the "fact checkers" of Sarah's book.
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