Sunday, November 01, 2009

Live blogging from Weyers Cave ... # 7

Ken Cuccinelli is winding up his remarks saying we will keep Virginia safe but need to be pushed over the top on Tuesday. Protect our right-to-work laws, put into place polities to get Virginia's economy going again. There's two days and two hours left and there's no better team than the Republican team. Thank you for your support.

Now he is introducing Lt. Governor Bill Bolling ...

(huge cheer from the crowd ... the Lt. Governor is loved in the Shenandoah Valley)

Lt. Gov Bolling: HELLO, SHENANDOAH VALLEY. (HELLO from the crowd) I took a deep breath when I got off the plane and the smell of victory was in the air! (Cheers) We've had great crowds always when we come to the Shenandoah Valley ... everywhere we go across the state the crowds are two or three times bigger than in the past ... people know that change is coming to Virginia. (roar from the crowd, cheers) (Talking about running in 2005 when everyone worked hard for them.

(Randy Marcus just stopped by to say hello with a hug.) (TV camera just moved in beside me)

Lt. Gov. Bolling is saying polls don't vote ... the only poll that counts is the final vote on Nov. 3. We've got two more to go today and seven more stops tomorrow (crowd oohs in disbelief) and they are going to keep going and going until they cross the finish line. There are a lot of Democrats out there who are going to be voting for McDonnell, Bolling, Cuccinelli (huge cheer from the crowd).

Interesting since polls have been coming out ... people are calling and writing from all around the country wanting to know what's going on in Virginia after it was supposedly turned into a blue state last November. Why are we doing so well? There are many people in Virginia concerned about the future of our country and our state. They know we face serious challenges and it will take Virginia's team of McDonnell-Bolling-Cuccinelli to take care of Virginia! (cheers from crowd) They know we have to restore fiscal responsibility to government, and make more jobs, they know we need to reopen the rest stops on the interstates!!!! We're going to reopen them all!

To every Virginian concerned about their jobs -- HELP IS ON THE WAY.

To every Virginian who wants to see shortfalls cut, improve educational opprtunities for their children -- HELP IS ON THE WAY.

To every Virginian who wants to see a transportation system for the 21st century -- HELP IS ON THE WAY!

(Crowd joining in with each HELP IS ON THE WAY)

Help us get them to the polls on Tuesday.

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