Sunday, November 01, 2009

Live blogging from Weyers Cave Airport ... # 6

The crowd has calmed down and now they are being introduced as part of the "Road to Victory" tour. Rock star slate of candidates this year ... we are excited to have all three of them here today. (roar from the crowd)

There's no platform so those in the back cannot see the candidates behind the crowd ...

Tucker Martin with the McDonnell campaign just stopped by to say hello...

Congressman Bob Goodlatte is the first one up to speak. He's giving the pep speech to elect McDonnell, Bolling, Cuccinelli to Virginia (huge roar for Cuccinelli) ... reelect the House of Delegates candidates (cheers from crowd) ...

(Eric Pritchett, weatherman for NBC-29 out of Charlottesville, just walked in the door....)

Congressman Goodlatte is encouraging everyone to go out and vote on Tuesday. He just mentioned Nancy Pelosi and a huge "boo" went up from the crowd. We have to stop the health care bill this week in the country. When the word "shall" is used, the government is telling you that you shall do this or that -- used over 3,000 times in one bill. We need to send a message to the Democrats in Congress to cast this bill aside and promote REAL health care reform. The best thing you can do to promote that is to elect this ticket.... (huge cheer)

We'll be on the road to taking back the House of Representatives in 2010. (huge cheer) Help this ticket get across the finish line ... don't take anything for granted.

He is now introducing Ken Cuccinelli...

(huge roar and chants of "Cooch! Cooch!")

Ken Cuccinelli is saying it's great to see everyone out tonight but we need to get everyone to show up at the polls on Tuesday night. People who support the Constitution want to protect life and families ... things are so bad for the Dems that they're talking about flying Tim Kaine into the state to campaign for them. (laughter from crowd) Keep working to get out the vote and convince the last few undecideds to come out for us. (He held up the broom for a SWEEP to chants of "Sweep! Sweep!") (Huge roar of approval from the crowd) Let's sweep Virginia by protecting the Constitution and keeping our neighborhoods safe.

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