Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cantor and McDonnell the future of GOP?

In both the political and blogger insider end-of-year polls by the National Journal, Republican Whip Eric Cantor and Gov.-elect Bob McDonnell are both shown to have a bright future for the GOP.
Jim Hoeft at Bearing Drift reports on the Political Insider's Poll that suggests those two Virginia Republicans are rising stars.


  1. I hope Cantor is not the future. He's such a pill and he's one of those Republicans who cares too much about compromising with those across the isle

  2. Anyone who is in leadership must learn to work with all sides ... and that is what Rep. Cantor does.

    The tea party people may feel he's giving in to the moderates ... the moderate Republicans may feel he's giving in to the conservatives. There is no way to please everyone all the time. I'd suggest giving him a chance.
