Saturday, December 12, 2009

How much influence will tea party movement have on 2010?

Dr. Donald Douglas has an excellent post today about the tea party movement, the fractures within, their influence on 2010, and -- most importantly -- that we should not encourage the tea parties to bring about a third party. This is a subject I've talked about before.

Donald said:
That's something I've covered here. See, "A Battle Within the Tea Party Movement?" My argument? Basically, if the tea parties devolve into a third party movement, we're done. Better for activists to try to centralize their leadership and unite behind the most conservative members of the Republican Party. I have Sarah Palin in mind. And recall the news from a couple of weeks back, that Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann will headline next February's "First National Tea Party Convention" in Nashville, Tennessee.

CNN had a report, "Palin, Bachmann to Headline Tea Party Convention."The tea parties have created the most important movement in American politics today. Both political parties are shaken in their boots at the potential for a massive grassroots earthquake to shake the political system to its foundation. The Republican Party should be especially worried. [Emphasis added]
Donald's post is full of information so I would highly encourage you to read it all.

Rush Limbaugh also believes conservatives should stay with the Republican Party and not fall for the third party debacle that has caused us to lose in the past.


  1. I'm not sure how there can be a 'fracture' in a movement that has no leader, no head and is mostly made up of 'ad hoc' groups that already existed?

    It is bad to have a leader, head or whatever, so that they can't be attacked and there is no fighting.

    In NH we were emailed by someone calling themnselves a regional director... we said politely, not for us you're not!

  2. The Danville Tea Party group has already devolved into a parody.

    I lost all respect that I had for this group when they kept trying to shout down Tom Perriello at his "town hall" meeting. I don't give a damn what your politics are or anybody else's, but the man deserves a measure of respect for the office he holds and trying to shout him down is just downright rude.

    Combine that with the bizarre "leadership" that they have shown with the burning-Perriello-in-effigy debacle, and you've got to wonder if this group is the type to stand and shout at a brick wall.

