Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Rep. Eric Cantor's thank you dinner

One of the many colonial era-inspired wreaths decorating the doors and windows of the Williasmburg Lodge.

Outdoor twinkly lights mirrored indoor twinkly lights....

The walkways were festive and inviting.

The Williamsburg Lodge is a beautiful place especially at Christmas ... and this year was no exception. On Friday night during the 2009 Advance, it was the setting of Republican House Whip Eric Cantor's Christmas dinner with Virginia Republican Party leaders. The Congressional District chairs were there as well as Del.-elect Barbara Comstock, Del. Bill Janis, Del. Phil Cox ... and other leaders especially from the 7th Congressional District that is represented by Congressman Cantor.

The Lodge's famous seafood buffet was fabulous, the ambiance was festive, and the fellowship was heart-warming. Our table by the fireplace was the perfect setting as SWAC Husband and I enjoyed lively dinner conversation with Mike Thomas, 1st Vice Chairman of RPV Central Committee; Rick Neel, Treasurer of RPV Central Committee; Kevin Gentry, Eastern Vice Chairman of RPV Central Committee, and his wife Anne, who graduated from William and Mary, and their son; and Connie Bedell, Fairfax County GOP leader (whose son Anthony was the star of this year's Advance for his fantastic work bringing in GOP candidates in NoVa).

In the buffet line it was an honor to meet Del.-elect Barbara Comstock who was a delight to talk with. She is from NoVa and we talked about the blogs and their part in campaigns and the internet climate during this year's election.

Seventh District Chairman Linwood Cobb welcomed everyone and thanked them for being there, and introduced Rep. Cantor. The room stood and cheered our host who thanked everyone for their leadership in this year's elections. He talked about the winter of 1776 when George Washington's troops were up against the much larger British army but persevered and never gave up ... and the need to retake Congress in 2010. His remarks were uplifting and encouraging ... and a reminder of last year's dinner when he talked about how we had lost our way and the need to get back on the path of Republican principles and winning again. This year Virginia Republicans had won and started back on that path. And then he wished everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

As we left the dining room, gift bags were handed to each guest. The tag said, "With sincere appreciation for all that you do. Diana and Eric Cantor." Inside was the new book by Dr. Frank Luntz, the pollster often seen on Fox News Channel and who addressed the Virginia Delegation at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-Saint Paul: "What Americans Really Want ... Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears." The Congressman had written inside the cover, "Thanks for your leadership! Let's keep on winning together and take back Congress in '10! [signed] Eric Cantor (VA-7)."

I so wanted that book ... thank you, Rep. Cantor, for my holiday reading material. The evening ended as everyone boarded the shuttles back to the Advance to attend hospitality suites.

It was a positive gathering with a positive message in a friendly environment. Thank you to the Congressman and Chairman Linwood Cobb for inviting us to be a part of it.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
5 December 2009

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