Saturday, December 08, 2007

Merry Christmas, SSgt. Herb Harman!

Last Christmas, he was in Iraq and missed his daughter's performance in The Nutcracker. This Christmas he is home and able to watch his very talented teenager dance in the local production of The Nutcracker. SSgt. Herb Harman was one proud dad as he beamed while holding flowers for his little girl, his arm comfortably draped around his wife's shoulder.

I had not seen Herb for several months so it was good to catch up on all the news. His step-son is heading back to Iraq for his second tour of duty in February, and Herb himself may eventually deploy to the Middle East in the upcoming months.

These are our heroes, the men who sacrifice time with family while in far-off lands protecting our freedoms here on the home front. Merry Christmas to them all, both stateside and overseas ... and Merry Christmas to their families who sacrifice with their loved ones away from home, especially at the holidays. We thank them.

For those who have fought for it,
Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

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