Thursday, April 07, 2011

George Allen: bi-partisan support for offshore drilling ... will Kaine stand with Va or his allies in DC?

Richmond, VA – George Allen issued the following statement on the need to restore offshore drilling lease sales off the coast of Virginia:
“Rising gas and fuel prices are hurting families all across the Commonwealth. But we can pro-actively do something about it by unleashing America's untapped natural resources and allow Virginia to explore for oil and natural gas off our coast. There is bi-partisan support for action to reverse the Obama Administration’s misguided and irresponsible drilling moratorium that continues to leave us vulnerable to hostile nations. The people of Virginia, not Washington, should choose our Commonwealth’s economic and energy destiny. For our economic competitiveness and our national security, I hope Tim Kaine will finally join with us — something he failed to do as Governor and DNC Chairman — and choose to fight for Virginia’s families and our energy freedom.”
George Allen for U.S. Senate

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