Friday, August 31, 2012

Integrity, vision, and leadership ... Presidents Bush 41 & 43

The Bush family ... President George H.W. and Barbara Bush ... President George W. and Laura Bush ... the definition of class.   Integrity, vision, service to the country ... thank you.

August 2012 blue moon is last one until 2015

If you look out the window Friday night, you'll see a full moon in the sky, the second of two full moons for the month of August. In an unusual phenomenon, the second one is called a Blue Moon -- the name given to the second full moon in a month. The next time this happens will be in 2015 ... "Once in a Blue Moon."

Here are photos of Thursday night's almost-full moon as it rose over the Shenandoah Valley. It should be beautiful watching the moon rise tonight over the Blue Ridge Mountains....

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

Cross-posted at Bearing Drift

Clint Eastwood made Mitt Romney's day

The mystery was solved Thursday night as the worst-kept secret of the week walked on stage at the Republican National Convention and lit up the crowd.

Clint Eastwood, that Republican-among-Hollywood-types best known by many as Dirty Harry, took to the podium beside an empty chair that became his prop for a frank discussion with President Barack Obama.

The next few minutes were a hilarious and straight-forward assessment of the current state of the country under Obama's administration. Dems went ballistic and immediately began bashing Eastwood. The mainstream media, who always act as if they are the only ones with an ounce of sense in their brains and look disdainfully down their condescending noses at conservatives in this country, dismissed it as the ramblings of an old man.

All their collective intelligence and knowledge and yet they couldn't see that that empty chair was basically representing all of Obama's empty promises.

Clint Eastwood didn't make their day. Heh.

Video of Eastwood's remarks. Byron York has last night's rundown at the Washington Examiner.

Cross-posted at Bearing Drift

Thursday, August 30, 2012

'If opportunity doesn't knock ...'

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." 
--Milton Berle

How many times in my life I've done this ... I can't even begin to count. I think it's because of the optimist in me ... never give up. If that means you have to bring a dang sledgehammer, well, so be it.

Blue moon rising over Shenandoah Valley ... last one until 2015

 The second full moon of August 2012 rose over the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah Valley ... a rare Blue Moon. This phenomenon will not happen again until 2015.

As I drove the back roads of western Augusta County, the sun set behind the Appalachians while the moon rose over the Blue Ridge Mountains. God's beauty is breath-taking.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
August 30, 2012

Sunset over the Appalachians ... western Augusta County

Sunset turned into dusk over the pastures of western Augusta County.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
August 30, 2012

Really? Go ahead ... make my day ... er ... night!

News reports have said Clint Eastwood is heading to Tampa and many are wondering if he's the Thursday night "mystery guest" who has been speculated about all week.

Eastwood endorsed Mitt Romney for the 2012 election, and was a backer of John McCain in 2008.

Will he be on the convention stage Thursday night? Stay tuned....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Romney-Ryan-McDonnell at Richmond Victory Rally Friday

Fall wedding

Gift bags for out-of-town guests are ready ...

... and RSVP cards have been returned and sorted. On the left is the "yes" stack. Looks like this fall wedding is coming together nicely!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell