Saturday, March 24, 2007

"I want a sign...."

For those who have fought for it ...
Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

I received an email asking for Win the War signs from a friend of the mother of Lance Cpl. Daniel Morris who was killed in Iraq on February 14, 2007. One of my friends who once employed Daniel bought four signs. These ladies are remembering this young man by urging that we win the war so this young man wouldn't die in vain.

The email tonight was simple yet touched me as so many of them do. It said:

I would like to buy a sign or two or three and give them to family members as well as put one in my front yard. How do I go about getting them? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

And, thank you for all you are doing to make sure that ... sons of other mothers have not died in vain. Their efforts were for something and we appreciate everything each and every military member and family does to protect our freedoms. God Bless You and those like you who are getting the word out. I am here to support the cause in any way I can if you should need me.

My friend and co-worker lost her son on Feb. 14th [Lance Cpl. Daniel Morris] and I believe you were there for her to give her support. I appreciate that very much. Carol and I have been supporters of this war before her son joined and especially after Daniel joined the Marines and went to Iraq. Thank you again for all you are doing. May we succeed in getting the word out that we must WIN THE WAR......

Freedom ... is not free.

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