Thursday, December 27, 2007

Save the Old Dominion featured in Waynesboro News Virginian

Save the Old Dominion, the group organized by blogger Black Velvet Bruce Li's Greg Letiecq, was featured on the front page of the Waynesboro News Virginian Thursday as well as coverage on Richmond's TV-6 newscast at noon on Wednesday.

The newspaper story started out:
Forces opposed to illegal immigration are laying plans to increase the heat on Virginia lawmakers who shot down a raft of immigration-related bills last session.

Part of the 2008 push will be driven by a coalition of seven primarily northern Virginia groups that previously limited their activism to their own back yards.

Greg Letiecq, president of Help Save Manassas and an organizer of Save the Old Dominion, said the coalition is intent on improving the 2007 session, which he said only saw one of 50 immigration bills emerge from the General Assembly.

“We have good coverage of several localities in northern Virginia and down in Hampton Roads. But someone concerned about this issue in Henry County, where do they turn?” he asked.

Coalition members include: Help Save Loudoun, Vienna Citizens Group, Help Save Hampton Roads, Centreville Citizens Coalition, Help Protect Culpeper, Save Stafford and Letiecq’s Manassas group.
Greg's group has received much positive press as they get the word out and grow as more groups join them.

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