Monday, December 10, 2007

Why I am involved in politics....

I have been asked why I stay in the rough game of politics. My reason has never changed.

I became involved to help make a difference in the lives and the future of my children ... government is only as good as the leaders we elect.

And that is why I stay.


Spank That Donkey said...

It's also why you are #1 on the BNN rankings!

Anonymous said...

To bad you continue to hold fast to a two party system that is corrupt

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Spanky, thanks. I do not know what I did to earn that spot but am grateful.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Anonymous, that is the type of cynical statement that sounds as if it comes from someone who is not involved in politics. At least those of us who volunteer are in there trying to make a difference instead of standing on the sidelines complaining about candidates and volunteers....