Wednesday, February 06, 2008

7th District GOP Chair endorses Jim Gilmore for Senate

Republican Leader Linwood Cobb today endorsed Jim Gilmore for the U.S. Senate. A Virginia native and small business entrepreneur, Mr. Cobb is the Republican Party's chairman for the 7th Congressional District and a former Chairman of the Republican Party of Henrico County.

"This Virginia son's ability to mobilize and longtime activism are exactly the type of characteristics that are helping us shape a winning campaign organization," said Gilmore regarding Cobb's endorsement.

Mr. Cobb served on the Governor's Commission on National and Community Service, the State Board of Election where he was elected as its Chairman and the State Board of Community Colleges. "As Governor of Virginia, Jim Gilmore helped create nearly 300,000 new jobs through his pro-business policies which helped attract new companies and encouraged existing business to grow and expand in the Commonwealth," stated Cobb.

"Like Jim Gilmore, I too believe that high taxes are too great a burden on the nation's economy and on working families and that we must control government spending and grow the economy so we can create more jobs, hope and opportunity."

Jim Gilmore for Senate
Cross-posted at Bloggers 4 Jim Gilmore


Anonymous said...


what's the big deal here? I am not criticizing the post, but what is the "newsworthy" aspect here? Cobb endorsed Bill Bolling (a fellow
7th District Resident) for Lt. Gov. in 2005. Now he's endorsing Gilmore for Senate in 2008. Gilmore ofcourse also resides in the 7th Congressional District. The headline here should read, "Breaking, hometown boy supports hometown boy." When Gilmore starts snatching down some folks in NOVA, then we would be impressed. This aint dis-respecting you at all....but why the Gilmore folks felt the need to publicize this is beyond me.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

Jimmy Steely, this is much as the other announcements of grassroots leaders statewide and national level leaders endorsing Jim Gilmore.

The good news is Governor Gilmore has the support of those closest to him which means a lot. I see merit in that even if you do not.

Hope that answers your question. Thanks for stopping by.