Tuesday, February 05, 2008

West Virginia ... all is revealed in Huckabee win

Mike Huckabee has won the 18 delegates in West Virginia's Super Tuesday presidential primary. Huckabee was polling at 16% behind Mitt Romney who was polling at 42%, so the question begs to be asked: What happened?

Huckabee and John McCain pooled resouces. Word is McCain's delegates were directed to back Huckabee to prevent a sure Romney win. And now we know why Huckabee is still in the race and, apparently, cutting deals in the back room with McCain. This is a very interesting development....

More: Look what came out of W.Va. -- McCainabee


Anonymous said...

That's politics. Get used to it.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

No joke. Knives in backs, blood sport, double-crossing, swimming with sharks ... I know all about it.

What I find interesting is Huccabee's alliance with McCain ... what would his conservative supporters think of it? Would they support McCain, someone who does not necessarily support conservative causes they believe in such as amnesty, illegal immigration, McCain-Feingold, drilling in ANWR, etc.?

Anonymous said...

Republicans doing back door dealings?
There is nothing more natural.