So what is the status of Expoland? Are they selling off tracts of land to pay the bills? Why were the Argenbrights encouraged to follow through with their proposed motocross track ... only to be turned down after eight months of meeting the requested demands?
The annual Expoland meeting to include all shareholders and the board of directors will be held tonight, Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 7:00 pm at Expoland in Fishesville (I-64 & Rt. 608). Proposed changes to the bylaws have purportedly been suggested with the ballot below.
Four Board of Director members will be voted on at Tuesday's meeting. The ballot has the four names of the people who are already on the board with space for write-in votes. It is open to the public, and the press will be there.
The Expo Board of Directors are recommending the following changes to Expo’s By-Laws.
Vote to approve all changes as recommended:
YES_______ NO_______
Otherwise, vote on each change below leaving above YES/NO blank.
2. Termination: Membership shall be transferred upon the death of said member to his or her remaining spouse or, in the absence of such spouse, shall be terminated. Membership shall also be terminated upon the request of said member, presented in writing to the Board of Directors.
Change: Delete Article III paragraph 2.
Approve YES___________ NO___________
1. ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting of this Corporation shall be held either in the month of March, April, or May each year, at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of electing Directors and transacting any other business as may lawfully come before the meeting.
Change: Delete MARCH. Approve YES_________ NO________
2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: The President, acting for the Board of Directors may call Special meetings. Ten (10)
Percent of the members may file a petition with the Board of Directors, stating their specific business, and demand a special meeting at any time.
Change: from 10% to 25% Approve YES________ NO________
4. QUORUM: At any meeting of the Board of Directors, the presence of a majority of Directors shall constitute a quorum. At any membership meeting of the Corporation, ten (10) percent of the members, either present or represented by a ballot, shall constitute a quorum.
Change: from 10% to 25% Approve YES_________ NO_________
The Expo Board of Directors are recommending the following changes to Expo’s By-Laws.
Vote to approve all changes as recommended:
YES_______ NO_______
Otherwise, vote on each change below leaving above YES/NO blank.
2. Termination: Membership shall be transferred upon the death of said member to his or her remaining spouse or, in the absence of such spouse, shall be terminated. Membership shall also be terminated upon the request of said member, presented in writing to the Board of Directors.
Change: Delete Article III paragraph 2.
Approve YES___________ NO___________
1. ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting of this Corporation shall be held either in the month of March, April, or May each year, at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of electing Directors and transacting any other business as may lawfully come before the meeting.
Change: Delete MARCH. Approve YES_________ NO________
2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: The President, acting for the Board of Directors may call Special meetings. Ten (10)
Percent of the members may file a petition with the Board of Directors, stating their specific business, and demand a special meeting at any time.
Change: from 10% to 25% Approve YES________ NO________
4. QUORUM: At any meeting of the Board of Directors, the presence of a majority of Directors shall constitute a quorum. At any membership meeting of the Corporation, ten (10) percent of the members, either present or represented by a ballot, shall constitute a quorum.
Change: from 10% to 25% Approve YES_________ NO_________
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