Something tells me Mike isn't crazy about the snow today. Meanwhile, we're yipping at our house ... SWAC Daughter is heading into the back yard with her snowboard as the flakes continue to fall.
With the woodstove cranked (because the temperature is mid-teens at 1:00 pm ... brrr), I've got a roast and veggies cooking and we have apple cider and hot chocolate to warm us up.
Snow is still falling heavily so we ventured outside to take photos and watch SWAC Daughter surf the back yard. The snow was mid-calf on me and in five minutes I was completely covered. The wind chill is in the single digits and it is cold!
It's definitely a snowy winter day and we're enjoying it in the Shenandoah Valley....
Update: Mike wrote to say they have a birthday party tomorrow for one of the boys so this snow is gumming up the works. I understand ... this would put a damper on something like that. They could let the kids make a birthday snowman for his son complete with party hat and balloons tied to its stick arms for a birthday to remember.
Meanwhile, Bob has taken snow photos in his part of Augusta. Gorgeous.
Update #2: Many thanks to Pat Austin at And So It Goes In Shreveport for the link.
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
30 January 2010
With the woodstove cranked (because the temperature is mid-teens at 1:00 pm ... brrr), I've got a roast and veggies cooking and we have apple cider and hot chocolate to warm us up.
Snow is still falling heavily so we ventured outside to take photos and watch SWAC Daughter surf the back yard. The snow was mid-calf on me and in five minutes I was completely covered. The wind chill is in the single digits and it is cold!
It's definitely a snowy winter day and we're enjoying it in the Shenandoah Valley....
Update: Mike wrote to say they have a birthday party tomorrow for one of the boys so this snow is gumming up the works. I understand ... this would put a damper on something like that. They could let the kids make a birthday snowman for his son complete with party hat and balloons tied to its stick arms for a birthday to remember.
Meanwhile, Bob has taken snow photos in his part of Augusta. Gorgeous.
Update #2: Many thanks to Pat Austin at And So It Goes In Shreveport for the link.
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
30 January 2010
We've got a birthday party planned for Sunday afternoon. (the youngest will be nine). Less snow would be better for me.
Get Pictures! I can't believe this 'ski resort' picture from my own back yard!
Mike, that's a bummer.
Hey -- I know! Have a snowman party! All the kids come dressed for the snow and build a snowman in honor of your son's birthday! Birthday hat on his head, balloons attached to his stick arms ... it would be a birthday to remember. :)
Bob, your photos are beautiful. I'm linking....
Lovely photos! Linking!
(Found you via Mike)
Pat, thanks for the link and the kind words!
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