Monday, October 30, 2006

Drive-by Anonymous blog comments....

It happened again today. Some anonymous person left a drive-by negative personal attack comment on my blog ... which is the way they like to operate ... hide behind the "anonymous" label. Isn't the blogosphere made up of interesting people?

Semper Fi ... for Nate

So He sent me.....

A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist, a certified Liberal Democrat, and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.

Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still waiting."

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What the heck is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The Marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting America's troops who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot.... So He sent me."

God bless our American troops, their families, and our President who are fighting daily in the War on Terrorism to keep us safe from harm.

This one's for you, Nate. God bless ... be safe in Iraq. Love you, my dear friend.... emailing into Virginia....

Still doubt is in Virginia politics? Check out this email....

Dear MoveOn member,

A living room can be a very powerful place. When we started MoveOn eight
years ago, from our living room, Joan and I thought we were just starting a
quick online "flash campaign" to help restore sanity to Congress. Then we
could get back to our lives. Well, eight years later, we're still working
from our living room, but we're working with millions of wonderful people
across the nation to turn our country around. And, finally, it's turning.

Now, we need your living room. Just for an afternoon.

More than three dozen key races are now considered toss-ups in the election
on November 7th. A few thousand votes can and will make the difference. We
can throw the radical right-wing Republican congressional leadership out of

We've already made over two million calls together, reaching out to
Democratic voters in these toss-up districts, but we've got to make millions
more before the election. We're aiming to get 50,000 people phoning for the
last push. And to do that we need to have 1,200 house parties—in just about
every town and city in the country—during the final weekend and on election

That's where you come in. Can you lend us your living room, for just one
afternoon, for MoveOn members to make these calls Nov. 4th, 5th or 7th?

Just go here for more info or to sign up.

Already, we have 750 phone parties booked. And 40,000 people have made
calls. So folks are charged up. But we need more good people to open their
homes for the final push.

So many times in the last eight years we've been moved beyond words by the
passion and energy of MoveOn members. Together, we've stood up time and time
again to meet the very worst that this radical Congress and the Bush
administration could throw at us.

But rising together to face each new crisis is not enough. If we're ever to
realize our vision for a peaceful, honest, and fair nation, we've got to
fire this Congress and start fresh. We've always known this. But this week
we can actually do it.

There are dozens of folks right near you in the the Roanoke area, ready to
roll up their sleeves this final weekend and on Election Day. But there's no
party close enough yet to make it work. Everything—everything—depends on
whether or not they can find a place to gather to make these crucial calls.

Please, sign up to close the gap today:

Thanks for all that you've done, and for going the extra mile when it
matters most.

–Wes Boyd and Joan Blades, Co-Founders Political Action
Sunday, October 29th, 2006

OK, Republicans ... are you ready to roll up your sleeves and work harder during this final week leading up to Election Day? We need everyone to do everything they can to re-elect GEORGE ALLEN and BOB GOODLATTE ... and vote YES on the Marriage Amendment.

Stay strong for freedom ... and vote on November 7. phone banking into Virginia....

GOTV call received by Staunton resident

George Soros and are mixing it up big-time in Virginia politics. Not only are they organizing Democrats statewide, pouring money into campaigns, and paying bloggers to sling mud and cloud the message ... they are now on record as making Get Out The Vote calls into the Commonwealth.

A Staunton resident received a call Sunday night from someone in San Francisco phoning on behalf of He was questioned about who he was supporting in the Senate race.

If you had any doubt before about the very liberal's involvement in Virginia politics ... this should put an end to it.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Memo to Steve Jarding....

"Let's talk about negative campaigning, shall we?"

The Ward View takes Steve Jarding to task for his snarky response to Mary Matalin. Ward, you said it better than I ever could ... and I than you for it. I feel better now!

Senator Allen's visit to Staunton ... photos

Friday's breakfast had over 100 supporters at Rowe's Restaurant.

We Support Our Troops. Semper Fi. phone banking into Virginia....

GOTV call received by Staunton resident

George Soros and are mixing it up big-time now in Virginia politics. Not only are they organizing Democrats statewide, pouring money into campaigns, and paying bloggers to sling mud and cloud the message ... they are now on record as making Get Out The Vote calls into Virginia.

A Staunton resident received a call tonight from someone in San Francisco calling on behalf of The question was who he was supporting in the Senate race.

If you had any doubt before about the very liberal in Virginia politics ... this should put an end to it.

Waynesboro News Virginian endorses George Allen

Allen has experience, proven record
The News Virginian
Sunday, October 29, 2006

The U.S. Senate campaign in Virginia has been fraught with missteps by both candidates and attempts by both parties to divert voters’ attentions from the key issues.

But when voters go into their polling places a week from Tuesday and focus on the issues and what the candidates stand for, the choice is clear.

Only one candidate has the experience of running Virginia’s state government - and being one of the most effective governors in recent history.

Only one candidate has been not only a U.S. Senator but also a member of the House of Representatives and before that a member of the Virginia House of Delegates - and has been an effective legislator at that.

And only one candidate will stand up for the conservative values that are important to Valley voters.

That candidate, of course, is George Allen.

As governor from 1994-98, Allen led a number of initiatives that have proven to be extremely effective, including the abolition of parole for violent criminals, welfare reform, and state regulatory changes. Economic development in the state soared during his term, and Virginia was recognized as one of the best managed states in the nation.

In his first term in the Senate, Allen has risen to chairmanship of several subcommittees - as well as leading the Republican senatorial campaigns in 2004 - and has been an effective advocate on issues important to Virginians - including technology and jobs.

From criminal justice to taxes to energy to homeland security, Allen is right on the issues. And there is something to be said about the company that politicians keep. Allen is supported by two of Virginia’s most senior statesmen, who come from different sides of the aisle: U.S. Sen. John Warner, a Republican, and state Sen. Benjamin Lambert of Richmond, a Democrat. His opponent, on the other hand, enjoys the support of such liberals as John Edwards and Hillary Clinton.

Allen has stumbled in this campaign. Those mistakes have turned what should have been a runaway into a squeaker. They have jeopardized his presidential ambitions. But we believe that a lifetime of sound public service outweighs a wayward sound bite.

This election is critical. Control of Congress lies in the balance. Virginia - and the Valley - needs strong, conservative leadership in the U.S. Senate. On Nov. 7, we urge you to re-elect Sen. George Allen.

Senator George Allen's visit to Staunton

Staunton News Leader misses it again....

So ...

Staunton is a cozy small town of about 24,000 folks.

Rowe's Restaurant is famous worldwide as the place to go for homecooked meals in this area.

Senator George Allen is a sitting United States Senator in a re-election campaign.

Why, then, did the Staunton News Leader ignore Senator Allen's Friday visit to Rowe's? Their reporter was sitting right there in the midst of over 100 Republicans who came out early on a rainy, foggy morning to show their support for the Senator.

After all, the Misleader covered Jim Webb's visit to Harrisonburg on Thursday.

You mean ... they can cover a candidate visiting Harrisonburg which is 30 miles away ... but not a United States Senator visiting right here in their own town?

Why not report on Senator Allen's stop in Staunton on a very busy day? Why not report how many people turned out -- taking over half of Rowe's? Why not report the enthusiastic reception he received?

He was accompanied by four Republican representatives from this area - State Senator Emmett Hanger, Delegate Steve Landes, Delegate Chris Saxman, and Delegate Ben Cline. Five Republican representatives in one place ... but that must not be newsworthy enough for the prima donna News Leader.

Maybe if we could get President George W. Bush to come to town ... nah. They wouldn't be interested in him, either ... doesn't have a "D" behind his name.

It's disappointing to have a local newspaper that is not interested in covering the electeds who were voted into office by 70% of the local population.

The News Leader missed it again....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

So NOW they want to talk issues???

Webb's trashy writings finally hit mainstream media

I read a headline on Raising Kaine ... "The Allen Campaign Smears Jim Webb" ... and had to shake my head. What does Raising Kaine think it's been doing to George Allen for months? Spreading lies is considered "smear" in my book ... and they have become masters at smearing or "swiftboating," as they like to call it.

Yesterday the local NBC affiliate finally picked up on smutty passages in novels written by Jim Webb. They interviewed a local Democrat who expressed dismay that this was the topic ... she voiced the need to "discuss the issues."


Does anyone remember all the pleas from conservative bloggers and Senator George Allen who have asked for months now to discuss issues in this campaign?

The mainstream media have given Webb a pass ... have let him skate ... have refused to ask the hard questions or determine Webb's position on key issues. Indeed, the Washington Post has endorsed this practically unknown candidate ... yet when the pornographic, pedophilia-laced, trashy writings of this man began to be exposed ... the dems started yelling ISSUES?

But, then, this is the Party that keeps reelecting former Ku Klux Klan leader Robert Byrd to the United States Senate over and over and over and over.... And this is the same Party that keeps reelecting Chappaquidick-drowner Ted Kennedy to the United States Senate over and over and over.... And this is the Party that kept reelecting Congressional-page molester Gerry Stubbs to the United States House of Representatives over and over and over....

OK. Let's talk issues. But let's also expose what is known about Jim Webb so the voters of the Commonwealth of Virginia will know exactly who he is before they go to the polls on November 7.

Friday, October 27, 2006


However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.
- François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more.

Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead;
Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead.
- Anna Cummins

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare;
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Susan Allen in Waynesboro....

Attended a dinner tonight in a Waynesboro restaurant with Susan Allen. What a lady. She's articulate and an excellent stand-in for her husband who was off campaigning elsewhere.

A small dinner was planned, just something to kind of unwind and let local supporters spend time with the Senator's wife ... maybe 15 or 20 folks. We had almost 50 people show up! What fun ... spending time with fellow Republicans who are working hard to re-elect George Allen. What a treat to spend time with Susan Allen who is working tirelessly for her husband.

Keep working ... keep phoning ... continue to write letters to the editor ... be sure everyone around you plans to vote ... work the polls on Election Day ... don't slow down! We're only 11 days away ... and we will win this.

Stay strong for freedom!

Drudge reports on Webb trashy novels....

Breaking ... The Drudge Report is reporting on Jim Webb's trashy novels that demean women and blacks, and depict explicit sexual situations. This is what I reported on before ... but the mainstream media wasn't interested ... not even the local Misleader. "It's only fiction," we kept hearing from Webb supporters ... except if George Allen had written that trash it would be splashed on the front page of every mainstream newspaper in the United States. Is that what I want from my United States Senator?

SWAC Girl wrote in the October 19, 2006, post, "Jim Webb, author of trashy fiction...":

Where is the drive-by mainstream media once again?

If George Allen had written some of the trash I have read printed under the guise of literature from Jim Webb, it would be splashed on the front pages of every newspaper in the country.

Do I want as my United States Senator someone who has expressed himself by writing things I wouldn't be comfortable reading out loud? I'm flashing back to the Clinton Administration when a new generation of young people learned about oral sex and how to avoid answering a question by asking what the meaning of is is.

Right Wing News has this post asking the same question. One particular section in a book called Lost Soldiers, page 333, reads:"The man grabbed his young son in his arms, turned him upside down, and put the boy's penis in his mouth."


Right Wing News writes:

Folks, I will grant you that this is a work of fiction, but it's still a very strange and disturbing passage and are you going to try to tell me that a Senate candidate writing graphic descriptions of pedophilia and incest isn't a story? Come on! It goes without saying that any Republican who wrote this sort of thing and ran for office would be absolutely ripped into a thousand pieces by the mainstream media. Meanwhile, the MSM isn't even showing the people of Virginia these passages so that they can make up their own minds about how relevant they are.

It's just typical media bias. The hypocrisy overwhelms as I think about the recent Foley incident.

Here are other quotes from Webb's books:

"...(T)hey want stupid n*ggers, they'd all pay to see a dumb*ss n*gger." -- P.302, Fields of Fire

"[ed] a naked young stripper do the splits over a banana. She stood back up, her face smiling proudly and her round breasts glistening from a spotlight in the dim bar, and left the banana on the bar, cut in four equal sections by the muscles of her vagina." -- P.36, Something to Die For

"Don't know why I crave watermelon the way I have over the past few weeks. Jimmy says I must have a n*gger in the woodpile." -- P.34, A Country Such As This

"You're so nice, sometimes I forget you're a Yankee. What you all don't understand is, some of my best friends really are n*ggers. N*ggers are just different, that's all. What's wrong with that?" -- P.34, A Country Such As This

I would urge you to go to Right Wing's website and read the entire post and a previous post with excerpts from other Webb books.

Remember ... this is a United States Senate race. Do I want the Statesman ... or the trashy novel writer? What's the missing-in-action mainstream media afraid of? Why won't they print this stuff - especially here in the very conservative Shenandoah Valley - so voters will know everything about Jim Webb before the election?

Bummer when Blogger is down....

"A day without blogging is like a day without..."

Yesterday was a bummer. I was blogger-less. SWAC Girl's site was down for almost 24 hours ... then it was back - but, by the time I was able to break away from work to blog, it was down again ... this time because of Blogger.


The bad news: I didn't get to post anything yesterday other than to announce I was back ... only to be muffled again by Blogger going down.

The good news: I got plenty of sleep last night!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

SWAC Girl is Back...

Due to technical problems SWAC Girl was out of commission for almost 24 hours ... but I'm back.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Disrespect from the Angry Left....

What is it with these people?

Inside the Beltway
The Washington Times - October 23, 2006
By John McCaslin

"Mrs. Macaca"

Supporters of Virginia Sen. George Allen -- or perhaps in this case we should say supporters of his wife, Susan Allen -- are outraged by a letter to the editor from Jan Falk of Fairfax Station, published Thursday in the Centre View newspaper in Centreville.

"If this is how she is teaching her children to talk to people, then I can only feel sorry for her children and her family," one Allen supporter said of the letter. "What a sad state of affairs when adults are teaching our children to be disrespectful to those we may not agree with."

Mrs. Falk's letter, "True Story About 'Mrs. Macaca,' " reads in part:

"To the Editor: We had an interesting experience at Clifton Day this year. Myself, my 11-year-old son and a friend were walking up the street in the big crowd when we encountered Mrs. George Allen and her entourage ...

"We are a very political family and we talk politics around the breakfast and dinner table on a daily basis. For some reason, Mrs. Allen introduced herself to my son, who has a sweet 'howdy-doody' face with freckles. Here is the exchange:

"Mrs. Allen: 'I am Mrs. George Allen.'

"My son: 'You suck.'

"Me: 'She's Mrs. Macaca.'

"Mrs. Allen: 'Oooooo, don't teach your children to hate.'

"Me: 'Teach your children to think.' (We chant) 'Stop the corruption.'

"And she was whisked away by her handlers. I get the sense, like George W. [Bush], she isn't used to opposition and the usual crowd is laced, ahead of time, with only supporters. I have never been more proud of my son. We are teaching respect on a case-by-case basis, not on arbitrary parameters having to do with social position or age."

Mr. Allen is running in a very tight race to keep his Republican Senate seat against Democratic challenger James H. Webb Jr., former secretary of the Navy.

Today there is a follow-up column from John McCaslin describing how his mailbox overflowed with emails from readers, including Democrats, who were upset about how Susan Allen was treated. His favorite was from David Hoyt who said:

"I guess Mrs. Falk doesn't realize the foolishness of teaching her children respect on a case-by-case basis. Suppose her children decide some day that she doesn't deserve respect. Wouldn't that be a delicious outcome? After all, when you make it a subjective decision as to who deserves respect, well you get what you deserve."

This must be the type of parent raising the angry anti-war, anti-Bush demonstrators I encountered in Richmond last week.

I noticed Mrs. Falk mentions herself first in her letter when listing those involved - "Myself, my 11-year-old son, and a friend..." - which goes against the way my parents raised me: "God first, others second, myself third."

"There's some good in this world ... and it's worth fighting for"

Got home early last night - around midnight - early for these campaign days of putting in 12- and 16-hour days at headquarters. I work hard as a volunteer ... the local activists say I live at HQs. Not true ... but not far off....

My 19-year-old daughter was still awake when I walked in the door. She hugged me and we sat in the living room and talked and talked ... even teens need their mommies once in a while.

She understands my need to help in the political process. I got involved in politics in 1999 when she was 12 years old - the first BUSH campaign. She's lived with this for a long time. She sees my intensity. She learned American history, government, and politics from me - her home school teacher.

After 9/11 it became more intense. I felt an urgency, a need to do what I could to put the right leaders in position to protect my family and my country.

My daughter shares my love of America and, while not the political junkie I am, she understands my need to be involved. She sees my interest and love of politics ... but she also sees when I'm tired, beat down, feeling the attacks from the democrats....

We talked a long while about all sorts of things ... and then she put in the DVD player "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers," a movie I had not seen. She fast-forwarded to one particular scene.

It brought tears to my eyes ... because it proved without a doubt that she got it. She understood what I was doing. She understood what I was going through.

She was showing me a scene between Frodo and Sam where Frodo feels he can't go on ... and Sam is explaining how and why they must go on. I hugged my daughter to me and told her it was exactly what I needed to see ... and somehow my sweet girl had known that.

Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.

Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam: There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.

Monday, October 23, 2006

President Bush visits Richmond

Anti-war protesters threatened by presence
of pro-America demonstrators

Photos by Flora McDonald (

Three against the storm ... SWAC Girl and two friends traveled to Richmond to show support for President George W. Bush.

What is it about anti-war protesters that makes them so filled with hate? For several hours yesterday afternoon I flashed back to the 1960s....

If you love your country, respect your President, support the troops, and want to show honor for them ... you should have the right to stand peacefully on the street and demonstrate that ... right?

Then why did a hundred hate-America, hate-Bush, hate-freedom anti-war protesters feel so threatened by three American flag-holding patriots?

They mocked us. They shouted profanities at us. They surrounded us. They chanted ugly slogans. They taunted us.

We stood with dignity ... refusing to be pulled into their rage-filled world. We stood silently, holding American flags ... and holding signs that said ...

"Virginia is BUSH Country" ~ "We will not forget ... Remember 9/11" ~ "HONK ... If You Support Our Troops" ~ "We Support Bush-Cheney" ~ "Freedom Isn't Free"

We were across the street from them ... purposely choosing to separate ourselves ... partly so we would stand out more to the President when he arrived, and partly in fear of our safety.

They taunted from across the street ... and then they began to flood toward us with their hate-filled signs to fill in around where we were standing. They began to shout and yell insults ... we ignored them.

On the opposite side of Broad Street, Richmond's Finest, many officers of the Richmond Police Force, had observed it all since our arrival an hour earlier ... and at that time a number of them crossed the street and stood behind us, offering a barrier between us and the protesters.

A short time later all protesters were ordered back to their side of the street. They argued, they mocked ... and they were told they were harrassing us and it would cause civil unrest ... and the officers were ordered to get them away from us. The protesters angrily crossed back to their side of the street but shouted at the police ... and then directed their hatred at us. They shouted, they chanted, they banged drums and waved signs.

Three American patriots standing silently holding American flags to show President Bush that there were Americans who supported him.

Why did that threaten the anti-war protesters so much?

The police were wonderful ... and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts because we were truly afraid for our safety.

One officer walked over as we held the "Honk If You Support the Troops" sign and said, "Honk!"

Another police officer standing nearby leaned in and said, "There should be three of them ... and 3,000 of you."

Several officers overheard that one of us had lost a son in Iraq ... and later approached to express gratitude ... and one said he had served in Desert Storm ... and when I asked what branch of the military, he was so emotional he couldn't respond.

Meanwhile, the insanity from the other side continued. Their signs said:

"Jim Webb for Senate" ~ "Bush Sucks" ~ "Bush: Motha F*cker" ~ "Bush & Allen tell lies" ~ "Impeach Bush for Incompetency" ~ "Allen is a racist" ~ "Macaca accomplished" ~ "Time for a change" ~ "No noose is good noose" ~ "Monica Lewinsky had more president in her than Bush ever will" ~ "Keep families intact; vote no on Amendment # 1" ~ "Dump the Dick-tater" ~ "Bush eats babies" ~ "Old dirty bastard President" ~ "Our policies make their terrorists" ~ Quit. Moron!" ~ "Freedom from torture" ~ "Prez lying, troops dying, NSA spying"

They shouted insults and chants across the street at us. For three hours they kept it up:

- "One, two, three, four - we don't want your f*cking war"- "F*ck Bush"- "Impeach Bush"- "Bush sucks donkey d*ck"- "Rejoice when body bags come home"

And my personal favorite: "What do we want? Peace. When do we want it? Now."

I wondered what part of YOU'VE HAD NO BOMBS DROPPING ON YOUR HEAD FOR FIVE YEARS did they not get??

A Peace and Coalition person who looked to be in his 60s broke ranks and ran into the street, waving for others to follow. The police quickly quelled that situation but it could have gotten ugly.

As the President was leaving, the protesters swarmed in front of us ... and an old man standing directly in front of me stuck his middle finger in the air at the Presidential motorcade.

After the President left and as the police were leaving, the protesters surrounded us and shouted profanities in our faces, and one dem woman shouted to "Vote Democrat even if you don't like Webb. The Republicans want the draft. They ruin everything."

One hippie-looking middle-aged man said, "Know what your f*cking piece of cloth means to me?" And then he spit on a small flag he was holding, stuck it in his mouth, chewed it, then spat it out and turned it upside down.

These are the WEBB supporters.

These are the Democrats.

These are the people who want to be in charge of our country, in charge of our safety against terrorism, in charge of policy.

God help us all.

We met up with blogger Flora McDonald from United Conservatives who was able to stay for about an hour but had to leave before the President's arrival so she could go to work. There were also other Bush and Allen supporters who came and went. The news media was out in force and our group was interviewed by print and TV outlets. Richmond's WRIC TV-8 had a great report at 11:00 last night.

Three anti-war protesters thanked us as they left. One man said he was ashamed of the way his side was acting and said he admired the way we presented ourselves. A hippie-looking couple told us the same thing.

One chant we heard from the other side went, "This is what democracy looks like." I, too, am the face of democracy ... so why did the protesters want to intimidate me? Why ... did they feel so threatened?

Maybe they know it keeps good people from going out on the streets to show support because they don't want to deal with that type of situation.

Or ... perhaps they realize there are millions more like us waiting to go to the polls onNovember 7.

Stand strong for freedom ... and keep the faith!

These are the WEBB supporters....

President George W. Bush visits with
Senator George Allen
Richmond, Virginia - Thursday, October 19, 2006

Us - Support the Troops and Support President Bush demonstrators
Them - Anti-war, anti-Bush protesters who are WEBB supporters

Our signs:
"Virginia is BUSH Country"
"We will not forget ... Remember 9/11"
"HONK ... If You Support Our Troops"
"We Support Bush-Cheney"
"Freedom Isn't Free"

Their signs:
"Jim Webb for Senate"
"Bush Sucks"
"Bush: Motha F*cker"
"Bush & Allen tell lies"
"Impeach Bush for Incompetency"
"Allen is a racist"
"Macaca accomplished"
"Time for a change"
"No noose is good noose"
"Monica Lewinsky had more president in her than Bush ever will"
"Keep families intact; vote no on Amendment # 1"
"Dump the Dick-tater"
"Bush eats babies"
"Old dirty bastard President"
"Our policies make their terrorists"
"Quit. Moron!"
"Freedom from torture"
"Prez lying, troops dying, NSA spying"

These are the WEBB supporters.

Their chants:
"One, two, three, four - we don't want your f*cking war"
"F*ck Bush"
"Impeach Bush"
"Bush sucks donkey d*ck"
"Rejoice when body bags come home"
"What do we want? Peace. When do we want it? Now." (What part of YOU'VE HAD NO BOMBS DROPPING ON YOUR HEAD FOR FIVE YEARS did they not get?)

These are the WEBB supporters.

Our people:
We stood holding American flags and a Support the Troops flag.

Their people:
One hippie-looking middle-aged man said, "Know what your f*cking piece of cloth means to me?" And then he spit on a small flag he was holding, stuck it in his mouth, chewed it, then spat it out and turned it upside down.

These are the WEBB supporters.

These are the Democrats.

These are the people who want to be in charge of our country, in charge of our safety against terrorism, in charge of policy.

Keep the faith ... vote on November 7 ... and stand strong for freedom!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The angry Left....

President George W. Bush visits with Senator George Allen
Richmond, Virginia - Thursday, October 19, 2006

Us - Support the Troops and Our President demonstrators
Them - Anti-war, anti-Bush protesters

Our signs:
"Virginia is BUSH Country"
"We will not forget ... Remember 9/11"
"HONK ... If You Support Our Troops"
"We Support Bush-Cheney."

Their signs:
"Jim Webb for Senate"
"Bush Sucks"
"Bush: Motha F*cker"
"Bush & Allen tell lies"
"Impeach Bush for Incompetency"
"Allen is a racist"
"Macaca accomplished"
"Time for a change"
"No noose is good noose"
"Monica Lewinsky had more president in her than Bush ever will"
"Keep families intact; vote no on Amendment # 1"
"Dump the Dick-tater"
"Bush eats babies"
"Old dirty bastard President"
"Our policies make their terrorists"
"Quit. Moron!"
"Freedom from torture"
"Prez lying, troops dying, NSA spying"

Their chants:
"One, two, three, four - we don't want your f*cking war"
"F*ck Bush"
"Impeach Bush"
"Bush sucks donkey d*ck"
"Rejoice when body bags come home"
"What do we want? Peace. When do we want it? Now." (What part of YOU'VE HAD NO BOMBS DROPPING ON YOUR HEAD FOR FIVE YEARS did they not get?)

Our people:
We stood holding American flags and a Support the Troops flag.

Their people:
One hippie-looking middle-aged man said, "Know what your f*cking piece of cloth means to me?" And then he spit on a small flag he was holding, stuck it in his mouth, chewed it, then spat it out and turned it upside down.

These are the WEBB supporters.

These are the Democrats.

These are the people who want to be in charge of our country, in charge of our safety against terrorism, in charge of policy.

Keep the faith ... vote on November 7 ... and stand strong for freedom!

Jim Webb Sold Man ... from UC's Flora

She's done it again....

After her successful video, "Jim Webb's Dark Ride," Flora McDonnell at United Conservatives has a new video called "Jim Webb Sold Man." Great job, Flora!

Richmond Times-Dispatch Endorses George Allen

T-D endorsed Allen for Governor and Senator in the past with no regrets

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has endorsed Senator George Allen for re-election to the U.S. Senate. In today's editorial, "Allen for Senate," they list their reasons beginning when Allen was Governor:

As governor, Allen ranked as one of Virginia's most estimable -- and revolutionary -- of the 20th century. He persuaded a Democratic legislature to abolish parole, dramatically reform both welfare and the juvenile justice system, approve parental notification, and -- to raise academic performance -- establish a Standards of Learning program emulated nationwide.

They follow up with Allen's run for the U.S. Senate in 2000:

Allen's victory over Charles Robb in 2000 proved the only defeat of an incumbent senator seeking re-election that year. Allen exceeded expectations for a first-term senator with, for instance, (a) his successful support of Roger Gregory for a permanent seat on the Richmond-based 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, (b) a measure for federal funding of next-wave nanotechnology, and (c) a bill to block taxes on Internet access.

Because of his success in the Senate, Allen was chosen to lead the battle to gain control of the Senate in 2004:

He was so effective as a first-term senator that in 2004 he was named head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the Republicans gained a stunning four seats -- including that of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle.

The Times-Dispatch gets it in the War on Terrorism with this:

Allen's opponent in this race, echoing Democrats everywhere, has cast Allen's ... backing of the president as sufficient reason for Allen's defeat.

On the contrary, in standing with a president whose election The Times-Dispatch has twice endorsed as well, Allen's support of the president in combating the 21st century's most serious threat to America and to liberty throughout the world -- speaks persuasively for his Senate re-election.

They offer a short list of some of the issues that "rule decisively in favor of George Allen" including his support in the War on Terrorism, his understanding that we must have a strong defense to protect National Security, his understanding that the U.S. needs to break from dependence of foreign oil, his backing of health savings accounts, his support of President Bush's federal tax cuts and the need that they be made permanent, and more.

You must read this editorial endorsement that ends with this:

In all, we concur with Senator John Warner's view of his fellow senator: George Allen "is honorable, thoughtful, and a principled man . . . . We make a good team, and we've worked together successfully on many issues. George has my vote."

He has ours, too. And The Times-Dispatch encourages you to give him yours.

Intolerance from the Left?

Here's an interesting development.

In Harrisonburg, Virginia, Luis Padilla was fired - FIRED - from his job at Cargill because he had a Marriage Amendment bumper sticker on his vehicle in the company parking lot ...

... on his own, personal vehicle ... not a company vehicle ...

... a bumper sticker ... not unlike what many of us display on our vehicles supporting causes, candidates, the whales ... whatever!

After "receiving complaints," the company warned him. So the next day he parked outside the company parking lot ... but was fired anyway because he was told his vehicle was still on company property.

Can anyone say "i-n-t-o-l-e-r-a-n-c-e"?

In Staunton and Augusta County, some restaurants and businesses displaying George Allen signs on their property have received harrassing phone calls and visits from angry liberals complaining they won't eat or shop there anymore.


And now Mr. Padilla is fired in Harrisonburg for displaying a Marriage Amendment bumper sticker on his own vehicle.

Can anyone say "c-o-m-m-u-n-i-s-m"?

So today it's the Marriage Amendment sign ... tomorrow it could be my Republican candidate sign. Where's the ACLU? They need to defend this man for wrongful firing. And the company needs to be slapped upside the head.

I'm telling you ... people had better wake up! The libs want it their way and, though they proclaim to entertain tolerance for all, what they really mean is tolerance only for those who think like they do. The rest of us can go to hell in a handbasket.

Write a letter to the editor.

Send an email to Senator Mark Obenshain and Delegate Chris Saxman thanking them for standing up for Mr. Padilla.

Contact Cargill and let them know you disappove of their intolerance.

Spread the word to everyone that we need their vote! Work the polls for an hour on Election Day to show a strong pro-family, pro-Republican presence.

Vote on November 7th! And stay strong ... for freedom.

Flora and SWAC Girl....

Thanks to Kilo at Spark It Up!!! for his post, These Ladies Are Awesome, about Flora McDonald (United Conservatives) and me in Richmond on the street with the anti-war, anti-Bush protesters. We were sparking it up, for sure!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's the economy, Stupid!

The Stock Market passed 12,000.

It's the economy, Stupid!

Webb rejected by Vets

Kilo over at Spark It Up!!! has several posts about Jim Webb's rejection by military veterans. Be sure to read "NAM 72," "Jim Webb Rejected," and "Jim Webb Lied." Why isn't the missing-in-action media telling us about this?

Bloggers unite! Get the word out about Webb because the missing-in-action mainstream media won't.

It's up to us. We have two weeks. Keep the faith ... and stay strong for freedom!

President Bush visits Richmond....

Anti-war protesters threatened by presence
of pro-America demonstrators

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Photos by Flora McDonnell (

Three against the storm ... SWAC Girl and two friends traveled to Richmond to show support for President George W. Bush.

What is it about anti-war protesters that makes them so filled with hate? For several hours yesterday afternoon I flashed back to the 1960s....

If you love your country, respect your President, support the troops, and want to show honor for them ... you should have the right to stand peacefully on the street and demonstrate that ... right?

Then why did a hundred hate-America, hate-Bush, hate-freedom anti-war protesters feel so threatened by three American flag-holding patriots?

They mocked us. They shouted profanities at us. They surrounded us. They chanted ugly slogans. They taunted us.

We stood with dignity ... refusing to be pulled into their rage-filled world. We stood silently, holding American flags ... and holding signs that said ...

"Virginia is BUSH Country" ~ "We will not forget ... Remember 9/11" ~ "HONK ... If You Support Our Troops" ~ "We Support Bush-Cheney."

We were across the street from them ... purposely choosing to separate ourselves ... partly so we would stand out more to the President when he arrived, and partly in fear of our safety.

They taunted from across the street ... and then they began to flood toward us with their hate-filled signs to fill in around where we were standing. They began to shout and yell insults ... we ignored them.

On the opposite side of Broad Street, Richmond's Finest, many officers of the Richmond Police Force, had observed it all since our arrival an hour earlier ... and at that time a number of them crossed the street and stood behind us, offering a barrier between us and the protesters.

A short time later all protesters were ordered back to their side of the street. They argued, they mocked ... and they were told they were harrassing us and it would cause civil unrest ... and the officers were ordered to get them away from us. The protesters angrily crossed back to their side of the street but shouted at the police ... and then directed their hatred at us. They shouted, they chanted, they banged drums and waved signs.

Three American patriots standing silently holding American flags to show President Bush that there were Americans who supported him.

Why did that threaten the anti-war protesters so much?

The police were wonderful ... and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts because we were truly afraid for our safety.

One officer walked over as we held the "Honk If You Support the Troops" sign and said, "Honk!"

Another police officer standing nearby leaned in and said, "There should be three of them ... and 3,000 of you."

Several officers overheard that one of us had lost a son in Iraq ... and later approached to express gratitude ... and one said he had served in Desert Storm ... and when I asked what branch of the military, he was so emotional he couldn't respond.

Meanwhile, the insanity from the other side continued. Their signs said:

"Jim Webb for Senate" ~ "Bush Sucks" ~ "Bush: Motha F*cker" ~ "Bush & Allen tell lies" ~ "Impeach Bush for Incompetency" ~ "Allen is a racist" ~ "Macaca accomplished" ~ "Time for a change" ~ "No noose is good noose" ~ "Monica Lewinsky had more president in her than Bush ever will" ~ "Keep families intact; vote no on Amendment # 1" ~ "Dump the Dick-tater" ~ "Bush eats babies" ~ "Old dirty bastard President" ~ "Our policies make their terrorists" ~ Quit. Moron!" ~ "Freedom from torture" ~ "Prez lying, troops dying, NSA spying"

They shouted insults and chants across the street at us. For three hours they kept it up:

- "One, two, three, four - we don't want your f*cking war"
- "F*ck Bush"
- "Impeach Bush"
- "Bush sucks donkey d*ck"
- "Rejoice when body bags come home"

And my personal favorite: "What do we want? Peace. When do we want it? Now."

I wondered what part of YOU'VE HAD NO BOMBS DROPPING ON YOUR HEAD FOR FIVE YEARS did they not get??

A Peace and Coalition person who looked to be in his 60s broke ranks and ran into the street, waving for others to follow. The police quickly quelled that situation but it could have gotten ugly.

As the President was leaving, the protesters swarmed in front of us ... and an old man standing directly in front of me stuck his middle finger in the air at the Presidential motorcade.

After the President left and as the police were leaving, the protesters surrounded us and shouted profanities in our faces, and one dem woman shouted to "Vote Democrat even if you don't like Webb. The Republicans want the draft. They ruin everything."

One hippie-looking middle-aged man said, "Know what your f*cking piece of cloth means to me?" And then he spit on a small flag he was holding, stuck it in his mouth, chewed it, then spat it out and turned it upside down.

These are the WEBB supporters.

These are the Democrats.

These are the people who want to be in charge of our country, in charge of our safety against terrorism, in charge of policy.

God help us all.

We met up with blogger Flora McDonnell from United Conservatives who was able to stay for about an hour but had to leave before the President's arrival so she could go to work. There were also other Bush and Allen supporters who came and went. The news media was out in force and our group was interviewed by print and TV outlets. Richmond's WRIC TV-8 had a great report at 11:00 last night.

Three anti-war protesters thanked us as they left. One man said he was ashamed of the way his side was acting and said he admired the way we presented ourselves. A hippie-looking couple told us the same thing.

One chant we heard from the other side went, "This is what democracy looks like." I, too, am the face of democracy ... so why did the protesters want to intimidate me? Why ... did they feel so threatened?

Maybe they know it keeps good people from going out on the streets to show support because they don't want to deal with that type of situation.

Or ... perhaps they realize there are millions more like us waiting to go to the polls on November 7.

Stand strong for freedom ... and keep the faith!

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Misleader and its MIA common courtesy....

Dennis Neal over at the Staunton News Leader (affectionately called the Slantin' Misleader) wrote a post on his blog about Rhonda Winfield, the mother who lost her 19-year-old Marine son, Lance Cpl. Jason Redifer, in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005.

A Washington Post story earlier in the week relayed how Jim Webb criticized Senator George Allen because of the way he told supporters the story of how Rhonda's son died, and how he had the dog tags in his bedroom where he looked at them every morning to remind him of what this country was up against and the sacrifices made by many. The Post called Rhonda who spoke with them and verified that it was she who was grateful to Senator Allen for getting Jason's story out there.

After reading the Post story, Misleader reporter Joel Baird called Rhonda to question her about it, and she spoke frankly with him as she does with everyone. Joel has covered much of Rhonda's story from the time Jason died so he is very familiar with the family.

Back at the post, Neal thanked Baird for "making it available so quickly" meaning, I presume, Baird hung up with Rhonda and turned around right away to report to Dennis Neal and David Fritz what he had heard.

Baird then wrote a story which ran the next day, and Neal put up a post on the Misleader blog opening the discussion/criticism about Rhonda.

Rhonda heard about it as we drove back to Staunton from Richmond last night. I checked it out and was appalled. Rightside and I felt compelled to respond in defense of our friend which, of course, brought the usual condescending remarks from the familiar liberal posters.

When I added a comment saying I was saddened by Dennis Neal's post because I expected more from him, he shot back a response about my hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is all in Neal's camp. Senator Allen understands the sensitivity of Rhonda's situation and is always very considerate of her feelings. Not so the Misleader ... which stomped right into it, combat boots and all.

When I thought it couldn't go any lower, the Misleader bellied out to the point where it would have to climb up through a manhole to get into the gutter....

Flora at United Conservatives blogs President Bush visit....

It was wonderful to meet Flora McDonnell yesterday in Richmond when she came out to support President Bush and the troops. She's a proud Marine mother and a powerful blogger. Remember "Jim Webb's Dark Ride," the video she put together that was all the rage in the blogosphere? She has posted President Bush and Senator George Allen Rock Richmond on United Conservatives, and has great links to related stories and photos. Thanks, Flora, for Standing the Storm!

Wobbly Webb Woundup # 5

Here we go ... Wobbly Webb Woundup #5 over at The Ward View where he has used his lyrical talent to tie together this week's best of the best of the Jim Webb posts. Let's hear it for Ward ... thanks for the memories!

Peak leaf color this weekend in Valley

Took a drive late this beautiful Fall afternoon to the western end of Augusta County to deliver George Allen and "Vote YES for Marriage Amendment" signs to Craigsville and Augusta Springs. Our Republicans are organizing six churches in the area to vote and work the polls on Election Day so I was only too happy to transport signs out to them. That end of the county has some salt-of-the-earth people, real men's men, and strong Second Amendment and NRA supporters ... and they live in God's country.

Driving through Buffalo Gap and out through the National Forest was absolutely breath-taking. The leaves had turned scarlet and gold since earlier this week ... and I was absorbed by the beauty of it all. Earlier in the day it was a treat as I sat on my deck looking out over the mountain slopes and at the maples in my back yard.

It's Fall in the Valley and I, for one, am glad to pause and take in the wonder of it ... before high winds and rain arrive to blow the leaves off the trees. If you get a chance, slow down and smell the falling leaves....

Presidential quotes....

"We're ready, we're steady, we're resolved."
--President George W. Bush

"Stay strong for freedom."
--Senator George Allen

Wonder what part of these quotes anti-war protesters don't get?

Jim Webb: Sell-out

Who criticized Bill Clinton for having the most corrupt administration in history ... and who had Bill Clinton fund-raising with him yesterday? You guessed it ... Jim Webb. Mason Conservative nails him for it, too ... "Jim Webb: Sell-out."

43 & 44 ... George & George....

The Ward View has this great photo. A sign of things to come? One can only hope!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

George Allen endorsed by African-American newspaper

Hey, News Leader, where's your coverage of this?

Endorsement from African-American newspaper, The Richmond Voice:

This has been an election year in which Black folks have had to listen to allegations about which U.S. Senate candidate is a racist, who said the n-word, and so forth. It is sad that when they talk about Black people, it's only in the context of these trivialities and not about the issues that affect the everyday lives of Black people.

There are myriad issues that should be dominating conversations: how to ensure that our children grow up in safe, drug free and crime free neighborhoods; how to guarantee an equal playing field for our small businesses when it comes to getting government contracts; how to change the schools in our neighborhoods so they can all pass benchmarks; how to fight the HIV/AIDS ravage of our community; and how to help single parents discontinue the cycle of poverty that governs their lives.

History has shown us that when we are out of sight, we are out of mind. When the elections are over, you just might be out of mind. And if only the campaign was dominated with real issues, at least you would know that you said your piece before you were out of mind.

It was refreshing to learn that state Sen. Benjamin Lambert III had stepped out of the box and was thinking for himself instead of letting his political affiliation think for him. Regardless of what you think, what he did was gigantic because the Democratic Party has always had a noose around Black folks’ necks.

Bishop Gerald O. Glenn of Chesterfield County also spoke out against race baiting, and this newspaper, always an independent thinker, is speaking out too.

We can't live in the past forever, we must build new bridges and our first step across the bridge is to endorse Sen. George Allen, who is running for re-election. The past allows our slave masters to always tell us how to vote, and this newspaper is doing its part in breaking away from the slave shackles.

Sen. Allen’s record with the Black community may have started out blotchy, but we feel that he has learned the most about what is important to the community. We don’t have to justify our endorsement, but we want to tell our readers that a new breeze is blowing and you can either join it or stay shackled in the past.

Staunton Misleader gets it wrong ... again!

Local newspaper living inside comfy bubble of misinformation

I honestly think the Staunton News Leader is purposely misleading the public about Senator George Allen. There's no other way I could possibly explain today's editorial, "Don't burst the bubble." They accuse the Allen campaign team of insolating their candidate from the media.

The News Leader is wrong.

I was in Manassas yesterday for a news conference with Senator George Allen, Senator John Warner, Attorney General Bob McDonnell, and many distinguished veterans. The purpose of the news conference was to announce that Senator Allen had been endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Political Action Committee (VFW-PAC) and the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition. Didn't read that in your local newspaper, did you?

The press was given the opportunity to ask questions afterwards but there were none so everyone dismissed and individuals approached the Senator.

David Gregory, MSNBC reporter, tracked down George Allen and interviewed him for a long time. I could tell from the Senator's face as he smiled and patiently responded that he must have been asked the same old question again.

Where was the "bubble" in that exchange? The News Leader is wrong.

When Senator Allen flew into the Shenandoah Regional Airport at Weyers Cave on October 3, he took questions from the press afterwards ... and they all had questions ... and he responded patiently to each one. The News Leader's reporter was there and, when called on, said his question had just been asked by another reporter. The next day there was a tiny paragraph on page 3 in the left column, usually reserved for upcoming events or announcements, in the paper about Allen's visit.

Where was the "bubble" in that exchange? The News Leader is wrong.

Why hasn't the News Leader reported the news in an accurate fashion? Why do they continue to report only one side of the Allen-Webb race?

Come on, Dennis Neal and David Fritz. Let's have some accuracy. I'm tired of the same old slant. Let's see you turn your magnifying glass on Jim Webb. But that's not going to happen because Webb is your man.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Webb attacks Allen for honoring fallen Marine

I am composing a post that will tell more about this subject. Even as I type this in Republican Headquarters, Rhonda is being interviewed by WVAW-ABC Channel 16 out of Charlottesville. It will be televised tonight on Adelphia Channels 3 & 18 (11 p.m.) and Channel 19 (10 p.m.) . The following is the press release from the George Allen campaign.

ARLINGTON, VA – Jim Webb yesterday attacked Senator George Allen for honoring the memory of a Virginia woman’s Marine son, who died in Iraq, in speeches across the Commonwealth. Webb told the Washington Post that “he is offended by Allen's repeated mentions of the death of a constituent's son in Iraq.” (Mike Shear and Tim Craig, “Webb Leery of Using Service for Campaign; Veteran Blasts Allen's Public Comments”, Washington Post, October 18, 2006)

The Marine mother is Rhonda Winfield, a resident of Stuarts Draft, whose son, Lance Corporal Jason Redifer, died in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom on January 31, 2005. She “gave Allen [her son’s] dog tags after he wrote a personal note upon her son's death. She said she has encouraged Allen to talk about Jason. ‘He is my voice in a way I cannot be,’ she said, adding that the dog tags are a ‘reminder that these are real people. They are not just figures. They are not just numbers. They are real, American lives.’” (Mike Shear and Tim Craig, “Webb Leery of Using Service for Campaign; Veteran Blasts Allen's Public Comments”, Washington Post, October 18, 2006)

In the interview Webb said, "I don't think it's right to use somebody's service directly for a political reason," Webb said. "When [Allen] talks about the validity of the effort in terms of an individual who was killed in Iraq, I think that's wrong." (Mike Shear and Tim Craig, “Webb Leery of Using Service for Campaign; Veteran Blasts Allen's Public Comments”, Washington Post, October 18, 2006)

But Winfield strongly disagrees with Webb. “Senator Allen has an important message to tell Americans about our mission in Iraq. He understands the sacrifices that my son and so many others have made in the name of freedom. When he mentions Jason at speeches, people are often moved; it’s his way of honoring our troops and letting people know how personal this war can be,” she said. “There are a lot of people in this country who have sacrificed in this war and understand just how important it is to win it. We’re fortunate to have leaders like Senator Allen fighting for our troops.”

Winfield was on hand with Senator John Warner and many other veterans this morning at an event in which Senator Allen received the endorsement of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Political Action Committee and the National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition. At the event, Senator Allen mentioned Winfield and told the crowd her story which evoked a sustained applause in gratitude for the sacrifice that her son made for this country.

“Rhonda and her son, Jason, are an inspiration to us all,” Senator Allen said. “Every morning when I wake up at home, I see Lance Corporal Redifer’s dog tags on my dresser and it reminds me of the importance of standing strong in this fight against radical terrorists. It is because of brave men like Jason Redifer that Americans live in freedom and I will surely share that message whenever I have the opportunity.”

James Webb: Retract this error-strewn ad

James Webb: Retract this error-strewn ad
The Washington Times
October 18, 2006

Attack ads are one thing, but blatantly erroneous attack ads should be exposed for the political tricks they are. One such ad is Democrat James Webb's current "Steer" commercial alleging financial misdeeds by Sen. George Allen -- which Mr. Webb should promptly retract. The ad wrongly claims that Mr. Allen "tried to steer government contracts to a company that paid him in stock options," wrongly claims that Mr. Allen "hid those options for years" and wrongly claims that the options are worth $1.1 million. None of this is true.

First, the alleged "steering" of contracts -- it never happened. We're not sure what Mr. Webb's campaign is talking about here; nothing of the sort has ever even been alleged, except for this new ad. All anyone can find to support this charge is a single letter Mr. Allen wrote to the Army in 2001 which asks it to hurry up and make a decision on business sought by the Virginia high-tech company Xybernaut, on whose board Mr. Allen sat as a private citizen after he left the governorship in 1998 and left before he became senator in 2001. The Army decided against Xybernaut. That's where the matter ended. There was no "steering."

Second, the alleged "hiding" -- this also never happened. In 2001, Mr. Allen disclosed the stock options given to him by the company Commonwealth Biotechnologies -- on whose board he also sat as a private citizen. Soon those options were worthless, so he stopped disclosing them. This, it turns out, could be a mistake under the current rules. It is hardly some calculated transgression. Once Mr. Allen realized it, he asked the Senate Ethics Committee for help to resolve the question. A pretty routine affair in sum.

You wouldn't understand any of this from Mr. Webb's ad, of course, which intones dark deeds by Mr. Allen and claims that the options are worth $1.1 million. Even this is just plain wrong. The options were worth that much on March 23, 2000 -- a record high for the company -- and have plummeted since.

How could the Webb campaign think people wouldn't detect all this? They probably think voters are just too distracted by the flurry of charge-counterchange to understand and really care about the truth. Don't be fooled by such election-year tricksterism.

We had better not hear Mr. Webb or his campaigners complain about "negative advertising" after this. They've proven themselves masters of the art.

Happy 40th Birthday Delegate Chris Saxman!

Happy 40th birthday to my Delegate, Chris Saxman!

There are representatives ... and then there is Chris! He's personable, likeable, easily available in the community ... he's a family man, he "clicks" with teens, he's easy to listen to ... he's Chris!

For those not involved in politics who don't know him ... you're missing the opportunity to interact with one of the more fun-oriented guys in the House of Delegates.

I pass along many thanks for your representation of the 20th House District from the grassroots Republicans in Augusta County, Staunton, Stuarts Draft, Bridgewater, and Highland County. Enjoy your day with family and friends!

Why isn't media holding Jim Webb accountable?

Where is the missing-in-action drive-by media?

Why aren't they asking the hard questions of Jim Webb, questions that they would have followed up on if Webb had run on a Republican ticket? Why have there been negative page-one stories ad nauseum about George Allen but barely a peep about Webb?

Where's the outrage about Webb riding around a black L.A. neighborhood yelling racial slurs and pointing a gun at blacks? Where's the investigative reporting about that incident?

Why hasn't some reporter not talked with Webb's classmates from Annapolis? There's one right here in Augusta County who has written a letter to the editor of the local newspaper - and not in support of Jim Webb - but they haven't printed it yet. Why not?

Why hasn't the press talked with Ollie North who was another of Webb's classmates?

Let's see the media hold Webb accountable for what he does - or doesn't - stand for.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One year later: In memory of Lance Cpl. Daniel Bubb

Daniel Bubb, a 19-year-old Marine from Augusta County, VA, was killed in Iraq on October 17, 2005, protecting our freedoms and protecting us from terrorism. Here, on the anniversary of his death, is a letter from his family remembering a brave young man from the Shenandoah Valley.

In honor and memory of Lance Cpl. Daniel Bubb, 19, United States Marine Corps

On Oct. 17, 2005 - the eve before his 20th birthday - Daniel Bubb was killed in Iraq. Devastating grief prevented us from making a statement till now. Still it’s almost too heart rending.

Daniel was determined to be a Marine, wearing a Marine shirt under his graduation gown, saluting farewell, leaving school, bound for boot camp and his destiny.

He made L.Cpl., first tour in Iraq and was awarded a Navy-Marine Achievement Medal. Second tour, he was awarded a Purple Heart, both medals for heroism, saving lives of other Marines. They tell of his positive attitude, courage and bravery, and beaming smile. He was highly regarded by all.

Daniel’s gunny sergeant paid him utmost respect by enclosing his uniform, medals and weapons, in a full-length shadow box, unique and precious, we’d like you to see it.

Daniel comes to us in comforting dreams, one especially: He appeared in the sky above Fort Defiance School, his arms outstretched, encircling it protectively.

Daniel called one Sunday morning, from a church in California, praising the Lord, saying, “How wonderful God’s love is.” He was born again that day and he shared it with us - wow.

Daniel asked and we sent goodies to give to the Iraqi children.
They accepted them, returning his beaming smile, saying, “Love America.”

Let’s never forget Daniel’s ultimate sacrifice, though he loved life and lived it to the fullest, he died defending freedom, theirs and ours.

Let’s do our part to - “keep liberty alive” - let’s fly our flags and sing our songs, remembering and honoring Daniel, and all of our brave defenders. Thanks to all who rally ’round us, especially his beloved hometown, Grottoes.

God bless America.

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” - In honor and memory of L.Cpl. Daniel S. Bubb.

L.Cpl. Daniel Bubb’s family

Monday, October 16, 2006

George Allen's UVA friend says he never used "n" word....

I wrote in a previous post that something was fishy about the story coming from George Allen's UVA accuser saying he used the "n" word. This letter in today's Harrisonburg Daily Record backs up my suspicion. How long before the lefties try to tear down this guy? I applaud him for stepping forward.

Letter to the Editor
Harrisonburg Daily News Record
October 16, 2006

Allen Is Not A Racist

After reading stories about Sen. Allen, I feel a strong responsibility to go on record about my experience at U.Va with George. I played football at the University of Virginia from 1969-1974 (I was red shirted after my freshman year). George was a quarterback and the new guy coming in.

We took several classes together over the years, and spent a lot of time together.

For the record I will say the following:

1. From the first day I met George, he was consistent. He didn't talk much, was fairly quiet, didn't make excuses, and didn't accept excuses. He worked hard to both learn and do his job, and was the kind of person that let his actions speak for themselves;

2. I spent a lot of time with George over those years and never heard him make any racist remarks. He was an equal opportunity person and quarterback: if you messed up he let you know, and if you did a good job, he let you know. George Allen was not a racist, he was a leader. He was well respected on our team, and I was proud to be his friend.

I also knew Ken Shelton very well. I've seen several articles and statements that imply that Ken and George were very close. For the record, Ken and George were not that close. I would classify them as having been casual friends as opposed to close friends. I spent a lot of time with George and Ken was rarely included.

Not only did I not ever hear George use the N Word, I heard him tell other people not to use it and especially not to use it around him.

Michael A. McGugan
Silver Spring, MD.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dancing with the mountains....

North Fork of Shenandoah River

View from Reddish Knob

Took a ride up to Reddish Knob today to observe the changing colors of the leaves and to just get away and clear my head from the nastiness of the political season. It was a beautiful Fall day, sunny, around 60 degrees ... which made it possible to see almost forever. The breeze had a chilly edge to it but the sun warmed me up as I looked out over the Massanutten and Blue Ridge Mountains as well as Harrisonburg, Dayton, and Bridgewater in the Valley. I snapped some photos to remember my day "dancing with the mountains"....

View from Reddish Knob

North Fork of Shenandoah River

The road less taken....

October 15, 2006....

Backroads of Augusta County, Virginia, on a Fall afternoon.... paying lib bloggers to mix it up in Virginia?

So is paying bloggers around the country to get into keyboard battles with those of us in Virginia during this senatorial race? I've wondered before as I've observed comments made on various conservative blogs from people who have made it obvious they weren't here in Virginia ... and the latest mix-up with Howling Latina and the Pious One has me thinking about it again.

They both are clueless about weather in Virginia, relying on weather charts for their assumptions about February weather, something one would do if not familiar or living in the area in question.

February is a tricky month in Virginia. I know because it's my birthday month. Some years I have snow on my birthday; other years we're grilling on the deck. I spent 12 years living in North Carolina, our neighboring state. Sometimes Virginia would have snow and NC would not. Other times NC would catch snowstorms from the "four corners" area and Virginia would not.

Way back in the 1970s I took a friend to catch a plane at the Richmond airport on a balmy 70-something February day. The next day it was snowing ... I remembered thinking she may have had trouble flying out if she had been one day later.

Which brings me back to bloggers being paid to mix it up in Virginia ... is it a possibility?

Webb camp ... yawn ... continues to clutch at straws....

And so it continues....

The liberal bloggers are checking weather charts for 1973 and debating the weather patterns in Virginia and whether there was a fishing citation issued ...

... while North Korea continues to threaten the world with nuclear weapons.

You people are beyond belief. I still maintain you cannot live in Virginia because you don't know the weather ... which begs the question of where you are since you're mixing it up in this Virginia senatorial race.

One pious liberal blogger declared to have years of meteorology "training" so was absolutely positive such a weather phenomenon as seventy-something temps one day and snow the next was impossible. Ha! Here in Virginia that is absolutely possible. I was born and raised here; I know the weather. There are weather conditions where storms form in the "four corners" area and move across the states to the south of Virginia without affecting us with snow. There, again, if you lived here you'd realize that.

So, HL and Pious One, how do you feel about North Korea thumbing its nose at the rest of the world and testing nukes? Can you look beyond the end of your noses at the world situation and show some concern for something besides your all-consuming hatred of anything conservative?

It's time to decide who is the better defender of freedom. My choice is George Allen.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Webb camp ... yawn ... has another "exclusive"....

Here we go again....

Not Larry Sabato thought he had a scoop, a real-ly big story, an exclusive. He was going to pull the rug out from beneath George Allen.


Come on, NLS. Why do you insist on being the water boy for the Webb camp's muddy campaign? Can't we talk issues? What in the heck does a fishing license infraction over 30 years ago have to do with today's senatorial race? Are you guys that desperate to win? Never mind; I already know the answer.

Then, over at Howling Latina, was this:

Well, Howling Latina doesn't know what the exact temperature was on February 15, 1973, the date of the legal infraction but...if she were a betting person, she'd bet the farm she doesn't own that if Allen went fishing, he was the only fool in the entire state to have done so. Let's face it, frosty February ain't exactly fishing weather.

I'll take that bet, HL. And where do you live anyway? It must not be Virginia because in this part of the world it can be quite mild in February. Even here in the Shenandoah Valley we can have days in the 70s in February; in fact, it can be a mild 70-something one day and snow the next. That's the nature of Virginia weather. So the only fool would be you, HL. Where exactly are you anyway? Can't be in Virginia ... because we most certainly can fish at that time of year.

Want to talk issues, anyone?

Augusta County is ALLEN Country!

Spent today driving around Augusta County putting up 4x4 and 4x8 signs. The sheer number of ALLEN signs was a sight to see! When I stopped to ask a gentleman about the location of a place that had asked for a sign, he invited me to put a 4x8 in his field and said he was a straight-down-the-ticket Republican. He said he used to vote occasionally for a Democrat until the abortion issue came up. In his mind that was legalized murder ... and he changed to all Republican candidates from then on. I happily put the sign in his field.

Topped off the day with a pretzel from the Farmers Market in Dayton. Yum ... best soft pretzels in the world.

Ratio of ALLEN to Webb signs: 9 to 1.

Augusta County, Virginia, is ALLEN COUNTRY!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

VA Blog Carnival ready for your review....

Spank That Donkey has done a great job hosting this week's VA Blog Carnival which includes SWAC Girl's first-ever entry to the Carnival.

Allen-Webb Debate ... the statesman and the boxer....

A political junkie's dream-come-true....

Quick! Someone pinch me! There were three Senate campaign debates and I was offered the opportunity to attend each one -- a political junkie's dream-come-true -- first at the Homestead, then Fairfax, and finally in Richmond.

Tonight I had the pleasure of sitting in the studio audience at WCVE-TV in Richmond to observe the last debate between Senator George Allen and Jim Webb. What a contrast in styles between the two men! One is the statesman; the other is not. One has a civil presence about him; the other has a smugness that betrays a short fuse. One has worked his way up through the ranks to become Senator to the people of Virginia; the other skipped the preliminaries and is trying to jump to the top. One shows he knows his stuff; the other just shows his stuff. One looks at ease; the other's neck flares and he looks as if his head will pop off his shoulders! Those observations were the same in the first debate, then the second, and now the third. Nothing has changed.

Not much new came out of this debate. And I could just scream if I hear another question about "macaca" or the "n" word ... haven't we covered that ground a number of times already? For pete's sake ... I'm ready to move to new territory. Let's talk issues!

Where were the questions about North Korea's nuclear possibilities? We may have nukes from a raging lunatic falling on our heads ... and they're asking questions about macaca! The most important thing in our lifetime if national security ... and they are still worrying about some made-up word. Puh-leeze!

Short and sweet: Who will keep me safe? George Allen. Who will protect our country from terrorism? George Allen. Who will watch out for our troops and bring them home when their mission is complete? George Allen. If we're not safe from terrorism at home, nothing else matters. Jim Webb has joined the Democrats and their worn-out playbook on national security: do nothing and hope for the best. Thanks ... but no thanks.

The Senator and Webb checked out the debate area at 7:20 while the audience of about 200 was still trickling in. At 7:50 they re-entered the studio and settled behind their respective podiums waiting for the 8:00 start.

The difference between the two was evident, once again, from the opening statements. George Allen began by thanking his wife Susan and those who put the debate together and those attending, and then listed his accomplishments in the past and what he hoped to achieve in the future. Webb came out of the box swinging - making accusations, denying, negatives.

The very first question after the opening statements went to Senator Allen and asked, with 2,700 Americans killed in Iraq and hundreds injured, did he still think we should stay the course in the War on Terrorism. Senator Allen mentioned Augusta County resident Rhonda Winfield who was sitting on the front row in the audience and the fact that her son had died in Iraq ... and that she supported George Allen in saying we should not retreat from Iraq. He reemphasized that we are not occupiers in Iraq but, rather, liberators who will go home when Iraq has control of their country. Webb name-dropped and said we needed a "diplomatic" solution but didn't spell out what that solution would be.

Both candidates covered familiar ground that we have all heard throughout the campaign. Webb liked to drop Republican names such as James Baker and John Warner, two that he mentioned multiple times. He also reverted to his familiar butting-in and talking over George Allen on several occasions. At one point during the period when each candidate asked questions of the other, they got into a verbal tug-of-war before the moderator finally stepped in. In that exchange, George Allen had asked a question of Jim Webb who danced all around it ... so Allen was trying to get Webb to answer the question ... which never happened.

Jim Webb doesn't answer questions. He evades them, uses phrases and words that make little sense in the context of the question; he uses up the clock in that way and, when all is said and done, we don't know anymore than we did before he started talking.

Webb still thinks the U.S. needs the "respect of the world" in treatment of terrorist suspects, and thinks we need to pull out of Iraq. (I don't want him in charge of my safety.) He tried to trip up Senator Allen with a "Craney Island" get-back question ... but it fell flat. I knew that was coming; was surprised it didn't happen at the last debate. Pick any obscure place in the world and ask about it ... unlike Craney Island which is in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and directly affects Virginians.

The Marriage Amendment: There is no denying now where each candidate stands on this very important issue on November's ballot. When asked if he supported the Marriage Amendment, Webb said no, that he opposed it "just as Governor Kaine" ... on legal and religious grounds, and he used the untrue statement that it takes away rights. Senator Allen responded that the most important institution is the family ... and he strongly supported the Marriage Amendment because it would protect Virginians from activist judges.

I was impressed when George Allen ended with his closing statement and thanked everyone for their encouragement and prayers, and said it was a sacred trust to serve the people of Virginia.

Webb's closing statement blamed George Allen for being one of this administration's "blindest supporters." He also said the GOP had lost its way on national security and encouraged those disillusioned to "come home." Bro-ther! If the democrat party is "home" then you're sunk!

I came away from this debate with even more respect for our Senator than before ... and less respect for Jim Webb partly because he has allowed his paid minions in the blogs to continue to dig for personal Allen family details and exploit them on the internet. He has not called for them to halt or be more responsible in their blogging. I think of the honorable man George Allen is, and I think of how Jim Webb has allowed the liberal dems to destroy politics as we knew it in Virginia ... and I am disgusted.

Paul Galanti, chairman of Veterans for Allen, atended the debate along with other veterans. I sat beside Bob Holsworth who is, in my opinion, the next "Larry Sabato" since Sabato is limping around these days after shooting himself in the foot on national TV two weeks ago.

I, for one, am glad the debates are behind us and we can now campaign on issues. We have four weeks until Election Day. It's time to work those phones, man headquarters, write those letters to the editor, and do everything necessary to bring this game to a winning conclusion. Come on, Team! Let's win it for George!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Allen-Webb Debate Tonight

Heading to Richmond to attend tonight's Allen-Webb debate. Will have an update tomorrow.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

George Allen's Annual Hoe Down!

Republicans gather for great event!

Kay James as MC with (from left to right) Susan Allen, Senator George Allen, Tyler Allen, Forrest Allen, and Laura Ingraham. (Brooke Allen was beside Susan.)

Saturday I attended my first George Allen Hoe Down and it was more fun than I ever imagined! Jeans and boots were the attire of the day. We had people ... and BBQ ... and a country band ... and people ... and politicians ... and did I mention people?! Hundreds attended and showed their support for Senator Allen. Boy! Did they show support!

Rhonda Winfield and I drove to Richmond earlier in the day and kept busy until time to head to the Hoe Down. After arriving, we spoke to many folks we knew before finding ourselves in the food line which snaked its way under the tent and into the barn ... BBQ, chicken, baked beans, and cole slaw. Carrying plates and drinks, we literally could not find a place to sit down and eat - all tables were full and all hay bales were taken - so we literally ended up in the last spot we could find which was half a hay bale beside the stage where the band was playing.

But what luck! We ended up with the best seats in the house! George Allen came out the door behind us to appoach the stage ... and Laura Ingraham came out the door and stood beside me while being introduced by her long-time friend George Allen. Talk about up close and personal!

Cheers and thundering applause frequently broke into George Allen's remarks. He spoke on the war in Iraq and introduced Rhonda and told her story to more thunderous applause. He called attention to our energy dependence overseas, to health care issues, to Hillary Clinton endorsing Jim Webb that very day. He reiterated the need to discuss issues in this race that has seen constant mud-slinging from the Webb camp which has little to offer in the way of issues and solutions.

Laura Ingraham received a warm introduction from the Senator ... and she spoke admiringly of him as someone she had known for quite a while and someone who stood for the principles she believed in. She poked fun at the "dinosaur press" which was so dinosaurish that they didn't even print anything in the Richmond Times-Dispatch about the Hoe Down or mention it on the Saturday night 11:00 news on Channels 6 and 12 - despite the fact there were many press people present. After speaking, Senator Allen and Ms. Ingraham both greated many who lined up to talk with them.

Augusta County residents Dr. John Wise and his wife, Wanda, were there as well as Chaz Haywood-Evans, Trixie Averill, Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and his wife Jean Ann, Jerry and Marty Kilgore, AFP's Whitney Duff, and many others.

We ended the day catching a ride back to our vehicle parked in the field ... talking politics the entire time. It was great fun and, who knows? We may have to do it again next year.

Weakly Webb Woundup # 4 now at Ward's View

Come one, come all to the Webbutante Ball! Now posted at host Ward Smyth's site, it's a reading wonderland! Check out Weakly Webb Woundup # 4. Good job, Ward!

The Hoe Down ... more to come....

Hundreds attend annual event

What fun! I was one of the hundreds who attended George Allen's annual Hoe Down. I'm still in Richmond but will post photos later today when I get back to the Valley.

Friday, October 06, 2006

George Allen's Hoe Down!

I'll be at George Allen's Hoe Down this weekend, my first time, so I'm looking forward to that. If I'm able to snap any good photos I'll post them when I return. Meanwhile ... what do you suppose one wears to a "hoe down"? Hope my choice of boots and jeans will be the correct fashion statement....

Shanksville, PA & United Flight 93

United Flight 93 and the passengers on board hold a special place in my heart. Thanks to Flora McDonald at United Conservatives for posting photos of her weekend trip to visit this inspirational place. We will never forget....

Misleader at it again ... slamming Republicans

Fair? Balanced? Maybe to the democrats....

I have two complaints this morning with the Staunton News Leader (Slantin' Misleader, as it's affectionately called by local conservatives).

One is McCloskey's editorial cartoon which shows a plane going down in flames (labeled the Allen '06 campaign) with the pilot saying, "Get me Karl Rove, quick! I've tried the kinder, gentler George ... I did the TV commercial, the campaign stops, nothing's working. I'm still going down!!"

Maybe McCloskey doesn't keep up with the news -- hardly possible since he works for a newspaper -- but the past four polls show George Allen ahead in this race. Perhaps he should look at the USA Today poll, from his own employer, Gannett who also owns the Staunton News Leader, to see that George Allen is ahead.

Perhaps McCloskey should stop by Republican headquarters and talk with Allen supporters stopping by to pick up ALLEN signs and bumper stickers who are up-in-arms over false accusations flung out by the Webb campaign. These are the grassroots, the people in the community who could care less what the MSM thinks about their Senator ... so I'm really bewildered at his choice of cartoon today. It's not accurate and never has been.

My second complaint concerns the last paragraph of today's editorial. It said:

The Republican Party's love of power has so corrupted it that it is impossible to believe it once claimed the moral high ground. These days, the GOP would have to find a manhole to crawl up through in order for it to wallow in the gutter...

Talk about painting an entire group with one brush! In one brief paragraph the editorial board at the Misleader makes a sweeping commentary on an entire political party (what a pompous crew they must be, sitting in their editorial tower pronouncing judgements on those who come into their sights).

Let's start at the top of the Republican ladder.

President George W. Bush has proven to be an excellent leader, a moral and religious man under whose leadership this country has been safe from terrorist attacks since 9/11. He has had one of the most successful administrations in my lifetime with a dedicated staff that respects him ... and he respects them. There have been no scandals even though the press tried with a made-up one involving Scooter Libby. He's an honorable man who is humbled by the responsibility given him by the Ameican people, and respectful of the office he holds.

Vice President Dick Cheney has been one of the best vice presidents I've ever seen. He has a calming presence about him that is comforting especially in a post-9/11 world. His knowledge of politics and his background and experience in D.C. have proven he's not a do-nothing vice president but, rather, an asset for President Bush and America.

Here in Virginia we have many honorable elected Republicans.

Let's begin with Senator George Allen. (Is the Misleader aware of DEMOCRAT Congressman Jim Moran who is a constant embarrassment to the human race?) Senator Allen has served this state for 20 years as delegate, Governor, Congressman, and Senator - working hard for Virginians. He has a presence about him reminiscent of George W. Bush ... he connects with people. He connects with grassroots folks who are you and me. He doesn't put on airs, he doesn't act as if he's better than us ... yes, he wears the cowboy boots and plaid shirts and sings with the band and that's what we love about him. He doesn't think he's above doing something like that. He has an uncanny way of remembering names, just like the President. He has not done anything scandalous (remember Chuck Robb with another woman or Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky?) and he presents a stately presence which makes us proud to have him representing us in D.C.

Locally we are especially fortunate in our four state-level representatives. Although I've definitely had my differences over tax increases with State Senator Emmett Hanger, he is a moral, conservative family man.

Delegate Steve Landes presents a calming, steadying influence with the wisdom of one who has been involved in politics and understands the diplomacy involved when working both sides of the aisle. Again we have a moral, conservative man who is interested in the interests of the people of the 25 House District (which includes eastern Augusta County/Waynesboro) and has earned a place in House leadership.

Delegate Chris Saxman is another fine representative of the local Republican Party - a family man with four children who works hard for the citizens of the 20th House District (which includes western Augusta County, Staunton, Highland County). He is willing to fight in Richmond for what we, his constituents, want which includes no tax increases. He listens to us. He championed the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind (VSDB), successfully fighting to keep the original campus in downtown Staunton as it has been for over a hundred years.

Delegate Ben Cline represents the best of the younger Republicans coming up through the ranks. Elected to the 24th House District seat at the age of 30, he is a conservative, moral representative who is truly interested in serving the citizens in his District. He has followed through with legislation to better our lives including increasing state police presence on I-81 and a "tax holiday" on school supplies.

At an even more local level we have conservative Staunton City Councilman Dickie Bell who has been a reasonable voice in the midst of a liberal City Council. The Augusta County Board of Supervisors includes Larry Howdyshell and Jim Bailey, both fiscally conservative and hard-working representatives for the people of Augusta.

Republican power has corrupted them? I don't think so. Just as with anything, there are a few bad apples in every barrel. However, there is a difference between the Republicans and the democrats when it comes to those within our Parties who have done wrong. Republicans remove those who are guilty; democrats circle the wagons and refuse to give up the guilty one. It has happened over and over.

And the supporters of each Party? Compare the anti-war screeching democrat lefties who hate America, hate President Bush, hate Christians, hate, hate, hate ... to the Republican supporters who are church-going citizens who follow the Ten Commandments, believe in strong family values, and believe in fiscal responsibility (not give-away programs) and a strong work ethic. That's not to say there aren't any conservative democrats but I would suggest their Party has definitely left them because the lib Socialists are taking over.

Local Republicans believe in their leaders and in conservative leadership, and feel fortunate to have so many Republican electeds ... and work hard on a volunteer basis to advance that. Unlike many democrat groups that are being financially fed by, the whacky lib group funded by democrat George Soros, GOP volunteers work hard with no financial compensation. Even now at Republican headquarters there are many who are there on a daily basis, talking with local supporters, getting candidate signs out into the community, phoning local voters, and working with Teenage and College Republicans.

In my opinion it is irresponsible for a newspaper to write a broad-view paragraph like the one in today's paper. I would challenge them to find the good in our hard-working public servants instead of always pounding the negative. Can they not find anything positive to write or draw about Senator George Allen's accomplishments for the Commonwealth of Virginia?