Monday, August 31, 2009

Thousands turn out as Tea Party Express makes its way to D.C.

~Shenandoah Valley has filled 4 buses~

It's 10:06 pm on the East Coast and 7:06 pm in Flagstaff, Arizona ... and thousands of tea party patriots are live on Fox News Channel's Greta Van Sustern show as correspondent Griff Jenkins talks with attendees and listens as they chant, "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"

The Tea Party Express is making its way to Washington, DC, for the huge September 12 rally at the Capitol, stopping at towns and cities along the way as momentum builds against nationalized health care.

They are not AstroTurf and they are not typical protesters. Most have never protested anything before in their lives but feel strongly that they are losing their country, their freedoms are being taken away, and their elected representatives are not representing them.

How many people will show up in DC on September 12? Who knows? But we have FOUR buses filled going from the Shenandoah Valley and have now reserved a fifth. A caller to Sean Hannity's radio show today said they had two buses coming from his area of Georgia and, he said, 95% of those people had never protested before.

Same with the Valley buses. Most of the people have not protested in the past but they are paying $35 to go to the Nation's Capital ... all ages and socio-economic groups -- from high school and college students to working parents to professionals to doctors and dentists to retired folks.

This is truly an American movement of We the People. It is amazing to hear the stories as we talk with them, and that will be my focus on the bus going to DC ... to get the individual stories of those who will join with tens of thousands of other patriots to stand up and be heard.

The sleeping giant has been awakened and will roar on September 12. It will be an historic day in American history.

See you in D.C.!

Gov. Jim Gilmore at RPV Victory Dinner

Gov. Jim Gilmore addressed the crowd.

Bob and Maureen McDonnell (left) listen to remarks from Jim Gilmore.

Jim and Roxanne Gilmore talk with fellow Republicans after dinner. I have a story to share about the Governor in a later post.

When Susan Allen, wife of former Sen. George Allen, introduced former Gov. Jim Gilmore, the crowd was on its feet applauding this straight-talking public servant who has accomplished much in his life.

A native of nearby Henrico County, he stood before his Party in the Richmond Marriott, delivering remarks that hit on many subjects that brought applause from the crowd. The Federal debt, he said, cannot be sustained and they most assuredly will raise taxes because of it. Drill off-shore. Health care should not be government-run. The looming deficit will lead to higher taxes. Cap 'n trade will hurt business. He mentioned his Patriotic Committee PAC, and said he is there to help elect Republicans so call on him wherever needed. As he concluded his remarks, he received a standing ovation from fellow Republicans grateful for his service to the Commonwealth.
I have a story to share about the Governor in another post.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 28, 2009

Sen. George Allen at RPV Victory Dinner

Former Gov. and U.S. Senator George Allen talks after Friday night's RPV Victory Dinner in Richmond.

Listening to Sen. Allen ... Mike Thomas, Mike Reynold, others.

Sen. Allen leaves the podium to a standing ovation as wife, Susan, comes on stage to introduce the next speaker.

Before the dinner....

He strode to the podium to a standing ovation after being introduced by his wife, Susan.

"Good evening, Patriots all!"

The familiar booming voice of former Delegate, Governor, and U.S. Senator George Allen brought a cheer from the crowd of Republicans at Friday night's RPV Victory Dinner. He thanked everyone who had helped with the event and he thanked the sponsors, all with that George Allen charm so familiar to many in the room.

He thanked "the M&M Boys" of RPV Chairman Pat Mullins and RPV Communications Director Tim Murtaugh for the great job they are doing in this important election year. His remarks were animated as he talked about D.C. legislators being as "clueless as a hog looking at a Timex watch," and noted that good ideas often come from people not in government at all.

He said the American people want energy freedom, which brought cheers from the room. He said state leadership will be provided by Bob McDonnell when he is elected Governor, and that all America is watching Virginia this fall. We want to be able to say on November 3, 2009, that "Virginians have decided ... Virginia has chosen to stand strong for freedom with Bob McDonnell, Fireball Bill Bolling, and Ken Cuccinelli."

He received a standing ovation as he made his way back to his table.

Vintage George Allen.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 28, 2009

The always-beautiful Susan Allen at GOP Victory Dinner

The always-beautiful Susan Allen introduced AG candidate Ken Cuccinelli and her husband, Governor and U.S. Senator George Allen.

Mrs. Allen also had a tribute and thank you for Maureen McDonnell.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 28, 2009

Hot off the press ... the Republican ticket bumper sticker

Hot off the press ... handed out at Friday night's GOP Victory Dinner.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 29, 2009

Afton Mountain ... rundown gateway to Shenandoah Valley

This structued was once a gift shop on Afton Mountain.

Bob Kirchman's vision of "Afton Mountain ... the Village".
Courtesy of Kirchman Studio.

Afton Mountain ... that crossroads of the Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Parkway, I-64, Rt. 250, and entrance to the Shenandoah Valley ... a location that could be the crown jewel of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Skyline Drive has a reported 1.5-2 million visitors annually. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the most visited national parkway in the country with over 17 million visitors.

What do visitors see? Blight.

I have posted photos of the rundown condition of Afton for several years and written about the crumbling abandoned buildings, the burned-out walls of a long-forgotten motel (they were finally removed in the spring of 2009), and the sad location of the Rockfish Gap Visitor Center.

A biker from Charlottesville who is a doctor from UVA Hospital saw my original post and agreed, saying he bikes that area and would love to have somewhere to stop, rest, and grab a bite to eat before his return to Charlottesville. He would welcome commerce on Afton.

Bob Kirchman also agreed that Afton needed renovation and even used his artistic skills and vision to make a suggestion of what Afton could look like if renovated and made into "a world-class entrance to Shenandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Parkway, Waynesboro & the Valley." He went on to say, "Think of the legacy of Afton. It could return to its glory again ... a living, thriving village of homes, commerce, and tourism, a beautiful oasis in the sky." His newest post about the conditions on the mountain and his dream of what it could be are read in " 'Broken Windows' and Afton Mountain.

In the Sunday, August 30, 2009, Staunton News Leader, yet another voice was heard from a letter writer who was incredulous when he saw the blight of Afton. His opening sentence: "I have enclosed a picture of the shabby entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Afton."

Shabby, indeed.

If Bob's vision of Afton was realized, the "scenic" overlook could become scenic again ... Afton could be a go-to location for locals from both sides of the mountain, a place for dinner, dessert, a romantic overnighter, or a getaway to watch sunsets and the beauty of the mountains.

Afton Mountain ... let's make it the beautiful oasis it deserves to be.

Virginia women respond to latest Deeds attack

Today, women from across Virginia responded to Creigh Deeds’ latest backwards looking and divisive attack based on an article in yesterday’s Washington Post article regarding a decades-old academic paper by then-student Bob McDonnell. Their statements are below.

From Judy Ford Wason, former head of “Virginians for Mark Warner,” of Williamsburg:
"I know and have confidence in Bob McDonnell. He respects and surrounds himself with strong working women. His daughter served our nation in Iraq. His campaign manager in 2005 was a working mom. As Attorney General he appointed women to run the public safety, opinions, civil litigation and transportation/real estate/environment and technology sections of Virginia's Attorney General’s office. As the former head of "Virginians for Mark Warner", and a pro-choice woman, I look for candidates who seek to bring people together and Bob McDonnell is doing this in his campaign. Bob has always respected and supported working women and will continue to do so. Virginians are worried about the future, not a decades-old academic paper. They are concerned about their jobs, the economy, public safety, education and transportation. These are the important issues that matter to men and women and these are the issues Bob will provide strong leadership to address as Governor."
From Lisa Caruso, the first woman elected as Commonwealth’s Attorney for Dinwiddie County and mother of two girls, ages 4 and 2. She is married to an active duty Army officer, Lt. Col. Anthony Caruso:
“As a former Democrat, and current elected official, I have seen Bob McDonnell lead on numerous initiatives to safeguard Virginia’s women and children. His work to combat child pornography, sexual predators, and online criminals makes me proud as a Commonwealth’s Attorney, and as a working mother. The women of Virginia know they have a friend in Bob McDonnell. His record proves it.”
From Janet Polarek of Richmond who is Chief Operations Officer of McDonnell for Governor. She formerly served as Director of Administration in the Virginia Office of the Attorney General and as Campaign Manager for “McDonnell for Attorney General” in 2005. She is the mother of a six-year-old daughter:
“I ran Bob McDonnell’s 2005 campaign. I did it while raising my beautiful daughter Reagan, who was two at the time. After Bob won the 2005 campaign he appointed me to serve as his Director of Administration in the Office of the Attorney General. It was not a novel occurrence to find Bob McDonnell in my office discussing the running of Virginia’s law firm while Reagan colored on the floor. Today I serve on the senior staff of Bob’s gubernatorial campaign. In every senior level position in which I have served, Bob McDonnell has been an exemplary, respectful, and understanding boss. Bob McDonnell has consistently and always gone the extra mile in every way possible to make sure I can balance work and family. I speak with direct experience when I say unequivocally that Bob McDonnell supports and champions working moms. He is a true friend to the working mothers of Virginia.”
From Lisa Hicks-Thomas of Henrico County, a Deputy Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Virginia:
“I am the mother of two beautiful children. Attorney General Bob McDonnell appointed me to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Transportation/Real Estate/Environment and Technology. I was honored to have been chosen. And I was even more honored to serve with an office holder who surrounded himself with strong working women. I’m not interested in a decades-old academic paper. I’ve actually served with Bob McDonnell in public office. I know who he is, I know how he acts, I know how he leads. He will be a great governor for Virginia. This working mother can think of no one better to lead our Commonwealth in the years ahead.”
From Heather Young of Fairfax County, a Partner and co-founder of Fairfax County based Benchmark Executive Search, a retained executive search firm that specializes in recruiting senior leadership for technology companies nationwide:
“I am a businesswoman and owner of an executive search firm whose clients include many successful women CEOs. Recently, I had the opportunity along with several other women business owners to sit down with Bob McDonnell to share our views on where we think his plan should stand. I’m not interested in academic papers written before the Berlin Wall fell. What I’m interested in is who has the best vision of how we can bring new jobs to Virginia and get this economy moving again. Bob McDonnell is by far the best candidate to get Virginia’s economy turned around for the benefit of all of the working women and men of Virginia.”
From Jill Stelfox of Fairfax County, the Chief Executive Officer of Accession Point, and a proud working mother of two:
“I’m a Virginia working mother. I’m interested in a candidate’s record and vision. Bob McDonnell has been a consistent and effective advocate for women and children in the Commonwealth. He led efforts to get drunk drivers off our streets, protect our children online, punish sexual predators, combat child pornography, fight gangs, and help victims of domestic violence. When he was author of Virginia’s groundbreaking welfare reform bill he made sure that child day care was included and promoted so that more women could fully participate in the workforce. That’s a record Virginia women can believe in. Bob McDonnell will be a great governor for the women, and men, of Virginia.”
From Karen Merrick of Fairfax County, co-founder of webMethods, Inc., an investor in early stage technology companies in Virginia:
“Most Virginia voters know this election is not about a student paper from decades ago. It's about creating jobs, fixing our transportation and education problems, and making government work for the people of Virginia. Bob McDonnell has the ideas, experience, and bi-partisan track record to get Virginia headed in the right direction.”
From Kim White, Commonwealth’s Attorney for Halifax County:
“I work in public safety. Over the past four years I have worked with Bob McDonnell as he has led initiative after initiative to help keep Virginians safe. I’ve worked closely with his staff, including Marla Decker, who he appointed to head the public safety division of the Office of the Attorney General, and Lisa Hicks-Thomas, who he appointed to head the transportation/real estate/environment and technology section of the office. Bob surrounded himself in office with strong working women. He only had one consideration when it came to the individuals he placed into leadership positions: were they the right person to get the job done? Bob was a great Attorney General. He will be a great Governor. Virginians have watched him lead in statewide office. His record is what matters, not a decades-old academic paper.”
Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

Bob McDonnell headlines RPV Victory Dinner

Bob McDonnell, GOP gubernatorial candidate, addressed Friday night's Republican Victory Dinner at the Richmond Marriott.

The McDonnells listen to speakers.

Maureen McDonnell is thanked by Susan Allen with applause and a standing ovation from the crowd.

Bob McDonnell for Governor
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 28, 2009

Shenandoah Valley fills buses for DC on 09.12.2009

Three buses are filled from the Shenandoah Valley and we're working on the fourth! Join your friends and neighbors as we march on the Capitol and stand up to be heard in Washington, DC, on Saturday, September 12. Together ... we WILL make a difference!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

American Tea Party Anthem ... "We're standing up for freedom and liberty"

"Mr. President, your stimulus is sure to bust ... just a socialistic dream." Video

So sings Lloyd Marcus, self-proclaimed proud black conservative singer-songwriter, who is traveling with the Tea Party Express across America on their way to the huge rally in Washington, DC, on September 12.

Join us! Buses are filling fast going from the Shenandoah Valley with stops in Staunton, Harrisonburg, New Market, and Strasburg. The sleeping giant has been awakened and will roar in Washington, DC, on September 12.

Tea Party Express

We're taking back America in 2010

"We're going to take back America in 2010 ... it's up to you!" So sings black conservative singer-songwriter Lloyd Marcus in this YouTube video to the tune of "New York, New York." Not only will your toes be tapping to the music but your head will be nodding in agreement.

Mr. Marcus is traveling with the Tea Party Express as they rally Americans at tea parties across the nation ... from the west coast to the east coast and everywhere in between ... on their way to the huge We the People rally in Washington, DC, on September 12.

Who is Lloyd Marcus? From his website:
Video of the Tea Party Anthem sung by black conservative Lloyd Marcus.

Self proclaimed Proud Black Conservative, Lloyd Marcus is a columnist, speaker, activist, singer/songwriter, recording artist and entertainer. From his appearances on FoxNews, PJTV, many TV and radio programs to emceeing and performing his patriotic original songs at numerous rallies across America, Marcus is passionately spreading the truth that Conservatism is best for all Americans.

The Lloyd Marcus TV Show on-line delivers an extremely compelling Conservative message in an entertaining way.

Please feel free to post EVERYWHERE!
Now that's a patriot! Mr. Marcus writes to Americans:
Dear Fellow Patriots,

No marketing firm could have started this incredible spontaneous Tea Party Movement. It is totally driven by love, passion and concern of the America people.

You came by the tens of thousands to tea parties. Your message was loud and clear, ENOUGH!...STOP the hijacking of our Freedom, Liberty and Culture!

God bless,
Lloyd Marcus has been singing since childhood. He performs at events, singing for President G.W. Bush, at a Ronald Reagan Inaugural Gala and Tea Parties across the Country. In August he is touring across country again with the Tea Party Express / Our Country Deserves Better PAC.

Record Label: Zephyrus Music
Label Type: Independent
Band Members: Lloyd Marcus
Sounds Like: Lloyd Marcus
City: Deltona Fl
Hometown: Deltona Florida
Country: United States

H/T to Mom

In the words of Abraham Lincoln

"You can't make a weak man strong by making a strong man weak." --Abraham Lincoln as relayed by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) in House Intelligence Committee opening statement about health care

"I will not punish any woman in America" with nationalized health care

So said Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) as his opening statement on Health Care reform in the House Intelligence Committee. This YouTube video of his statement has already received 1,072,632 hits as Americans listen to his common sense analysis of the 1,017-page socialized health care monstrosity.

Rep. Rogers points out that the survival rate for numerous cancers is reduced under this bill: skin cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder, prostate cancer, leukemia ... "and the list goes on and on and on," he said. He added that what the U.S. government was telling Americans was, " 'We give up ... it's too hard ... the government has to do it.' That's insulting. I will not punish any woman in America with this kind of system."

Expanding beyond health care, Rep. Rogers notes that the government is now telling the American people what kind of car to drive, what kind of light bulb to use, what kind of window replacements are allowed for their homes, and now the government is going to pick your doctor and health plan for the future.

"We must and can do better," he concluded.


H/T to Mom

Perriello ... did he take a vote on that?

Hundreds of residents turned out Saturday for a townhall meeting with Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) in Rustburg and, in the words of the reporter, he faced another tough crowd. The majority of those attending crowd expressed disagreement with the proposed nationalized health care bill, HR 3200, and were not shy about letting their representative know they were informed, knew details about the bill, and disagreed with it.

At one point Rep. Perriello made an interesting statement to the crowd:
“It’s clear that this room seems pretty united against HR3200,” Perriello said. “That is not the opinion of my constituents as a whole.”
How does he know? Has he polled each of the 650,000 constituents in his district? As one commenter to the newspaper's website noted:
REALLY??!! Well if that’s the case, why is he even bothering to hold town hall meetings? Almost every single meeting he has held has been like this where the vast majority of participants are opposed to this legislation. For him to just discard this opposition calls into question his judgement and rationale for seeking his constituents’ input in the first place. Makes you wonder if the fix was in from the very beginning.
Which brings up a good point ... why not let the American people vote on whether they want Uncle Sam to take over their health care.

One speaker may have echoed the sentiments of many at townhalls across the nation:
“I came to thank you” for having the meeting, Parrish told Perriello, “but I have changed my mind. You’ve talked twice as much as you’ve listened. You say what Obama wants you to say and not what the people of Campbell County want you to say.”
There will be one more opportunity in the 5th Congressional District to meet with Tom Perriello ... Monday in Appomattox at 6:00 pm. Contact Mr. Perriello's office for location and more information.

Charlottesville, VA 22902 - Phone: (434) 293-9631
Danville, VA 24541 - Phone: (434) 791-2596
Farmville, VA 23901 - Phone: (434) 392-1997
Washington, D.C. 20515 - Phone: (202) 225-4711

Control of internet taken out of your hands?

Control of the internet handed over to the president ... is S.733 as menacing as it appears? Or am I not interpreting this correctly?
Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

They're not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.
Is this something the internet community would be happy with?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peace of national forest shattered by murders

What to write about such a tragedy? Two Virginia Tech students were shot to death in a campground 15 miles from the Tech campus in the Jefferson National Forest.

The shock of the story has gone nationwide as this Fox News posting shows:
Two Virginia Tech students were found shot to death at a forest campground that is a popular campus hangout, and police have "several persons of interest" but haven't yet identified a suspect or revealed a motive.

The bodies of David Lee Metzler, 19, of Lynchburg and Heidi Lynn Childs, 18, of Forest were discovered early Thursday by a passerby at Jefferson National Forest, Montgomery County Sheriff's Lt. Brian Wright said. Both had been shot.
Heidi Childs was a home school student from a large family. Both students were sophomores at Tech. Sadly, police at this time seem to think the murders were random.

Too bad places like that cannot be safe. Prayers to these families....

Hot and sultry in Richmond....

I left the Shenandoah Valley early Friday afternoon to temps in the 70s and some spitting rain that became heavier as I began up Afton Mountain on I-64. Heading to Richmond for the RPV Victory Dinner, I heard on the radio as I passed Charlottesville that it was 80 degrees and drippy there but I soon ran out of rain although there were low-hanging clouds all around.

Just as I approached Rt. 288 on the outskirts of Richmond, the skies opened and it literally rained so hard I could barely see at 3:30 in the afternoon. Traffic slowed as the combination of rain and spray from the roadway practically blinded drivers ... wipers were in overdrive ... and as I crossed the James River I strained my eyes to follow the vehicle in front of me.

By the time I reached my parents' home, the rain had stopped but, unbeknownst to me until I stepped out of my air conditioned vehicle in their driveway, it was a sultry, wet-blanket-hit-you-in-the-face 87 degrees in Chesterfield, something I was all too familiar with growing up here.

Summer heat and humidity ... ahh, I must be in Richmond.

Saturday was almost 90 degrees and still hot as Mom and I were out and about in Midlothian. Sunday's forecast is for another 90-degree day, and then a cold front moves through and breaks the heat. The forecast of 70 degrees as a high in Richmond on Monday will be a pleasant surprise but by then I'll be back in the Valley.

If they're calling for 70 degrees in Richmond on Monday, are we expecting 60s in the Valley?

I hope so.

Magnet on my mom's refrigerator

"Some people fail to recognize opportunity because it often comes dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Tea Party Express leaves CA heading to DC

From the Tea Party Express...

Here are the first press reports on the great success we've enjoyed so far. Over 5,000 people gathered at the Sacramento, CA, tea party. Another 500 or so patriots turned out in Sparks, NV, a small community on the outskirts of Reno. And we just completed our tea party in the even tinier Winnemucca. But it seemed like the whole town turned out - we had hundreds of people on hand!

To read the reports and press stories and see photos on these initial "Tea Party Express" rallies - PLEASE CLICK HERE. It's a must read, folks, you'll love it, we are enjoying tremendous success.

The Tea Party Express ... traveling American with a final destination of Washington, DC, on September 12.

The squirrel dance on I-64

Driving to Richmond Friday afternoon on eastbound I-64, I saw something I've never seen before on the interstate. My vehicle was alone on a particular stretch of that roadway when up ahead two squirrels popped from beneath the guardrail onto the right shoulder. I've seen lots of critters on the interstate over the years but I honestly could not remember ever seeing squirrels before ... and certainly not two of them at the same time.

They sat there on the shoulder about a half-dozen car lengths ahead of me as if they were trying to decide whether to cross. Finally one took off across the right lane (where I was quickly approaching) and stopped in the left passing lane, turning to look at his (her?) companion. I figured I was about to squish one and possibly two squirrels.

As I got just about to them -- one in the left lane and the other on the right shoulder -- the one on the left did that "which-way-do-I-go" squirrel dance in the middle of the lane ... left, right, left, right ... and just as I got to him he turned left and scampered safely into the wooded median.

As I swished past, I looked in my rear view mirror for the squirrel on the shoulder (I hadn't heard or felt a thump under my wheels) ... and he (she?) was still frozen in place.

About 10-15 car-lengths behind me a pack of traffic including cars and 18-wheeler trucks was approaching the spot where the squirrel still stood frozen. As I watched him (her?) quickly becoming smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror, the pack of traffic began passing the squirrel and, at that point, I lost sight of it.

It left me with a blog post as I chuckled to myself thinking about it ... I know, trivial. But it was amusing. And it all happened in less time than it took to type this post. Wonder if the squirrels were ever reunited? And if they were, did they make it safely over the two westbound lanes of I-64?

Things to ponder while driving the interstate....

Facebook invite

Received from a Facebook friend ... it's going around:
Event: 9.12.09 - National Tea Party in DC

"We gathered in our communities, now it's time to take the message to Washington"
What: Rally
Host: FreedomWorks
Start Time: Saturday, September 12 at 10:00am
End Time: Saturday, September 12 at 6:00pm
Where: West Front, United States Capitol, Washington, DC

To see more details and RSVP, follow the Facebook link below.
09.12.09 ... I'll be there.

RPV Victory Dinner ... a huge success

Attended last night's Republican Party of Virginia Victory Dinner in Richmond that raised a quarter of a million dollars ... and it was a who's who of Republican leaders from throughout the Commonwealth. Headlined by the Republican ticket of Bob McDonnell, Bill Bolling, and Ken Cuccinelli, it also featured former governors George Allen and Jim Gilmore. I will have more about the dinner along with photos.

Update: Jeff Schapiro with the Richmond Times-Dispatch has "At Richmond fundraiser, GOP upbeat about statewide ticket."

Weather video for the day ... NC

I'm a weather junkie. While living in NC, friends used to call because I knew what the weather forecast was for the day. That's why I love this post by Thunder Pig out of NC ... his weather video for the day. Looks like rain.

Join the March on Washington, DC ... Saturday, Sept. 12

The long sleep is over ... the giant has been awakened ... and the giant is "We the People."

From town halls across the country, Americans are standing up and shouting in one voice, "Enough is enough!" They are saying, "Leave us alone!" They are pointing out, "With all due respect, YOU work for US."

Loud and clear, they are saying, "We're not Nazis, we're not racists, we're not a mob. We're not extremists. Say NO to socialism."

Join us.

Why 9/12? Glenn Beck explains in this video.

What is 9/12? It is 9 Principles and 12 Values that outline who we are as Americans and what we believe in. It's a return to the day after the horrific terrorism attacks on 9/11/01, the day we all came together not as Republicans, not as Democrats, but as Americans to work together for our country.

This inspiring Thomas Paine video encourages Americans to gather in D.C. and be counted!

American Power's Donald Douglas will attending at 9/12 West, a tea party for the West Coast on Sept. 12.

Fight them with facts. Be a part of history ... join the March on Washington.

Reagan on socialism disguised as health care

Ronald Reagan audio ... health care for America. Amazing message in the words of Ronald Reagan himself. Read the transcript. Amazing. Health care is the path to socialism wrapped up as a humanitarian cause. Beware.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Virginia townhall updates

From the Richmond Tea Party....

Congressman Bobby Scott, 9th term Democrat from VA's third district, is holding a "Town Hall" next week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Richmond Health Care Community Forum
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
General Assembly Building
Senate Room A
910 Capitol Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Congressman Scott will do a brief presentation on HR 3200 America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (that is hard to type without screaming). Afterward, the Congressman will take questions from the audience. The event is open to.....the public.

The Public?

This room holds 100 people. The gathering will be more like a Town Closet.

Senator Warner Takes OUR Call

The Billboards were noticed; major media picked up the story, and Warner's office called.

Senator Warner's office now assures Richmond Tea Party that a Town Hall meeting will be held in the Richmond metro area "in the next week to ten days." According to a staff member in the Richmond office, a second Town Hall is planned "when the Senate has a bill to read."

(In honor of Back to School days, we hope they do read it)

Warner still plans to hold his Tele-Phony Town Halls in addition to the real Town Halls. If you signed up to participate in Warner's conference call and didn't get a call ... we have no suggestions.

Stay tuned for updates.

Senator Webb Waffles

Will he or Won't He?

He says he will but nothing is on the schedule. Was he talking about "government accountability" in Myanmar during his campaign?

Isn't it great to know your Senator is more comfortable holding Press Conferences in Hanoi than in Richnond?

Draw your own conclusions.

New Yorkers pack townhall meetings

New Yorkers and the Gathering of Eagles are keeping the pressure on their elected representatives at yet another townhall, just as they did at the Tim Bishop townhall in June. Constituents packed the hall to question the proposed nationalized health care bill. They were met with paid union astroturf but didn't back down. Photos and commentary can be found at the New York Gathering of Eagles blog.

Video of Moran townhall

Krystle has video up of the Jim Moran-Howard Dean townhall held in Reston, VA, earlier in the week. She was there and did a great job covering the event over at Crystal Clear Conservative ... see here, here, and here.

SWAC bloggers cover Valley and beyond

I laughed when I read Phil's blog demanding diversity and then found Mike on a similar theme. Truth be told, we have some interesting SWAC bloggers who follow the issues and stay on top of them while at the same time mixing in some whimsical tales, humor, life musings, and sometimes poignant remembrances. All hard news and no fun can be a death knell in blogging. I don't think any of us take ourselves too seriously but we enjoy what we do.

The first thing that comes to mind about Yankee Phil's blogging is that he is prolific! Dang if he can't find some of the most interesting and/or off-beat stories to write about! Phil bills himself as "the voice of reason, freedom, and liberty from the very red Shenandoah Valley." We met not long after he moved to the Valley about five or six years ago ... when he began blogging, his posts about Boy Scout outings with his sons and updates on news items and reporting on local events kept me reading. He has a perspective that most don't ... that of a young retired boots-on-the-ground cop and, beyond that, an NYPD cop who witnessed the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorism attack in New York City. Talk about seeing that tragedy up front and center ... knowing someone who was there is a sobering experience. It reminds us of what is important in life.

When Mike became Fishersville Mike in 2008, he came with a sub-title: "Proud member of SWAC corps. Making America better by blogging." He brought a totally different perspective with his brief and often humorous posts about news, his surroundings, and national bloggers. With his background in reporting, it was a pleasant surprise to learn he was such a conservative ... so many reporters being in the liberal camp and all ... but it can be intimidating as heck to have a reporter in your midst! As he became more involved in blogging, he introduced "Sheeples" and "The Other McCain" and "Troglopundit" into SWAC's terminology. Some days his song parodies have me laughing out loud at my computer but his recent vacation to the Outer Banks left me nostalgic for sandy beaches and sea oats. Leave it to Mike to stir up the emotions!

Jason, whom I've known almost as long as Phil, took up blogging as The Augusta Water Cooler, offering his thoughts on subjects local and beyond, using the radio experience from his college days for the occasional blog talk radio added in for interest. A military veteran who brings his Maine-New England perspective to the Valley, he also has the unique experience of being a boots-on-the-ground cop. Lately that has curtailed his blogging considerably as work has demanded more of his time. Hopefully, it will change in the near future and he will have more time to hit the keyboard because we need more of his common sense commentary. Jason doesn't mince words ... he gives it to you straight and honest.

The Augusta Conservative blog is only five months old and offers the thoughts of the youngest SWAC blogger, David, who has a passion for politics, writing, and life in general. His day job as a cardiac nurse contributes to his interest in posting about health care especially at this time of national debate about that subject. He also keeps an eye on local spending by elected representatives, and has shown a desire for public office, something that may be down the road for him. And with a large family spread throughout Augusta County, he has a built-in grassroots network. Meanwhile, he brings a youthful energy that helps stir up the local blogging scene.

Bob over at The Journey is not considered a political blog but he covers political issues and Christianity as well as displaying his artwork and writings. He often offers photos of the world around us -- up-close pictures of flowers and trees ... interesting shadows and lighting on walkways and buildings ... objects of interest he sees while on his mountain hikes -- as he observes and preserves a unique perspective that many of us miss in our rush through life. He and I share a home school background as well as the desire to see a beautiful entranceway to the Shenandoah Valley at Afton Mountain. In keeping with his architectural/artist background, he laid out a design to build a memorable gateway at that juncture of the Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway. He can often be found in his Kirchman Studio crafting architectural renderings and scale models for businesses worldwide.

And I'm Lynn who blogs as SWAC Girl, an acronym for "Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County," which is our corner of the Shenandoah Valley. My blog came to life in the summer of 2006 during the George Allen campaign. Though we were not successful in winning that election, I had caught the blogging bug and have been at it ever since. A political junkie who enjoys writing, blogging to me is like writing a letter to the editor every day of the week. A side enjoyment has come from carrying my camera everywhere and taking photos to share of the world around me that includes mountain views and flowers in my yard and political events.

I am blogging in a man's world and grateful for what I have learned from these guys. Each is unique ... each brings something different to the table ... each personality is special ... yet our political viewpoints are very similar. To borrow Mike's sub-title, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, we are "proud members of the SWAC Corps ... making America better by blogging." And our keyboards march onward....

Vote for "Virginia Is For Lovers"

From the whimsical department...

Vote 'Virginia is for Lovers' into National Advertising Walk of Fame ... Slogan in the running to be named one of America's most beloved

(Richmond, Va.) - Virginia is for Lovers, the official state tourism slogan, is in the running to become a top slogan on the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame. Voting runs through September 18.

The winners will be inducted into the Walk of Fame during Advertising Week (September 21-25) and will gain a permanent position on the advertising industry’s version of Hollywood and Vine - Madison Avenue.

Virginia’s State Tourism Office invites supporters to vote for the Virginia is for Lovers slogan by logging on to Advertising Week, click on the Slogan section, click Virginia is for Lovers and then click the Vote Now button. Cast votes by September 18.

The Hall of Fame nomination coincides with the 40th anniversary of Virginia is for Lovers. Launched in 1969, Virginia is for Lovers is America’s longest-running state tourism slogan. Virginia is celebrating the 40th anniversary with 40 free vacations, travel deals and special label 40th anniversary wine.

This nomination comes on the heels of naming Virginia is for Lovers one of the top ten tourism marketing campaigns of all time.

“We’re excited to be part of this friendly competition and to be named among some of the greatest marketing giants of our time,” said Alisa Bailey, President and CEO of the Virginia Tourism Corporation. “Marketing is our core mission and the most important service we provide to our local partners across the state. This type of recognition goes a long way to extend our marketing message and bring more visitors to Virginia.”

Virginia is for Lovers is one of nearly 30 slogans nominated for this year’s Hall of Fame class. The state faces stiff competition from slogans representing consumer brands, destinations and public service announcements. Past iconic slogan winners include Melts In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hand (M&M’s), “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste” (United Negro College Fund); and “Imagination at Work” (GE).

Tourism is big business for Virginia, generating $19 billion in revenue, supporting 210,000 jobs and providing $1.2 billion in state and local taxes for Virginia’s communities.

Visit Advertising Week before September 18 to vote for Virginia is for Lovers as an iconic slogan. For more information about travel deals, packages and to enter to win a free Virginia vacation, visit

H/T GOP Girl

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The sign that SHOULD be in DC....

Earlier this week, Bob over at The Journey posted this sign under the heading, Welcome Sign for Protesters with a sub-title, "It Should Be on Every Approach to Washington."

It was a creation of his work with PhotoShop but, truth be told, it should be in the city where so many go to protest. As Bob said ... if it was posted at entranceways, it would give those approaching the city an opportunity to think....


Summer is waning

It's a beautiful world ... SWAC Daughter's garden.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
August 2009

One man's job ...

... can make a difference in the world in many ways.

Bob's artistic talent can be seen on his blog, The Journey, as well as in his sketches, paintings, and models. To observe things as he does causes me to look at the world in a different way ... I see more than I did in the past because I have seen it through his eyes in his photos.

One man doing his job while spending his day at Ellicott Mills is a wonderful read.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting ready for 9/12

In Washington, DC, on September 12, America will be heard. The media will mock you, but what else is new? They can't ignore you forever -- it's time to raise our voices in unison to let our government know that we are sick and tired of the recklessness.

We know you have a life, a job and usually don't have much time for activism. But this year 9/12 is on a Saturday and what better way to spend a weekend than letting your voice be heard in Washington?

How can you get involved? Go to and you'll see people from Pennsylvania to Florida to Georgia and all over planning for the big day. If you are still thinking about coming to the march, it’s not too late. There are still buses that need to be filled and plenty of hotel rooms to be booked.

Don’t miss your chance to demand politicians listen to YOU. Visit the 912project site and the meet-up site to find out how you can be a part of it all!

Information about Shenandoah Valley buses here. Information about Richmond area buses here. Where will Glenn be on 9/12? Find out here.

Fishburne Military Academy welcomes local student

Classes began this week at Fishburne Military Academy located in Waynesboro and, while most of the 120 students board at the school and are from as close as Virginia or as far away as states across the nation, some are local.

One local student who began classes on Tuesday is William Saxman, son of Del. Chris Saxman (R-20th House) and his wife, Michele. The school's newsletter made the announcement:
Another local Virginian with us this fall is William Saxman, son of Delegate Christopher B. Saxman and his wife Michele of Staunton, VA. Cadet Saxman was also with us for Summer School and his parents have decided to enroll William for the school year. He will be in formation for the first time on Tuesday morning. Delegate Saxman delivered the Summer School Commencement Address for a crowd of two-hundred parents, family members and FMS staff.
Del. Saxman, a former school teacher, has been a leading voice in school choice throughout the years.

Obama can stop blaming Bush

~Obama '09 deficit exceeds all 8 years of Bush red ink~

Spending under Barack Obama and the Democrats in Washington has reached new heights ... and, yet, Obama continues to point a finger at the Bush Administration and say, "It's his fault."

Sorry, Mr. Obama ... this one is yours. This is your legacy.

The Washington Examiner today refers to research by the Heritage Foundation whose Brian Riedl has run the numbers and it's not pretty. For starters:
The Office of Management and Budget has released its annual mid-session review that updates the budget projections from this past May.[1]

They show that this year, Washington will spend $30,958 per household, tax $17,576 per household, and borrow $13,392 per household. The federal government will increase spending 22 percent this year to a peacetime-record 26 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). This spending is not just temporary: President Obama would permanently keep annual spending between $5,000 and $8,000 per household higher than it had been under President George W. Bush.[2]

Driven by this spending, America will run its first ever trillion-dollar budget deficit this year. Even worse, the President's budget would borrow an additional $9 trillion over the next decade, more than doubling the national debt. By 2019, America will be spending nearly $800 billion on net interest to service this large debt.[3]
Want more? Keep reading....


There's an interesting post by hogan over at RedState about the 2010 gubernatorial race in Texas, a race that has Texas Governor Rick Perry pitted against seasoned Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

The title? "Perry for Texas. Hutchison for Washington."


Two Texas politicians are duking it out to head the state's government. It doesn't matter what you think of either one ... the question would be why? Who urged Sen. Hutchison to return home and challenge the incumbent governor who is decidedly more conservative than she?

That will be an interesting race to watch.

Krystle was at Moran-Dean townhall

~Leslie was there, too~

Krystle over at Crystal Clear Conservative has some great photos of Tuesday night's Jim Moran-Howard Dean health care townhall meeting in Reston. She arrived at 3:30 for the 7 pm meeting and joined those who were already waiting in line. Watch for more from her about the event.

Leslie Carbone was there, too, but unable to get inside the building. Read her experience.

The entire meeting was covered by C-SPAN. Fox News popped in throughout and then had after-coverage by Griff Jenkins. The Washington Examiner also has coverage.

Obama Administration wants to go after CIA? For what? Saving lives?

I am so tired of this administration. The Democrats want to let Guantanamo terrorists loose into American society ... but they want to investigate those who have tried to keep us safe including the CIA. Some think it's a tactic to divert attention away from health care. Whatever it is, we can't let good men who were doing their jobs be prosecuted by Democrats who are drunk with their own power.

Dems still pushing nationalized health care ... they are not backing off

Donald Douglas reminds us that the Sen. Feingold meme of "no ObamaCare vote before Christmas" is false. Senate Dems are still going full bore as posted on his American Power blog, Senator Feingold: Yes, ObamaCare Vote Before Christmas, Public Option Alive.

Keep contacting your senators and representatives, keep attending townhall meetings, keep writing letters to the editor and blogging and letting your voice be heard. Join us for the Taxpayer Protest ... Sept. 12 March on Washington, DC.

Previous posts about the 09.12.09 March on Washington:
--Victim of beating by SEIU supporters joins National Tea Party Tour
--09.12.2009: They march to honor those who fought for our freedoms
--We remember as we march for our rights on 9/12
--09.12.09 Taxpayer Protest in DC ... buses are filling up fast
--Random conservative encounters
--09.12.09: Bring your video camera to March on Washington
--Taxpayer Protest ... Sept. 12 March on Washington, DC

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wednesday: Rush Limbaugh on Glenn Beck's TV show

Attacking the airwaves! How the FCC plans to muzzle conservative talk radio ... and the impact on free speech in the media industry.

Rush Limbaugh sounds off! Wednesday at 5:00 pm on Fox News Channel.

C-SPAN covering Moran-Dean townhall

Virginia townhall meeting covered by C-SPAN in Reston for Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) and Howard Dean (D). Turn it on and see if Organizing for America was successful in packing Democrats and libs into the townhall meeting. From the looks of the number of preprinted signs sitting down front, it looks like they were able to get their message out to thwart conservatives in their effort to get answers to questions about the mammoth 1,017-page health care bill.

As the two men entered the facility, there was a mixture of boos and cheers.... Moran said there were still two long lines of people waiting outside trying to enter the hall.

This should be an interesting townhall to watch. I hope Leslie Carbone was able to find a seat....

7:27 PM: Jim Moran just said people could keep their same health care under the bill (boos from crowd)

7:41 PM: Jim Moran is trying to explain portions of the nationalized health care bill to boos from the crowd.

He said after about 30-40 minutes of explanation, there would be about 90 minutes of questions from the crowd.

7:50 PM: Several Gladsen flags are visible in the crowd. Preprinted "THANK YOU" signs are being held by a number of attendees.

Moran is going through "myths" about the bill ... and the crowd does not agree with him. I hope there's a transcript of this available afterwards ... I am multi-tasking. Myths that he clarifies: "grandma will not die," "illegals will not get health care," etc. The crowd obviously has read the bill and appear to disagree ... Myth #6, he said, "public option," he says, no one can be forced onto the public plan - the only way would be the person's own individual choice, and says MORE employers are likely to provide coverage under this bill or pay 8% of their payroll to provide coverage for their employees unless their total work force is under $750,000.

8:30 PM: MORAN JUST SAID HE WOULD BE WILLING TO GO ON THE SAME NATIONALIZED HEALTH CARE PLAN THAT WOULD BE REQUIRED OF EVERYONE ONE. Then the microphone was unceremoniously taken away from the lady asking the question.

The next questioner was cut off by Rep. Moran and not allowed to ask her question because she apparently was not the person whose name he called. Apparently he knew the person whose name was called which makes one wonder if the questioners are stacked. The crowd is booing in disagreement with him and a police officer is intimidating the lady to walk up the aisle to her seat.

Now an African-American questioner is asking if the plan is so good for all of us, why can't he be honest with the crowd about his becoming a part of the plan because, as the man said, Moran would find a way to get out of being part of it.

Howard Dean responded to a question about why tort reform was not included in this huge bill. He responded that the people who wrote the bill didn't want to have to take on the trial lawyers, too. Then he expanded on the answer. Moran added that the bill would also have had to go through the Judiciary Committee.

The next questioner is for the bill and for government taking care of Americans as much as possible.

The final questioner said she has friends in France who have an ID card with a computer chip on it with their medical information from birth to present. She said it's uncomfortable having the government knowing everything about individuals, and she felt privacy between a doctor and patient was very important and not a place for the government to be involved. Howard Dean answered the question and said the reason for the chip was to have records if you are traveling away from home and have an accident -- they know about you. He questioned how to keep private information private but allow it to be available when needed.

9:07 PM: Closing remarks are now taking place.

TODAY ... Dems plan to pack Moran townhall with Howard Dean

Attention conservatives: Plan to show up at 5:00 for today's Jim Moran-Howard Dean townhall if you want to get a seat at an event that has the National Democratic Committee contacting liberals to arrive two hours early.

Democrats are going to pack Rep. Jim Moran's townhall meeting this afternoon TWO HOURS before the official start time. Democrat correspondence has urged them to be there by 5:00 even though the official notice states doors will open at 6:00 for the 7 pm meeting on health care.
Thanks to Leslie Carbone for the following:
The glossy postcard, printed and posted at taxpayer expense, arrived last week:
Howard Dean
to Speak at Town Hall Discussion
on Health Care Reform
Hosted by Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Doors open at 6:00PM
Wanting to get a good seat (after all, nothing says reasoned policy discussion like Howard Dean and Jim Moran), I made a mental note to arrive by 6:00.

You can imagine my surprise today when a friend forwarded me an email from Brandyn Keating, Virginia State Director of Organizing for America, "a project of the Democratic National Committee," touting Mr. Moran's Town Hall meeting and announcing:
Arrival Time: 5:00 p.m.

"Please arrive as early as possible to the town hall, and make sure that the most powerful voices in this debate are those calling for real reform, not angrily clamoring for the status quo," the message pleads.
I'm glad to know that we've got them running scared, but asking party loyalists to pack a so-called town hall meeting before constituents arrive is just plain wrong.

My fellow conservatives, please arrive by 5:00, and please spread the word to others about the Democrats' trickery.

The location is:

South Lakes High School
11400 South Lakes Drive
Reston, Virginia
Pass this along and if you live in the area, be sure to show up at 5:00 to find a seat to address this health care debate.

Poll: Rush Limbaugh has a better vision for America than Barack Obama

Barack Obama took on Rush Limbaugh ... and it looks as if Rush Limbaugh has won the contest.

A president should concentrate on running the country instead of acting like a Michael Moore and going after a conservative talk show host. It's beneath the office of the president ... but Obama had to learn the hard way.

Fishersville Mike has the poll that says it all. Let's hope Obama continues on his destructive go-after-everything-conservative-including-Fox-News path ... it is exposing who he really is to the American people.

Mark Warner holds tele-phony townhall ... Richmond Tea Party responds

Graphic compliments of Richmond Tea Party

The Richmond Tea Party folks have called out Sen. Mark Warner after hos teleconference Monday afternoon with those who signed up at his website. The 5:30 pm event left many feeling left out and unable to talk with their representative about the proposed nationalized health care.
While ducking out on meeting with his constituents, is Mark Warner in trouble with some of his backers?

Richmond Tea Party has sponsored a billboard campaign in Richmond calling out Jim Webb and Mark Warner to bring REAL health care townhall meetings to the area. The billboards can be found at these locations:
7912 W. Broad St F/EMech. Turrnpk
.3 miles east of I-64 @ Showplace
NW/S 195 S/O I-64-95 IntersectionS/S I-64
.6 mi WO Laburnum F/EW/S I--95
1st N/O Bells Road F/N

The billboard campaign targets both Senators Webb and Warner with messages such as: "Wanted: Senators Willing to Hold Real Town Halls. Apply Next Election," and "Senator Webb: Absent on Health Care. Where's Our Town Hall?"

Victim of beating by SEIU supporters joins National Tea Party Tour

~Kenneth Gladney to join Tea Party Express~

The Tea Party Express caravan, which features two 45-foot coaches, several RVs/motorhomes, minivans, SUVs, motorcycles, and passenger vehicles, will travel from August 28 to September 12 on a mission to unify, educate, and most importantly, encourage Americans to continue their opposition of deficit spending, government-run healthcare, and irresponsible bailouts.

The tour will culminate with the massive “9/12 March on Washington” event organized by a group of influential grassroots organizations.

The Tea Party Express is proud to announce that Mr. Kenneth Gladney will be joining the nationwide Tea Party tour hosting 35 rallies across the country, set to launch this Friday, August 28.

Kenneth Gladney didn’t expect to be the victim of an angry mob when he went to a town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Missouri). While selling "Don't Tread on Me" flags outside the town hall forum, he was physically and verbally attacked by members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), who knocked Gladney to the ground and proceeded to punch and kick him.

Mr. Gladney joins the Tea Party Express to continue exercising his free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. He will encourage attendees at the tea party rallies to also exercise their own free speech rights and to contribute to the dialogue about the important policy issues now facing Americans.

“Kenneth Gladney was attacked for doing nothing more than exercising his right to free speech and engage in commerce. These are fundamental American rights that all of us should cherish and protect,” said Deborah Johns, Vice Chairman of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee which is organizing the “Tea Party Express.” Ms. Johns is also a Marine Mom, whose son, William, is currently serving in the United States Marines including multiple tours of duty in the War on Terror.

“My son has served multiple tours of duty overseas in the War on Terror. He has risked his life so that all Americans may retain the rights our Founding Fathers intended for them. However, some of President Obama’s supporters - who once argued that dissent is patriotic – now show zero tolerance for anyone not advocating complete support for the President’s big-government agenda,” said Ms. Johns.

“If President Obama’s supporters think they can use violence to silence the backlash against his policies of tax-spend-bailout, they are sadly mistaken. We are all Kenneth Gladney, and we at the Tea Party Express will stand with him and his right to speak his mind without fear of violence or intimidation,” said Johns.

The Tea Party Express supports patriots like Mr. Gladney, and is delighted to welcome him aboard the tour. Mr. Gladney will join the tour in Las Vegas, Nevada, on August 31st, and continue on to the grand finale event – a March on Washington on September 12, 2009.

To get more information about joining the "Tea Party Express" or to schedule an interview with a representative from the tour, please contact Levi Russell at (509) 979-6615 or via email at:

For more information, including complete schedule details, please visit

Previous posts about the 09.12.09 March on Washington:
--Taxpayer Protest ... Sept. 12 March on Washington, DC
--09.12.2009: They march to honor those who fought for our freedoms
--We remember as we march for our rights on 9/12
--09.12.09 Taxpayer Protest in DC ... buses are filling up fast
--Random conservative encounters
--09.12.09: Bring your video camera to March on Washington

Rob Bell UVA tailgate party with Fred Barnes of Fox News

The U.Va. 2009 football season kicks off on September 5, 2009, against William & Mary at 6:00 p.m.!

To get things started, Del. Rob Bell extends an invitation to attend a "Pre-Tailgate Tailgate" with Fred Barnes.

Mr. Barnes is a political commentator on Fox News, the executive editor of The Weekly Standard, and a loyal Wahoo from the Class of 1965.

The U.Va. Pep Band has also been invited. Come out for football, food and politics!

Individual tickets are $25.00, you may RSVP by email to

Work hard ... but don't forget to laugh

Anything worth having is worth working for ... and don't forget to laugh along the way.

09.12.09: Bring your video camera to March on DC

Shenandoah Valley residents are now filling a third bus going to Washington, DC, on Saturday, September 12 ... take the message that they do not agree with nationalized health care, stimulus bills, government overtaking of the auto and banking industries.

TAKE YOUR VIDEO CAMERA. TAKE YOUR CAMERA. Record the event. Record the signs, the flags, the speakers.

And, if they are there, record those from the Left who infiltrate. Record it and bring it back to the Valley. I will help you disseminate the video and photos to Glenn Beck, Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and others.

Let's record this historic event. Bring your video camera.

Previous posts about the 09.12.09 March on Washington:
--Taxpayer Protest ... Sept. 12 March on Washington, DC
--09.12.2009: They march to honor those who fought for our freedoms
--We remember as we march for our rights on 9/12
--09.12.09 Taxpayer Protest in DC ... buses are filling up fast
--Random conservative encounters

Creigh Deeds in SWAC area Thursday and Friday

Do you have questions to ask Democrat gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds? Now's your opportunity because he will make campaign appearances in the SWAC area Thursday and Friday.

Thursday Deeds will be in front of Staunton's Mill Street Grill at 5:00 pm, according to the chairman of Staunton Democrats.

Friday will find Deeds at Staunton's Black Dog Bikes to discuss small business. He will then head to Waynesboro to help Chris Graham -- bless his heart ... he finally got the Deeds campaign's attention ... open Democrat Headquarters.

Bob McDonnell stumps in Valley

With campaign stops planned in the Shenandoah Valley today, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell will stop by the Harrisonburg Victory office at 6:00 this evening to thank volunteers and put in a phone call or two himself.

The headquarters is located at 182 Neff Avenue, Suite 13 & 14, behind Valley Mall. Give Craig Orndorff a shout if you need directions: (804) 814-0926 /

Monday, August 24, 2009

Conservative exercising 1st Amendment? Expect to be attacked by liberals

As I read today's column in the Staunton News Leader from conservative Waynesboro resident Erica Lassen, I knew even before I read the comments that she was going to be verbally attacked for everything from her opinion to her conservative viewpoints to the always popular liberal tactic of personal attacks.

Sure enough, there were about 10 comments at the time and most were against her including the "seminar" commenters ... those who are there for every article about a conservative, spewing their vitriol ad nauseum.

Why should everyday Americans speak up in today's nasty political atmosphere?

There were Barack Obama White House appointees who owed back taxes but the mainsteam media gave them a pass. However, Joe the Plumber, who became a public figure simply because he asked a direct question of candidate Barack Obama, had his reputation dragged through the mud by the very same press that turned its head away from the Obama appointees. Liberal blogs excoriated the man.

Sarah Palin was named the Republican vice presidential nominee and she immediately came under attack from liberals and the mainstream media even though the Democrat vice presidential nominee, Joe Biden, had made demeaning statements about convenience store owners and other stupid remarks. He skated by while Gov. Palin and her family including her children continue to be attacked.

Katy Abrams spoke up at Sen. Arlen Specter's townhall meeting two weeks ago ... and leftists immediately bombarded her cell phone and her father's office phone. Liberal bloggers wrote nasty comments about her lack of intelligence and how stupid she sounded. She bravely went on "Hardball" and, as she later relayed to Glenn Beck, "The lamb was led to slaughter ... but the lamb survived." Katy, a stay-at-home mom of a seven-year-old and a four-year-old who dared to exercise her First Amendment right to address her elected representative, has seen her reputation dragged through the mud.

Now Marine veteran David Hedrick has spoken up at a Washington state townhall meeting, addressing his elected official to say "stay away from my children" and "keep your hands off my health care" and more. As he is applauded by conservatives, the leftists will go after him as they do any conservative who dares to stand up and speak out.

Back to Erica Lassen who, as a citizen of the SWAC area of the Shenandoah Valley, dared to write an opinion column voicing her conservative views. Just as others who have written letters to the editor, or even local conservatives who have been mentioned in articles written by NL reporters, she has come under attack by the seminar liberal commenters.

The NL has a reputation for those liberal sharks who lie in wake for the next conservative ambush. So, at 8:30 this evening, I checked the NL site to see how the comments were going.

There were a total of 15 comments ... 9 liberal, 5 conservative, and 1 neutral. An example of the liberal comments:

Wonder if Ms. Lassen's spot in this newspaper is a liberal conspiracy to make conservatives look ridiculous. Because it's working . . .
Now that's using fair and balanced debate. Read the comments for yourself and see what you think. I, for one, hope conservatives will continue to stand up, speak out, and fight for the liberties we are losing as a country. Those of us who are conservative must stand behind and support them because, if the day ever comes when conservatives cease to speak, liberals win.
Update: Had a note from News Leader publisher Roger Watson (see comments) alerting me that Ms. Lassen is a regular column contributor to the newspaper so I have changed the post to reflect that. Since terminating my subscription to the News Leader two years ago and moving over to the Waynesboro News Virginian, I am no longer a regular reader so was unaware Ms. Lassen was a regular contributor. My thanks to Mr. Watson for the information.

Marine vet David Hedrick on Sean Hannity show Monday

Sean Hannity had Marine veteran David Hedrick as a guest on his conservative radio talk show Monday afternoon and will be a guest on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News Channel Monday night.

He was just as powerful address the radio show as he was in the YouTube video that shows him speaking at a townhall meeting in Washington State.

His message on the Sean Hannity Show: The Silent Majority is silent no more. We will not be stopped ... and we will not be silenced. It is not enough to just educate ourselves ... we must stand up and fight for freedom!

This young Marine is a great American.

LTE: Obama change not for the better

Waynesboro resident Erica Lassen has a Letter to the Editor in today's Staunton News Leader that questions the change brought about by Barack Obama and the Democrat Congress. Read and add to the online discussion.