Thursday, October 16, 2008

GOP USA: "McCain wins debate by connecting with Average 'Joe' "

Bobby Eberle at USA GOP writes that John McCain won last night's debate by identifying with the everyday American:
In the third and final debate held Wednesday night between Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama, America finally witnessed John McCain at his best. He consistently took the fight to Obama, and more importantly, McCain spoke to the American people... saying exactly what his programs and those of Obama's would do for average Americans.

By reaching out to "Joe the Plumber," McCain transformed policies into understandable actions. He also did the same with Obama's policies and let America know what an Obama administration would do for the country. McCain saved his best performance for last, and it could be what turns the tide in the swing states and the election.
Read the entire article here.

McCain-Palin 2008

1 comment:

Misfit410 said...

I don't know if many people noticed, but I think we got a good taste of Obamas character every time McCain spoke. McCain not once was able to begin a sentence than Obama was laughing hysterically at him.

There was no call for that, the things McCain brought up about you Mr. Obama are no laughing matter. And you want to sit and tell me you are the one taking the higher road in this campaign when you mock the man right to his face on such an important night.