John Devore of Slash Food seems to think, "The reason Rachael Ray attracts so much scorn is because we hate it when nice people finish first." He goes on to question why:
Is it because she's bubblier than a human-sized Alka Seltzer? Or so sunny that her television shows should come with skin-cancer warnings? Maybe it's her vowel-heavy, baby talk catchphrases, or her love of cuisine more suited to suburban block parties than fancy restaurants?She can laugh at her critics all the way to the bank because the woman is loaded ... TV, cookbooks, cookware, endosements.
Rachael has even drawn the scorn of the Ice Princess herself, Martha Stewart, who "pointed out that Ray is an entertainer, not the teacher Stewart sees herself as."
Did Rachael Ray strike back? Nope. According to Mr. Devore:
And Ray responded graciously, pointing out that her skill sets are not as refined as Stewart's.Ahem.
So Ms. Stewart gives the appearance of being the perfectionist while Ms. Ray is the down-to-earth everyday "you-can-do-this-too" model for millions. Each has her own domain ... each has her own talents ... each has millions of followers.
And, as Mr. Devore points out, Ms. Ray just seems ... likeable:
She's the girl-next-door who could afford to buy the entire block. ... The bouncy way she chirps through recipes recalls those popular girls in high school who were always so blasted sweet to everyone.Think about that next time you watch her 30 Minutes Meals on the Food Network. So why defend Rachael Ray? Like Donnie Osmond winning 2009's Dancing With the Stars, I like it when nice people finish first. It somehow balances the world and helps us deal with the nasty people.
But Ray's biggest social crime is her sincere earnestness. She is a woman devoid of "snark." The woman doesn't seem to have a sarcastic bone in her body or a sneer on her lip. Snark is wit without wisdom, criticism for the thin-skinned, a teenager's cruel judgment of a world that actually terrifies the brat. Which is why this daytime TV diva is mercilessly mocked – it's easy. Takes for example "Yum-O" -- that's something a technicolor cartoon bear would say. Rachael Ray is boldly goofy, and she is rewarded for it, as well as derided. She seems to have become successful because she's pleasant. Occasionally saccharine, sure, but not disingenuous. You know, nice. That runs counter to everything we're taught that behind every accomplished person is a jerk.
Ahem. Ms. Stewart may paint herself as an expert in domesticity, but the reality is that she is a pro at branding, and she is smart about surrounding herself with those who ARE experts. I will not go so far as to say she is clueless (she is certainly not), but really, have you tried any of the actual recipes in her cookbooks (the early ones specifically)? This is not just my opinion; apparently this is a much discussed topic. Sigh; Martha had the opportunity to leave her snarkiness behind when she went to prison. She did not have to pick it back up.
The one big difference between them is that Rachael doesn't have to wear a court ordered LoJack ankle bracelet , oh and Rachael can still vote.
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