Saturday, July 25, 2009

Live-blogging the Homestead debate ... wrap-up

Debate is over, candidates have exited the room. Bob McDonnell exited to right in front of us and met up with his wife, Maureen, who gave him a hug and a kiss ... but my camera battery was not ready and I missed it. Dang. It would have been a nice photo.

Check for updated info as well as and and and

McDonnell emphasized that he had a vision and plans while Deeds said if elected he will let the people of Virginia know how he will fund transportation, etc.

Ed Gilespie was here along with Tim Murtaugh, RPV Communications Director, and other familiar faces from the Republican circle.

This is the kick-off ... more commentary and photos will be up when I return home. For now, I'm meeting friends for lunch and then a meeting after that. Have some good photos to share. Going to the VBA reception now to see the candidates.

The Homestead ... beautiful as ever.

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