Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sarah: "I don't need a title to usher in what needs to be done...."

From ABC News:
Palin said the family hasn't discussed any plans to move away from Alaska. But when the family discussed whether she ought to leave office, it was her eldest child, son Track, who is serving in Iraq, who voted "hell, yeah."
The mainstream media made it a point to talk about Joe Biden visiting his son in Iraq for the 4th of July ... but how many Americans know Sarah Palin's son is in Iraq?

A firestorm has surrounded the Palin family since last August. Gov. Palin finally said, "Enough."

A real leader is willing to give up power. Others hold onto it for the wrong reasons.

Usually when a door closes, a window opens ... and Gov. Palin will find that window. Leaders always do.


zen said...

A leader shirks responsibility in tough times? Palin is a joke and completely unsuitable for high office. Her resignation is an admission of her failure.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

You come through just as expected with your usual snark.

Those who are most underestimated very often are the ones who rise to great leadership. Think "Winston Churchill" for one....

"Misunderestimated" is a good thing because it catches you elitist libs when you least expect it. Heh.

zen said...

"elitist libs?" Snark indeed.

notswacgirl said...

she's gonna get a show on fox, just watch. or end up in prison. who knows (and who cares).

zen said...

We're not angry, we're laughing.

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

So are we ... at you.