See more photos of Swannanoa mansion.
See related story cross-posted at The Washington Examiner.
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
24 March 2010
See related story cross-posted at The Washington Examiner.
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
24 March 2010
the "wall of the gardens" formerly displayed "the four freedoms".
I have a photo of the statues that were in the ornate fountain built into the wall of the raised gardens taken in 1987. I can't seem to find anyone who has any photos of them. I would like to know what happened to them.
I was a dear friend of Lao Russell, as were my whole family. I grew up at Swannanoa, and I hope Lao's and Doctor's graves were not disturbed. Not many peole even knew where they were. I pray that the owner at least saved the Tifffany window of Sally Mae. Last time I saw it it was in severe danger of caving in. It Breaks my heart! Lao and Dr. worked themselves nearly to death to restore the mansion, and I know the toll it took on them. Anyone who knows ANYTHING, please contact me at ruttkay4@gmail.com. I was very close to all her employees and if anyone knows of their whereabaouts, particularly Angela her assistant, I would love to know how to contact her. I first met Lao when I was 3. I am 50 now. These people are my family. It kills me what has happened to them. My # is 540-839-2990, anyone who has ANY INFORMATION,Please contact me!
bless you,
Karen Cobb
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