Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Poll has McDonnell ahead ... Waynesboro Democrats concerned

Chris Graham who published the Augusta Free Press and is the chairman of the Waynesboro Democrat Committee is concerned with the third poll in less than a week showing Bob McDonnell boldly leading in the gubernatorial race.

Today he writes:
A new poll from Rasmussen Reports has Bob McDonnell reopening a healthy lead over Creigh Deeds in the Virginia governor’s race.The Rasmussen poll has McDonnell with a 51 percent-to-42 percent lead over Deeds. Deeds had narrowed the McDonnell lead two weeks ago to a 48 percent-to-46 percent margin.
In the open way that Chris writes ... and which sometimes surprises me in its frankness ... he adds this mind-blowing comment:
The bad poll news comes on the heels of a story circulating in Democratic circles today that the Democratic National Committee is reportedly holding on to its $5 million financial commitment to the Deeds campaign out of concern that the Deeds campaign has focused too much of its attention on the controversial Bob McDonnell 1989 grad-school thesis setting out a hardline social-conservative political agenda for his budding political career and not enough on putting down a framework for what a Deeds administration would do for Virginia.
If that bit of news is correct, it would be a huge disappointment to the Deeds campaign and, possibly, the final death knell to a candidate who has struggled since he won the Democrat primary in June.

H/T to JR Hoeft

Go, Sarah, go ... book hits #1!

Seven weeks from publication and Sarah Palin's book is already #1 at Barnes & Noble? And #3 on Amazon?

Can you imagine the seething liberals who have done everything they can to libel and destroy her? I love it. You go, Girl!

Passionate caller to Rush Limbaugh

In the 2:00 hour of the Rush Limbaugh radio show today, an impassioned woman called and was so articulate that it stopped me in my tracks as I cleaned house. Susan in Glendale's passion nailed the anger and frustration of the "little people" in this nation ... the ones who pay the salary of the electeds but feel powerless against a government that is not listening.

This woman lives in California and is "represented" by Barbara Boxer. As a mother of seven, she expressed what many would like to say. Rush Limbaugh has put up the transcript of the call and the link to listen to it.

I have seen hundreds of thousands of patriots with her passion and emotion over the past eight months. It does not seem to be dying away ... it seems to be growing.

We will remember in November 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012....

Spare me faux outrage

Barticles notes today:

NYT’s Thomas Friedman is worried that the current “poisonous” political atmosphere will incite someone to attempt to assassinate President Obama. Too many people, he says, are “crossing the line between criticizing the president and tacitly encouraging the unthinkable and the unforgivable."

Remember this novel written in 2004 with a plot to assassinate President George W. Bush?
In Nicholson Baker's new novella, "Checkpoint," a man sits in a Washington hotel room with a friend and talks about assassinating President Bush.

It's a work of the imagination and no attempts on the president's life are actually made, but the novel is likely to be incendiary, as with Michael Moore's documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11."

... Alfred A. Knopf is planning to publish Baker's work Aug. 24, on the eve of the Republican National Convention. "Checkpoint" is 115 pages long and will sell for $18.
Though it is against the law to threaten the president in real life, a work of fiction is usually protected by the First Amendment.
Spare me the faux outrage of the left ... they made the blueprint.

A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots

Moms are concerned about their children, their husbands their families, their homes ... and they are concerned about the government and country because all affect their families.

A gathering of "Mommy Patriots" is occurring on the internet. They introduce themselves with:
The purpose of this group is to give a forum for moms of all types to come together to discuss and resolve issues. Through the centuries women a have bonded together to teach and mentor one another. In the spirit of those foremothers let us now come together. Many of you have questions, some of you have answers. Some of you may know what textbooks teach a good history of our nation. Others can mentor a first time school board candidate...

In addition to the 9 values we add this one: Children are a gift from God and a sacred responsibility.
I once heard someone say "the details of motherhood are written on the inside of a woman's eyelids." It's the greatest reward in my life ... being a mom.

Now I'm a Patriot Mommy.

H/T to Allen

Military Voting Project ... make sure their votes count

It's election season again ... and we have thousands of military personnel around the world who are there protecting our freedom at home. We should make sure their votes count on Election Day.

Adam at Project Virginia has highlighted this issue:
Protect Military Voting In Virginia

Would you believe me if I said over 80 percent of military voters were unable to cast a ballot that counted in the 2008 general election? You can read the details of this shocking disenfranchisement of America’s military personnel at the Heritage Foundation website. More importantly, you can do something about it.

Irrespective of political inclination, I think we can agree that a much higher percentage of those protecting our form of government ought to be able to actually participate in it.

***Here’s how you can help make every military vote count this year***

If you’re in the Armed Forces or you know someone in the Armed Forces, go here to request a ballot by email or fax.

Share the link, tell those you know who serve to request a ballot via email or fax. Post that link on your favorite blog, your Twitter account, on Facebook, etc. with the title “Military Voting Project.”

In the past, the major obstacle to these votes being counted has been the logistical issue of waiting for a ballot in the mail, receiving it, and having to mail it back to the local election registrar – all within the allotted amount of time. Frequently, the mail simply doesn’t get to those stationed abroad until far too late.

To ensure that all ballots reach these individuals with ample time to have them returned, we need to educate our military voters on their right to obtain a ballot via email or fax. This will ensure they have the necessary amount of time to submit their ballot and have their vote counted.

I, along with the rest of ProjectVirginia, feel very strongly about this issue, so I hope all of our readers and supporters will join us in working towards making Virginia a place where ALL of our military service men and women have their votes counted. They sure do deserve it.
Requests must be received by October 5, 2009.

GOP ticket up by double digits in SurveyUSA poll

Every poll since June has had Bob McDonnell and the Republican ticket leading the Democrats ... and the latest SurveyUSA poll brings more good news. The momentum continues ... five weeks to go.
Bob McDonnell + 14: 55-to-41
Bill Bolling + 13: 54-to-41
Ken Cuccinelli + 11: 53-42
Bob McDonnell for Governor
Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor
Ken Cuccinelli for Atty. General

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Augusta County pursues lawsuit against local tax assessment hero

Stacks of petition copies with 10,500 signatures from Augusta County residents are ready for the Court.

The Augusta County real estate assessment lawsuit against the county is back in the news this week as Churchville attorney Francis Chester appears in court on Thursday (see press release below).

Representing 10,500 county landowners, Mr. Chester is working pro bono as he seeks justice for the taxpayers who saw their real estate increase from 30% to 1,000%. Named in the lawsuit were all seven members of the board of supervisors and Commissioner of the Revenue Jean Shrewsbury.

After a March 2009 public hearing on the matter where over 1,000 citizens showed up, many who were locked out of the government center, the supervisors and commissioner of revenue Jean Shrewsbury refused to throw out the outrageously high assessments.

As a result of Mr. Chester's lawsuit, the county has filed a lawsuit against Mr. Chester stating he filed a frivilous complaint and requested financial sanctions (fines) against him for representing 10,500 county residents, a right guaranteed by the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Is our taxpayer money being used by the county of Augusta and their full-time taxpayer-funded attorney to intimidate citizens who dare to question their policies?

This is very similar to a case in Gloucester where a judge earlier this year fined citizens in a real estate assessment dispute who tried to have supervisors removed.

Has government gotten out of control? Have public servants forgotten that they serve us ... we don't serve them? As a result of actions like this, many Americans feel as if their elected officials are not listening to them and have joined the nationwide tea party movement.

This is a result of the huge outcry of county residents earlier this year over real estate assessments ... after 1,000 residents attended the board of supervisors meeting to show disapproval of outrageous real estate assessments ... and after 10,000+ residents signed petitions asking supervisors to roll back assessments to 2005 values.

Outrage over real estate tax increases is not unique to Augusta County or even Virginia ... it's going on everywhere.

And don't forget the largest tax protest event ever just three weeks ago with the 9/12 March on Washington when upwards of 1 million+ American patriots marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the U.S. Capitol.

The following press release was sent to media on September 29:

WHAT: Augusta Co. Real Estate Assessment Case
WHERE: Augusta County Courthouse, Downtown Staunton
WHEN: Thurday, Oct. 1, 2009
TIME: 1:30 pm

Francis Chester, Esq.
(540) 337-7270 office
(540) 997-5277 home

Churchville attorney Francis Chester filed lawsuit against the Augusta County Board of Supervisors and the Commissioner of the Revenue Jean Shrewsbury to roll back 2009 real estate tax assessments to 2005 levels. As a result, Augusta County filed suit against Francis Chester stating he had filed a frivolous lawsuit and asked the court to assess financial penalties against him.

Although the original 1,200 copies of the tax assessment petitions containing 10,600 signatures were filed with the court, the judge required a separate set of copies of the petitions for each plaintiff in the suit.

Those ten copies -- one for each of the seven supervisors, the commissioner of the revenue, the county attorney, and the court -- and consisting of 86 pounds of paper and numerous reams of copy paper -- will be delivered to the courthouse on Thursday, October 1, 2009, at 1:30 pm.

Mr. Chester has filed a mass appeal for 10,600 appellants and thus has a mass appeal for the mass assessments.
Volunteers worked hours making additional copies as requested by the Augusta County Court in preparation for Thursday's court appearance.

The public is invited to Thursday's hearing which is to be held at the Augusta County Courthouse at the corner of Johnson and Augusta Streets in downtown Staunton.

~yawn~ Linwood Holton endorses Creigh Deeds

Well, duh.

Byron York: "Without Bush, media lose interest in war caskets"

Was it a political agenda that fanned the mainstream media's interest in covering the war dead as they arrived on U.S. soil? The Washington Examiner suggests that may have been the case as interest drops now that the Democrats have dropped the ban on media coverage of returning caskets of American soldiers and Marines ... and the MSM have lost interest.

Traveling Augusta County for GOP candidates

Alleghany Mountains can be seen in the distance ... hay bales remind that winter is on its way.

Cows graze in western Augusta County.

Alleghany Mountains

Monday was extremely blustery as a cold front moved through Virginia. Look at the trees ... their leaves were quaking as limbs bent in the wind. A line of extremely heavy rain quickly passed through the area, soaking everything and bringing even more wind.

Dark sky warned of approaching rain as I left GOP yard signs in a neighborhood in western Augusta County.

The view from this house was gorgeous as I left after dropping off yard signs.

Rt. 254 west of Staunton heading toward Buffalo Gap.

Rain and wind knocked black walnuts off trees throughout the Valley. These could be seen on a back road near my home.

The best part of campaigning in the fall is being out and about on these gorgeous autumn days. Monday was no exception as I drove throughout the SWAC area delivering yard signs for our Republican candidates. It was extremely windy as a cold front moved through the area with heavy downpours but partial sun came back out afterwards and didn't dampen my enthusiasm for driving and taking photos of this beautiful valley. Falling leaves flew through the air and danced across roadways as I drove the back roads.

Today it is in the 50s at midday as autumn ushers in cooler temperatures under overcast skies. Tonight's low is expected to be in the lower 40s which means we could have upper 30s in our area.

Meanwhile, the first leaves to turn yellow and red fell to the ground over the weekend with two days of steady rain on Friday and Saturday, and then yesterday's high winds and heavy rains. Those trees stand bare as other trees begin to turn color.

All our black walnuts were knocked to the ground, and I saw others were the same as I traveled the area. Our apples have been confiscated by the critters as well as other nuts and berries. The wonder that is Fall is taking place in western Virginia.

It's autumn in the Valley....

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
September 28, 2009

IBD: NYT forgot reporting ... got scooped by Fox News

Investor's Business Daily zings the New York Times in today's editorial:
The New York Times, still smarting after losing scoops to Fox News, has thrown in the towel, vowing to avoid future embarrassment by monitoring the cable channel. We have a better idea — it's called reporting.

IBD continued:
An Illinois senator rises to the highest office in the land on pillars of a spectacularly slimy political organization, a group with a long record of voter fraud, theft, thuggery and partisanship. As sexy as such a story might seem, the New York Times didn't consider it news.

That's why the Times got scooped by outlets such as Fox News, for which it has nothing but contempt, on revelations that led to the fall of community organizing behemoth Acorn.

The wound was self-inflicted, rooted in little more than the partisanship of protecting a favored president. It left the field clear for a couple of journalism students to show that Acorn staffers openly encouraged pimping, child prostitution, human trafficking, mortgage fraud and tax evasion.

It's right there on tapes posted to Andrew Breitbart's Unlike the disdainful Times, Fox ran with it, toppling a behemoth of political power.

Fox's judgment now seems to play the role the Times' once did, and the Times is no doubt left wondering how it could have lost out on yet another one.
Ouch, ouch, ouch.

It's call journalism. Too bad the MSM forgot that journalism includes fair and balanced reporting. Wonder if they will wake up anytime soon.

I'm not holding my breath.

Tributes pour in for HSLDA's Chris Klicka

UPDATE 12 October 2009: Home school community lost HSLDA attorney Chris Klicka, 48, today after a long battle with MS.

As Chris Klicka remains critically ill in Colorado, too weak to travel back home to Virginia in his final days, tributes and prayers pour in from throughout the country for this warrior for the home schooling cause.

Home school leader Doug Phillips writes in Doug's Blog:
The hearts of America’s home school leaders were turned to our beloved friend and homeschool hero, Chris Klicka, who has suffered from MS for more than fifteen years, and was admitted into a Colorado hospital during the event. Chris has suffered greatly for years now, but this weekend his condition became life-threatening when his temperature dropped to eighty-five degrees. Though he has recently showed some positive signs, he remains in very serious condition. Both he and his dear wife Tracy have supreme confidence in the sovereign God, and are prepared for His will to be done, be that life or eternity.

It was my pleasure to serve with Chris on the legal staff of HSLDA for six years, during which time we had many adventures serving the Lord and fighting to defend home schooling families. Chris’ love for and principled commitment to Christian home education is legendary, and his tenacious efforts in defense of family freedom equally so.
In 2007, I presented Chris with the John Smith Quadricentennial Award at the Jamestown Quadricentennial. He received a five-minute standing ovation from the more than 4,000 home educators present for the event.
No Apologies blog writes of Chris:
Chris Klicka has been a vital force in the buildling of home schooling in America into a mainstream activity and a political force through the Home School Legal Defense Association. He is also a passionate Christian who wears his love for God on his sleeve. In the last few years, he has lived a very public struggle with MS to bring glory to God – which he has many times over – and to be an encouragement to others.
Lifestyle Education through Discipleship blog posts this:
The name Chris Klicka holds a dear place in the hearts of many home educators. He has stood and helped home educating families since 1985, as Senior Defense Attorney for Home School Legal Defense Association. Many of us have been touched to hear Chris speak, and changed by his books, HomeSchooling: The Right Choice, The Heart of Home Schooling, and Home School Heroes.
Chris has battled MS for several years, and has seen much deterioration lately. After his unsuccessful hyperbaric oxygen treatment late this summer, I was surprised to hear he was feeling well enough to attend the HSLDA Leadership Conference in Colorado Springs this past week.
But during the conference he had to be hospitalized. After several ups and downs - while the saints prayed fervently, they were able to get him fairly stable, yet not back to a place that he would be able to return home.
Early Christian America blog posts:
I cannot say enough about the heroism and faith of my dear friend Chris Klicka. From the days when he and I prayed together in his home in Wauwatosa about what he aspired to do with a dedicated life to Christ and the desire to help God’s people, to the days more recently when he spoke on our radio show about the plight of home schoolers in Germany, Chris remains always an inspiration.

Certainly there are many of us across the country who are praying that Chris will be well… that God will raise him up again to do that which he has accomplished so well throughout his lifetime: He Defended the Truth as it is found in Christ Jesus; he led our nation toward upholding educational freedom (Deuteronomy 6) in home school education, in the process upholding the rich heritage of this nation. Our prayers are certainly with him and his family in this time of trial.
A warrior for years for home schooling families, Chris Klicka is known by thousands ... and thousands more benefit from the work he has done throughout the years as one of the pioneers of the current home school movement.

Prayers and tributes continue to pour in for the Klicka family.

Monday, September 28, 2009


In the midst of stormy skies, sunbeams shone through the dark clouds.

Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
September 28, 2009

Vickie Farris critically ill

Mike Farris, founder of Home School Legal Defense Association and Patrick Henry College, is dealing with two crises at this time. His friend, Chris Klicka at HSLDA, is extremely ill in Colorado ... and his wife, Vickie, is critically ill in Virginia. Updated from Anne Miller, President of the Home Educators Association of Virginia:
The second urgent prayer request is for Vickie Farris, the wife of Mike Farris (founder of HSLDA & Patrick Henry College) and mother of ten. She stayed home in Virginia with a serious internal infection. Mike is flying home from the national HSLDA conference immediately because the infection has taken a turn for the worse. Pray that the doctors can discern the right means to stop the infection. More than that, pray that the Divine Physician heals her quickly!
Please join us as we keep this family close in prayer tonight....

Home school leader Chris Klicka update ... not good news

UPDATE 12 October 2009: Home school community loses HSLDA's Chris Klicka, 48, longtime home school advocate who has battled MS for years.

The latest update from the Klicka family's pastor is not good news as Chris Klicka has taken a turn for the worse in Colorado and is too weak to be moved back to Virginia. He has been placed in hospice care in a friend's home in Colorado Springs and, short of a miracle, Chris' 20-year battle with MS may be nearing an end. His wife, Tracy, is with him and an update can be found at the website:
Chris is deeply convinced that God is superintending his life and his body in such a way that when his body ceases to function in a way that it can sustain itself, then the Lord is making clear to Chris that it is time for him to go home to be with Christ in heaven. And so it is with a great mixture of sadness and yet distinct hope that Tracy along with Chris are making the decision to transition Chris to hospice care at the home of very dear and very trusted friends here in Colorado Springs. They have made the decision to not move Chris again, including home to Virginia, and to make him as calm and comfortable to enjoy his remaining days surrounded by his family.

The only regret that Tracy has in that decision is not being able to be back home in Virginia with church family and close friends who have been so dear to them. She would have loved to give everyone an opportunity to speak and pray with Chris and to grieve together with the family. Please know however that Tracy is convinced that God's wisdom and care is being played out in these circumstances and that there will be many good things to come out of this. The family is abiding and trusting in God's wisdom and provision, which has been incredibly abundant here in Colorado Springs. Please know as well though that Tracy is thinking of you all with a heavy heart and with deep love and affection.
There is a specific prayer request from the family as passed on by their pastor:
Would you please join Tracy and family in giving thanks to God for his grace in Chris' life and would you pray for them that they would have strength and peace to continue to walk through the necessary details of this decision. Please also pray that God would help them take care of all the necessary arrangements to get their youngest son, John, back out to Colorado, as well as Bethany's husband Ben, and Megan's fiancé Brendan. There is yet much to do but they are keeping in primary view what God has already done in sending his Son and in giving hope and life and peace through his Son.

You are an expression of God's loving care to them. Thank you for your love and prayers.
Our prayers are with the Klicka family in Colorado, and the HSLDA, HEAV, and home schooling communities who have benefitted from Chris' involvement throughout the years.

Attn home school community: Urgent prayers needed for Chris Klicka

Chris Klicka (left) and family

UPDATE 12 October 2009: Home school community loses Chris Klicka, 48, after long battle with MS.

~Chris Klicka in hospital in CO - Vickie Farris in hospital in VA~

Prayer warriors from throughout the nationwide home school community are urgently being asked to please pray for Chris Klicka, one of our long-time dedicated HSLDA leaders who is in a hospital in Colorado after taking a turn for the worse during the national Home School Legal Defense Association conference. Chris has suffered from MS (Multiple Schlerosis) for years but had felt well enough to attend the conference.

Home Educators Association of Virginia President Anne Miller has reached out to Virginia home families to please hold the Klicka family, as well as Vickie Farris who is also ill, in your thoughts and prayers by passing along the following:
Dear Friends in Christ,

Two of the Christian homeschool movement's most loved leaders are in urgent need of prayer right now. During our church service here in Maryland this morning a phone call came to one of the men of our church who works at HSLDA. It was Mike Smith, the president of HSLDA, calling from Colorado with two urgent prayer requests.

1. Chris Klicka has been battling MS (multiple sclerosis) for 20 years, and has taken a serious turn for the worse in recent months. You can read details written by Chris's dear wife, Traci, at CaringBridge.

Yesterday's entry from Tracy included the following: "Right now we are at our National Homeschool Conference in Colorado Springs. Chris has not been doing well for a few weeks now, but was feeling good enough and really wanted to come to the conference. We both knew that since he didn't make any progress from the hyperbaric oxygen treatment that he most likely would not be working much longer for HSLDA. So his desire in coming was two fold: One, to make it possible for our children to have one last opportunity to see so many of the friends they have made over the years nationwide and two, have an opportunity for us to say goodbye ourselves to these dear homeschool leaders and friends."

This summer Chris did a ten-minute interview about how the Lord has blessed him and used MS in his life.

Chris is now in ICU. He appears to be nearing the end, but he is probably more ready than anybody I know. Or the Lord may have another round of miracles for Chris's earthly life, which Chris would eagerly use to keep giving glory to God. Please join us and thousands of others in praying for Chris Klicka and his family. His family is gathering around him at the hospital now.

Here is the last part of Tracy's entry at CaringBridge this morning: "We don't know how much time we have left with Chris, but we believe it is not long. As a family, we all knew that Daddy was getting worse; we just didn't expect him to be getting ready to go home to be with his Abba Father quite this soon. We are all at peace with whatever God has planned, knowing that because He is there, it is all good. Thank you for your prayers as we prepare and spend our last days and hours with Chris. May they be filled with many precious moments and sweet fellowship with him!"

2. The second urgent prayer request is for Vickie Farris, the wife of Mike Farris (founder of HSLDA & Patrick Henry College) and mother of ten. She stayed home in Virginia with a serious internal infection. Mike is flying home from the national HSLDA conference immediately because the infection has taken a turn for the worse. Pray that the doctors can discern the right means to stop the infection. More than that, pray that the Divine Physician heals her quickly!

"I was crying to the Lord with my voice,
And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah.
I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.
Salvation belongs to the Lord; Your blessing be upon Your people! Selah."
~ Psalm 3:4-5, 8 [NASB]

In Christ,
Bernie Beall
Family Mission Int'l
Great Commission Families
Anne also passed along this update from Rick Boyer, HEAV board member:

Many homeschool leaders from the national HSLDA conference visited Chris in the hospital yesterday and today. Christians from the local community are offering themselves in service. The Klicka family has even been blessed with a home in which to stay! Chris's parents and their family life pastor arrived today. Chris greeted his mother with a smile.

Remarkably, he drank some water and broth and will be moved to another floor shortly. He is rather confused right now, so would appreciate your prayers. Also, continue to pray for God to do the work He wants to do within the Klickas and within each of us who know and love them. May He be glorified!
After that came yet another update:
Chris has been moved from ICU to a regular room and Megan Klicka says, "...the doctors said it is miraculous--no medial explanation. Please continue to pray!"
Anne says, "Amen! Please join us as we continue to pray for both Chris Klicka and Vicki Farris."

During my 16 years educating my children at home, Chris Klicka and Mike Farris, husband of Vickie Farris, were there to guide, encourage, and comfort families against legal attacks from school officials throughout the nation. Since HSLDA is located in northern Virginia, we often were privileged to hear one or both of those men speak, either with local groups or at the HEAV conventions held annually in Richmond. They were pioneers ... their leadership was pivotal to the success of home schooling. Vickie was always there to support Mike in his quest to help others.

Across the nation ... those of faith are praying for these dedicated leaders. We will join them and ask others to do the same.

Is Europe trending more conservative?

DJ posts some interesting election facts from Germany....

Left continues to disparage conservatives

Erick Erickson at RedState posts this morning that he has arrived. Disseminating information about townhall meetings and other conservative news apparently makes him part of the "right-wing" internet information network, lumped in with Sean Hannity, Chuck Norris, Glenn Beck, and Rick Perry by the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center:
Every month, there are militia trainings announced around the country — and untold numbers that are not publicized. The Internet teems with training videos, information about meetings and rallies, far-fetched rumors and conspiracy theories.
In "Going Mainstream," the SPLC wrote:
A remarkable aspect of the current antigovernment movement is the extent to which it has gained support from elected officials and mainstream media outlets. Lawmakers complaining about the intrusiveness of the federal government have introduced 10th Amendment resolutions (reasserting that those powers not granted to the federal government remain with the states) in about three dozen states. In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry raised the prospect of secession several months after Obama's inauguration — a notion first brought up there in the '90s by the militia-like Republic of Texas. U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said she feared that the president was planning "reeducation camps for young people," while U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), evoking memories of the discredited communist-hunter Sen. Joseph McCarthy, warned of 17 "socialists" in Congress. Fox News host Glenn Beck, who has called Obama a fascist, a Nazi and a Marxist, even re-floated militia conspiracy theories of the 1990s alleging a secret network of government-run concentration camps.

The original movement also had its mainstream backers, but they were largely confined to talk radio; today, Beck is just one of the well-known cable TV news personalities to air fictitious conspiracies and other unlikely Patriot ideas. CNN's Lou Dobbs has treated the so-called Aztlan conspiracy as a bona fide concern and questioned the validity of Obama's birth certificate despite his own network's definitive debunking of that claim. On MSNBC, commentator Pat Buchanan suggested recently that white Americans are now suffering "exactly what was done to black folks." On FOX News, regular contributor Dick Morris said, "Those crazies in Montana who say, 'We're going to kill ATF agents because the U.N.'s going to take over' — well, they're beginning to have a case."

At the same time, players like the National Rifle Association, which in the 1990s publicly attacked federal law enforcement agents as "jackbooted thugs," are back at it. Two months before the election last fall, firearms manufacturers joined forces to promote NRA membership in a national campaign ominously dubbed "Prepare for the Storm in 2008."
Patriot ideology also has crept into the anti-tax "tea parties" that were staged by conservatives around the country in April and July.
The majority of tea party participants are not "anti-tax" but are, instead, responsible tax and responsible spending.
In addition to protesting government spending and taxation, some demonstrators called for the sovereignty of the states, abolition of the Federal Reserve (a long-time bogeyman of the radical right), and an end to "socialism" in Washington. At the Jacksonville, Fla., July tea party, some protesters carried signs that compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler.
The left zeroed in on those few signs and not the thousands of other signs that addressed less government and less spending.
The recent Department of Homeland Security report also pointed to the role of the Internet in the current movement: "Unlike the earlier period, the advent of the Internet and other information-age technologies since the 1990s has given domestic extremists greater access to information related to bomb-making, weapons training and tactics, as well as targeting of individuals, organizations and facilities, potentially making … the consequences of their violence more severe."
Fear-mongering from the left continues with help from the SPLC....

Hitler vs Obama: What was Doonesbury saying?

What was Garry Trudeau trying to say in Sunday's Doonesbury comic strip? For those who have not seen it, the comparison in eight panels appears to be of Barack Obama with Adolf Hitler ... or perhaps it's supposed to be a contrast in the two men. In the world of Doonesbury, all is not always as it seems....

Hold onto your hats ... blustery day in the Valley

It's a blustery day in the Shenandoah Valley with 30 mph wind gusts that began overnight and are expected to continue throughout the day. Partly cloudy skies offer a chance of rain. Hang onto those umbrellas and hats. It's windy out there!

It's autumn in the Shenandoah Valley....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lynchburg News & Advance: "Governor's Race Devoid of Issues, Filled with Fibs"

While I watch the Democrat bloggers sing Creigh Deeds' praises for his "transportation plan" and whatever else they can find to advance, I don't blame them because they are, of course, supporting their even if they have to grasp at straws to do so.

But then comes along a newspaper editorial that slams Deeds and boldly points out the glaring lack of decency in his campaign as he distorts, lies, and omits the truth in TV and radio ads.

The Lynchburg News and Advance smacks down the Democrat's eagerness to throw mud in this election cycle, probably because he has nothing positive to offer the citizens of Virginia. This paragraph from the op ed is striking:
Virginia needs a governor who leads from the front, not the rear. And right now, Creigh Deeds is gazing at the backsides of his followers, while Bob McDonnell is staring straight at the critical issues Virginia faces.
And there's much more that the News & Advance opines about that's worth reading.

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

Deeds campaign continues to deceive Virginia voters

New Low: Deeds Ignores Virginia Newspapers, Continues to Willfully Deceive Virginia Voters
Latest Ad Ignores Editorials Calling APCO Claim "Outright Lie"; "Blatant Lie"; "Not Honest"

From the Bob McDonnell for Governor campaign....

RICHMOND- After multiple editorials finding Creigh Deeds' attacks on Bob McDonnell regarding electricity rate increases to be completely without merit and false, the Democrat has now gone up with a NEW ad reiterating the same erroneous claims. As of this press release, it does not appear the Deeds' campaign has posted this new ad to their website, perhaps aware of the new lows the ad reaches.

Deeds' First Round of False APCO Claims Have Been Roundly Rebuked by Independent Observers.

The Lynchburg New & Advance TODAY
"His (Deeds) television ads have been below-the-belt and beyond-the-pale attacks. The most egregious was the spot entitled "$300 Million," which has been on a constant loop in Central and Southwest Virginia. The ad outright blames McDonnell for the increase in electricity bills that Appalachian Power Co. customers have seen in recent months, a blatant lie and distortion."
Read the Full Editorial Here:

The Lynchburg News and Advance September 20th
"The ad in question, which has been shown in our part of the state, outright blames McDonnell, then the state's attorney general, for Appalachian Power Co.'s recent series of rate hikes.
It's an outright lie, and the good senator and his campaign operatives know it. APCo, under the law (a law Deeds voted for as a state senator) is indeed entitled to collect certain costs and expenses from its customers. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but to suggest, as he does in the ad, that there was a dark cabal between the GOP, McDonnell and Big Power (to coin a phrase) is disengenous, at best.

Read the Full Editorial Here:

The Roanoke Times September 18th

"Before customers who have choked on high electric bills break out their pitchforks and go after McDonnell, they should know that Deeds' ad is not honest."

" pretend that McDonnell did anything but represent consumers and uphold the law is deceptive. Deeds should be ashamed."

Read the Full Editorial Here

While Deeds' has Chosen to Ignore Virginia Newspapers, Here are the Facts..... Again

Deeds Voted For the System His Ads Decry:
· SB1416, 2007

Deeds is Intentionally Misleading Voters About How the Regulatory System Works:
· Re-regulation returned the utilities to their previous status as monopoly providers
· By law, they must be allowed to recover the reasonable and prudent costs of providing service, and a reasonable profit
· The role of the Attorney General in those rate proceedings before the SCC was and is to represent Virginia's consumers, not to approve rate increases
· Bob McDonnell was doing his job as consumer counsel in the system that Creigh Deeds voted to implement.

Deeds' Ads Ignores the Hundreds of Millions in Savings Bob McDonnell Secured for Virginia Consumers:
· As Attorney General, Bob McDonnell stood up for Virginia consumers, recommending billions in savings, and saving citizens hundreds of millions
· From 2006 to 2008, APCo requested over $600 million in rate increases, and another $4 billion for a clean coal powered electricity generating plan in West Virginia
· Under the leadership of McDonnell, the OAG successfully limited these increases, saving consumers nearly $300 million

With Only 37 Days Left in the 2009 Election, Virginians Deserve Far Better than Creigh Deeds' False Attacks.

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

Deeds ducks debates ... McDonnell appears on Fox Sunday with Chris Wallace

Chris Wallace Calls Out Creigh Deeds for Ducking Debates

- Democrat Repeatedly Refused National TV Appearance, So McDonnell Appears Alone -
- Second Joint Appearance in a Week Deeds Has Dodged, First Was at VUU Tuesday -

From Republican Party of Virginia....

WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic candidate for governor Creigh Deeds repeatedly rebuffed invitations from Fox News to participate in a nationally televised debate scheduled for this morning, leaving Republican Bob McDonnell no choice but to appear alone. McDonnell took questions from host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” this morning, with Wallace twice noting that Deeds had refused to meet on the program. This is the second time in the space of one week Deeds has refused to appear jointly with McDonnell. The first was Tuesday at Virginia Union University.

Click here to watch the video.

This is not the first media outlet to notice that Deeds has a consistent reluctance to appear in public forums with McDonnell. The Republican had proposed a series of ten face-to-face meeting only to be turned away on multiple occasions. The two have participated in just two debates so far, with less than 40 days to go before the election.

Deeds Bailed on Joint Appearance at Virginia Union University As Well
The two candidates were invited to appear in a debate hosted by Virginia Union University this past Tuesday, but were forced to appear separately because of Deeds’ refusal to share the stage with McDonnell.

“And we are worried about Deeds' reluctance to take the stage with McDonnell,” wrote the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “A governor must be willing to face his constituents and the political opposition. Why is Creigh Deeds so afraid?”

"I know that the last time Deeds agreed to debate Bob the results were, shall we say, less than beneficial for Creigh,” said Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins. “This is a time in Virginia that calls for leadership. People are looking for answers and they want someone who will lead and not be afraid to take on the difficult questions. Ducking debates every step of the way is not what I would call leadership.”

In what has become an Internet phenomenon, Deeds conducted a now-infamous press gaggle following the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce debate on September 17th. The clip of the exchange is rapidly approaching 50,000 views on YouTube.

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009

Conservative grassroots resurgence

Donald has a very well thought-out and thorough post at American Power about the resurgence of the conservative grassroots in America including this comment:
We are in the midst of a glorious grassroots conservative comeback. The "moderate" conservatives have made common cause with the left's communist establishment to excoriate concerned citizens protesting for a return to limited goverment and political effectiveness. The real crazies in America are those at the center-left who've been hoodwinked by "Hope and Change" and are now implicated in the attempted radical takeover of the United States.
Conservative Americans are justifiably angry and responding by turning out for nationwide tea parties, local protests against tax hikes, and the national 9/12 March on Washington. Look for the movement to continue and grow as Democrats turn a deaf ear to the people.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our country is not safe from terrorism

~Terror plot was planned for 9/11~

The investigation is ongoing as law enforcement officials continue to dig into a possible terror threat that may have been planned for September 11, 2009:
An Afghan immigrant wanted to carry out a New York City terror attack involving hydrogen peroxide bombs to coincide with the Sept. 11 anniversary before federal authorities foiled the plan, a U.S. prosecutor said Friday.
The ring was discovered by the intelligence community that Barack Obama wants to investigate.
"The evidence suggests a chilling, disturbing sequence of events showing the defendant was intent on making a bomb and being in New York on 9/11, for purposes of perhaps using such items," [U.S. prosecutor Tim] Neff declared in arguing for Zazi's transfer to New York.
Isn't it time for liberals and the ACLU's "John Adams Project" to go after the bad guys and stop going after the ones whose jobs it is to protect the American people?

Congress cuts ACORN $$$ ... will Virginia Dem candidates return donations?

ACORN has been proven to be a corrupt organization that has squandered taxpayer money and caused questions to be raised in Congress and, yet, Virginia Democrats have accepted donations from them. A check of VPAP shows the following:
Creigh Deeds - $200,000
Jody Wagner - $5,000
Steve Shannon - $21,500
Democrat Party Committees - $220,000
That a lot of tainted money. In fact, RPV Chairman Pat Mullins called on Democrats to return the money, saying:
"ACORN is a corrupt organization that has its finances closely intermingled with SEIU's finances. The right thing to do would be for all Democrats to return the tainted money as soon as possible."
A press release from the Republican Party of Virginia laid it out:
All Democrat Candidates Should Return ACORN-Tainted Money

- SEIU Contributions to Statewide, House Candidates at Issue -
- Nearly $525,000 Distributed Statewide to Democrats -

RICHMOND - Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins today expanded his call for Democratic candidates to return all contributions received from the Service Employees International Union, a big labor group closely affiliated with the scandal-plagued organization ACORN. Following up on his demand that all three statewide Democratic candidates return the campaign cash, Mullins noted that SEIU has contributed almost $525,000 to Democrats, including a number of candidates for the House of Delegates or other offices.

"ACORN is a corrupt organization that has its finances closely intermingled with SEIU's finances," Chairman Mullins said. "The right thing to do would be for all Democrats to return the tainted money as soon as possible."

The relationship between ACORN and SEIU is well-documented. The union's president, Andy Stern, sits on ACORN's advisory council. During the years 2006 and 2007, SEIU gave more than $4 million to the organization, according to Department of Labor filings.

More ACORN-SEIU Links:

1. One SEIU local union, the Illinois Homecare Workers and Home Childcare Providers, sprouted from ACORN's organizing efforts and pays rent to ACORN.

2. SEIU Locals 100 and 880 are identified as allied organizations on ACORN's website.

3. U.S. Department of Labor LM-2's (financial disclosure forms) point to over $600,000 in transactions between SEIU Locals 100 and 880 locals and other ACORN operations .

4. ACORN founder S. Wade Rathke referred to mega-union SEIU 880 as "one of the pillars of the ACORN Family."

5. Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern handpicked ACORN's Rathke to direct SEIU's nationwide organizing projects.

ACORN, which bills itself as a "grassroots community organization," has been mired in scandal for some time. Already under investigation for fraudulently registering voters, the group has been rocked by recently released videos from across the United States showing ACORN employees " willing to abet prostitution, tax fraud, illegal immigration, and sex trafficking in minors ." In the wake of the scandal, Congress is moving to eliminate federal funding for ACORN, which has received $54 million in federal dollars since 1994.

SEIU/ACORN and Virginia Democrats - Perfect Together

Creigh Deeds $200,000
Jody Wagner $5,000
Steve Shannon $21,500
Democratic Party Committees $220,000
(Source: )

"The only conclusion to be drawn from this pile of campaign cash is that Democrats running statewide and all across Virginia are beholden to the interests of a big labor union that is clearly in bed with ACORN," Mullins said. "These candidates should return this tainted money today."

Friday, September 25, 2009

Traveling to Highland County on a rainy day

Fog on the mountain ridges of Highland County, VA."

Rt. 250 passing Mountain House on the way up Shenandoah Mountain.

Headwaters in Highland County.

Backroad of Highland....

Overlooking Highland from Shenandoah Mountain.

Shenandoah Mountain trail on a rainy, foggy day.

Camp lodge ... inside it was packed with young people.

The bridge to somewhere in the mountains....

The creek meandered downhill ...

... as the buses waited to return to Staunton.

Rope courses, climbing walls, soccer, mountain hiking trails, exploring the creek, football in the rain, fellowship and friendship ... add to that mix 80 young people bursting with energy ... and you have a bustling mountain lodge.

Even the rain and fog couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of spending time in the western reaches of Virginia. It was a good day.

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
September 25, 2009

Netanyahu: Profile of a leader

I am ashamed of the words coming out of the mouth of Barack Obama when he is in the presence of world leaders. It is reminiscent of the kid on the playground who strives to fit in with the cool kids ... and so he says and does whatever he thinks will impress them.

In Obama's effort to be a "cool kid" to the rest of the world -- or, perhaps I should say, to our enemies -- he is selling us out, criticizing our great country that so many fought and died for, and placing blame on us for any number of perceived short-fallings. He ignores his true and loyal friends ... Great Britain, Poland, Chechslavakia.

And then along comes a leader so strong and powerful in his remarks that the world stops ... leans in ... and listens: "Have ... you ... no ... shame?"

Thank God for men like Benjamin Netanyahu.

Update: The Washington Times has the entire transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the United Nations.

Check out American Power's post and commentary.

H/T Shaun Kenney

WaTimes: "Wilder to Deeds ... 'That's not leadership' "

Doug Wilder's resistance to endorse his Party's candidate took a dramatic turn Thursday when he publicly announced he would not be endorsing anyone for the gubernatorial race:
Spurning pleas from the president and the leader of his party, former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder refused to endorse Democrat R. Creigh Deeds for Virginia governor, taking issue with the candidate's willingness to raise taxes in a weak economy.

"That doesn't show leadership and responsibility to me," Mr. Wilder told The Washington Times on Thursday after he announced that he would not endorse either Mr. Deeds or Republican candidate Robert F. McDonnell.

Mr. Wilder objected to statements by Mr. Deeds indicating that he would not rule out new taxes if they were part of a bipartisan bill that contained a dedicated funding mechanism for transportation.

"We are in the toughest economic times that we've had. I think the most driving thing to do now is to be a part of fiscal sanity and restoring accountability," Mr. Wilder said in a telephone interview.
Meanwhile, Politico headlined, "Wilder whacks Deeds," and wrote:
Former Virginia governor Douglas Wilder announced Thursday that he will not be endorsing a candidate in the Virginia gubernatorial race, while mounting some sharp criticism at Democrat Creigh Deeds over his stance on taxes and guns.
They added:
Wilder also indirectly attacked Deeds for supporting tax increases to help fund transportation projects in the commonwealth. Deeds wrote an op-ed in yesterday’s Washington Post declaring his support for a “dedicated funding mechanism for transportation -- even if it includes new taxes.”

Wilder’s response? “This is not the time in our Commonwealth to talk about any kind of tax increase, especially those that are fundamentally regressive and will hit hardest those who are struggling."
The first African-American governor in America, Doug Wilder's word carries weight and obviously was much sought-after by the Deeds campaign:
Wilder’s announcement is a significant blow to the Deeds campaign, which had been aggressively courting his support in recent weeks. Even President Obama got involved in the lobbying campaign, making a personal call to Wilder earlier this month asking him to endorse Deeds.
Isn't that what it's all about? Being more interested in the state and her citizens than politics?

I tip my hat to Mr. Wilder.

McDonnell says yes, Deeds says no to Fox News debate

This morning on Fox & Friends, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace revealed that the show had offered a platform for Republican Bob McDonnell and Democrat Creigh Deeds to debate for the gubernatorial campaign on Fox News Sunday, and had asked for a list of dates that were available for them.

The McDonnell campaign, he said, provided about 10 dates ... the Deeds campaign provided NONE. Therefore, Mr. Wallace said, they will be talking with Bob McDonnell this Sunday and not with Creigh Deeds.

So tune into Fox News Sunday as host Chris Wallace sits down with Republican Bob McDonnell to discuss the gubernatorial campaign.

Bob McDonnell for Governor

Nate is back on U.S. soil

Got home late after a meeting Thursday night and had this email from the parents of Cpl. Nate Salatin of Augusta County:
Nate is back in the USA!!

Around 11:15 a.m. today we received a telephone call from Nate. He said,"I am in Bangor, Maine!" So his return from Iraq was sooner than planned. Nate said that he and the other Marines in his group had just arrived from Iraq, with a stop in Germany.
Thank God for his safe delivery back from his second deployment to Iraq. He won't be back to Augusta County for a couple of weeks but we'll be ready! The American flags are going up at the Salatin home when word is received that Nate is on his way home to Virginia.

Semper Fi.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


From The Liberty Tree blog....

"In the end, more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all--security,comfort, and freedom. When the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free. And they were never free again."-- Sir Edward Gibbon

Dem blogosphere: desperate times call for desperate headlines

It's not a stretch to feel as if the Democrat bloggers are getting desperate in these final weeks of the 2009 campaign season as seen by the ridiculous headlines going through Blog Net News.

Bob McDonnell is doing well as the Republican gubernatorial candidate as indicated by his consistent lead in polls since June, and racking up impressive endorsements throughout the state. In response, one Democrat blog's headline screamed out:
Um, yeah ... I'm quaking in my boots.

Another Democrat blasts:
On Transportation, Wash Post Praises Deeds, Bashes McDonnell.
Where's the news? Was it supposed to be the part about the Washington Post being for the Democrat and slamming the Republican? That's not news ... that's expected.

Then we have this alarmist headline by someone who obviously has not noticed that ACORN is crashing to the ground and former Green Jobs Czar radical with communist ties Van Jones has been dismissed from the Obama administration:
Glenn Beck Kills Frogs Live On The Air.
It was a rubber frog, for pete sake. It happened on Wednesday's show and even former Ambassador John Bolton was sitting there and proved it was rubber. Chill out and get your facts straight!

But the one that takes the cake this week is this out-of-control and completely irresponsible headline from someone who is supposed to be, I think, a lawyer:
The Republican Party murdered a census worker Sunday.
I guess a lawyer would know slanderous language and certainly would not go near it....

Things must be really bad on the Democrat side of the aisle with their wild attacks of messengers and using diversion tactics to this extent. Liberal trolls are out there working the blogosphere, too.

Stay tuned ... I'm sure the last six weeks leading up to Election Day will see even more drama as the Democrats grab for any dirt, trash, or half-truths they can find to throw at Republican candidates. It's too bad we can't have rational debate and discuss issues.

Get your popcorn and enjoy the show because you have to laugh ... otherwise you would slam the computer screen with your shoe!

No endorsement for Deeds from Wilder

In what may be a bomb shell in Virginia politics, former Democrat Governor Doug Wilder announced today that he would not be endorsing either candidate for the gubernatorial contest.

His endorsement of Democrat Creigh Deeds was talked about around office water coolers and probably expected but did not materialize and, indeed, he even disagreed with Mr. Deeds about a couple of issues.

On Bob Holsworth's "Virginia Tomorrow" blog, Mr. Wilder said:
The requests, made of me, have been to endorse Mr. Deeds, the Democratic Candidate, for Governor. I refrain from doing so and will leave that choice to the voters.
He talked issues and made a number of points including this one:
This is not the time in our Commonwealth to talk about any kind of tax increase, especially those that are fundamentally regressive and will hit hardest those who are struggling.
Creigh Deeds has made it clear he will raise taxes in Virginia. Maybe I could get Mr. Wilder to talk with the Augusta County Board of Supervisors about their wild spending spree this year.

Mr. Douglas disagrees with Mr. Deeds about 2nd Amendment rights:
In my conversations with the people across the state, I have not encountered anyone who has listed as their priority the need for them to have more handguns. The present law permits anyone of sufficient age, who is not a felon, to be able to buy one gun a month; twelve a year, twenty four a year for couples etc..

Mr. Deeds thinks that’s not enough and signed a pledge to repeal that law.

So there was no endorsement of the Democrat candidate from the former Democrat governor. I kind of count that as a backhanded endorsement of Bob McDonnell or, at the very least, a nod that Mr. McDonnell would do well as Governor of the Commonwealth.

Loose lips and all ... another Bendict Arnold

Another Bush administration employee has seen fit to write a "tell all" book dissing the President as well as former co-workers. What is it with people who have been part of the "inner circle" who do not understand loyalty?

This particular Benedict Arnold has been taken to task in the Wall Street Journal by his former boss, Bill McGurn, who admitted he never would have written anything if the young kiss-and-tell employee hadn't opened his mouth. After hearing the other side of the story, the young man comes off as incompetent or worse, possibly making him wish he had never said anything in the first place.

However, the way to sell books -- and to interest editors -- is to promise to trash talk someone famous and important ... in this case, President George W. Bush. What liberal publisher wouldn't want to publish a book with juicy gossip about the Bush White House?

The character of a person comes out at times like this. Should they sell out and trash those who gave them a chance in the first place? Or should they keep the in-house shop talk as it should be -- private -- thus being the better person and perhaps bettering their employment chances in the future?

In the world of politics, too often those of weak character choose the former instead of the latter.

Surprise gift from Iraq ... 9/11 American flag


This flag was flown 11 September 2009 next to the Task Force 2/23 sign on-board Camp Ramadi, Iraq, in direct support of

Operation Iraqi Freedom
2D Battalion, 23D Marine Regiment, RCT-6

Presented to
The Mitchell Family
for your dedication and support

Lt. Col. Joseph A. Cabell, USMC, Battalion Commander
Sgt. Maj. Dennis R. Simons, USMC, Battalion Sergeant Major
1st Lt. Robert J. Jones, USMC, H&S Company Commander
1st Sgt. Patrick F. Llamas, USMC, H&S Company 1st Sgt.

The mailbox brought a special surprise Wednesday in a Priority Mail bag with the return address from Cpl. Nate Salatin in Iraq. He had sent an American flag that had flown over the USMC camp in Ramadi, Iraq ... but the extra special part was that it had flown on 9/11.

Nate knows what an impact 9/11 made on my family.

A certificate was included verifying the flag's authenticity, and included was a note from Nate dated 15 Sept 2009:
Dear Mitchells,

This flag flew over Camp Ramadi, Iraq, on Sept. 11th, 2009. I thought it might be a special way to thank ya'll for the letters, packages, and loving support that you have always given to me.

Thank you.

He added that he had a photo of the flag flying that he would pass along once he knew we had received the flag. That will be special, too.

Meanwhile, Nate and thousands of other American military members are on the front lines protecting our freedoms and keeping us safe so that we can go about our lives. Thank God for our American heroes and their families. God bless Nate ... Semper Fi.

Nate Salatin (right) of Augusta County.

Augusta County BOS doubles animal license fees

With what many consider unnecessary spending going on in Augusta County including hiring staff in the $85,000+ range, it seemed inevitable that taxes would be raised. Wednesday night that is exactly what happened during the board of supervisors meeting:
Augusta County approved a fee hike Wednesday that will double the license and kennel costs for dog owners.

Following a public hearing with no residents speaking for or against the proposal, the Board of Supervisors voted to increase the $5 fees for unneutered dogs to $10, the $3 license fee for neutered dogs to $6 and the $25 kennel fee to $50.
At a time when Americans are reeling under the stress of lost jobs, lost investments, real estate downturn, and company cutbacks, the supervisors saw fit to impose more taxes in the form of "fees" with a fine of up to $250 per violation if tags are not purchased.

After the huge outcry of county residents earlier this year over real estate assessments ...

... after 1,000 residents attended the board of supervisors meeting to show disapproval of outrageous real estate assessments ...

... after 10,000+ residents signed petitions asking supervisors to roll back assessments to 2005 values ...

... Augusta County government still does not understand that we are in a recession as they continue to increase taxes and spend our tax dollars.

Outrage over tax increases is not unique to Augusta County or even Virginia ... it's going on everywhere.

And don't forget the largest tax protest event ever just two weeks ago with the March on Washington when upwards of 1 million+ American patriots marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the U.S. Capitol.

We will remember in November 2011.

THYME Magazine ... special edition

There was so much news coming in that Bob didn't wait until next week for the second edition of THYME Magazine ... "Citizen Journalism with a better flavor." And who doesn't have much to write these days as we are hit on a daily basis by Barack Obama's whacked-out ideas and new ways to bring our country closer to socialism? Check it the special edition. Bob did a good job commenting on topical issues.

Congrats, Mike!

The "Stayathomefather" tuxedo seems appropriate for the correct attire.

What she said ... "Reason 4,978 To Homeschool"

I agree with Megan, and thank my lucky stars that I invested 16 years educating my kids at home. We are not indoctrinated and we are definitely independent thinkers. How long before the Democrats led by Obama come after us?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Take a drive when autumn comes to town

The backroads of Pastures District in western Augusta County are always an adventure and today was no exception. I love my District! It is diverse with mountains, pastures, farms, mountain cabins, and national forest. On this beautiful second day of fall, I enjoyed the diversion of taking the road less traveled.
Look at those clouds! They formed like that along the Alleghany and Blue Ridge Mountains. This is the view from my neck of the woods.
Again ... the clouds along the mountains were in gorgeous formations today.
I was volunteering today in my District so a fellow volunteer and I enjoyed lunch on the porch of T-Bone Tooter's Restaurant in Churchville. This is looking at Rt. 250 as it passes in front of the restaurant. Owners Diane and Bennie Rankin have been big supporters of the troops over the years, the site of many "packing" parties to fill packages for our military in Iraq and Afghanistan.
After lunch I went for a drive ... the mountains and backroads were calling. This is Rt. 250 heading west out of Churchville on the way to Deerfield and on to Highland County.
Greens are still prevalent at lower elevations but veins of color can be seen on the mountain slopes.
The clouds caught my attention again.
The clouds were low on the Alleghanies as I looked across this field with the hay wagon waiting to be hauled to the barn and unloaded.
The clouds again....

Another back road on the way to a friend's house.

Original quote: "Take a walk when autumn comes to town." -Van Morrison

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
September 23, 2009

NV: "Deeds, teller of tall tales"

Today's Waynesboro News Virginian editorial lays it on the line ... "Deeds, teller of tall tales:"
Casting aside probity’s shackles, Deeds has launched a series of ads exposing McDonnell’s social conservatism as though it were a string of bodies in a serial killer’s wake. “He opposes a woman’s right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest,” one ad declares. Gasp! “Bob McDonnell introduced 35 bills restricting a woman’s right to choose,” declares another. The horror! “And McDonnell opposed birth control for married adults.”

And he supports dunking gossips, hanging witches and requiring adulterous women to wear scarlet A’s on their frocks. OK, we added that one. From the perspective of Deeds, why not? He’s closed a gap in the polls that once was as wide as 15 percentage points to as few as two. Depict McDonnell wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a large buckle in the front and calling himself Cotton Mather, and maybe Deeds finally can take the lead.
Exposing the lengths that some politicians will go to in order to win, it's a good read.

Bob McDonnell for Governor 2009