Lynn Mitchell
June 2009
Last night we joined with Patriots from the Conservative Society for Action and a number of other groups to send a very clear message to Congressman Tim Bishop that the days of socialist nirvana have come to a screeching halt. Hundreds of fed up constituents swarmed his Town Hall meeting in Setauket, Long Island, to let him know that they are Taxed Enough Already and they did not appreciate a Nancy Pelosi clone representing them in Congress.Sounds similar to the Augusta County uprising by citizens in March when 1,000 turned out for the Board of Supervisors meeting to protest inflated real estate assessments.
So many people showed up that the parking facilities at the Setauket Community House was filled to overflowing and all available on-road parking was taken up for blocks around. By the time Bishop arrived he had to park three blocks away and run the gauntlet of Tea Party protesters! The look on his face was priceless as he finally got to the hall.
STEVE DOOCY: "[I] know the bill is over 1,000 pages long. Have you have read it?"-- Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," 6/29/09
CAROL BROWNER: "Oh, I'm very familiar with this bill."
DOOCY: "Have you read it?"
BROWNER: "We have obviously been watching this for a very long time. I am very ..."
DOOCY: "I'm sure you've got an idea of it, but you have read it?"
BROWNER: "I've read major portions of it, absolutely."
DOOCY: "So the answer no you haven't read it. But you've read a big chunk of it."
BROWNER: "No, no, no that's not fair. That's absolutely not fair."
DOOCY: "No, I'm just asking you if you read the thousand pages."
BROWNER: "I've read vast portions of it."
DOOCY: "Ok."
In the Senate, Minority Leader Everett Dirksen had little trouble rounding up the votes of most Republicans, and former presidential candidate Richard Nixon also lobbied hard for the bill. Senate Majority Leader Michael Mansfield and Senator Hubert Humphrey led the Democrat drive for passage, while the chief opponents were Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, of later Watergate fame, Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd. Senator Byrd, a former Klansman whom Democrats still call “the conscience of the Senate”, filibustered against the civil rights bill for fourteen straight hours before the final vote.Read more over at The Write Side of My Brain.
We learned last week that Virginia will be facing another budget shortfall in the current fiscal year. Though the news seemed to surprise many people, it should not surprise anyone.Read the entire column at
Friday's vote was 219-212. The legislation was supported by 211 Democrats and eight aisle-crossing GOP members: Reps. Mary Bono (Calif.), Michael Castle (Del.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Leonard Lance (N.J.), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), John McHugh (N.Y.), David Reichert (Wash.) and Christopher Smith (N.J.). Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill, making the eight GOP votes all the more crucial.Erick Erickson over at RedState did a great job keeping the pressure on, sending out emails urging folks to contact their reps telling them to vote "no."
“This is the biggest job-killing bill that’s ever been on the floor of the House of Representatives. Right here, this bill,” House Minority Leader John Boehner said after the vote. “And I don’t think that’s what the American people want.”
The 1,200-plus-page bill now goes to the Senate, where it faces an uncertain future.
According to The Associated Press, the "cap-and-trade" legislation places the first national limits on emissions of heat-trapping gases from major sources like power plants, refineries and factories. It requires:
An 17 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.
An 83 percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
That 20 percent of all electricity in the United States be generated by renewable sources and/or more efficient methods by 2020.
As written, the bill will cost American households an estimated $175 a year by 2020, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Natural soaps made by a home school family in Newport News, VA,
can be found at Berry's Natural Way.
View from Berry's Natural Way across Bevereley Street
to Zinandoah Restaurant.
Berry's Natural Way on Bevereley Street has natural foods and products.
Sunspots in the Wharf area of Staunton offers handmade glass-blown ornaments, jewelry, garden art, gifts, and more.
Cranberries on New Street offers sidewalk dining.
Pen and Paper at corner of Beverley and New Streets offers fun and fancy stationery, invitations, printing needs, and more.
Lynn Mitchell
June 2009
* Timber rattlers are found in the Shenandoah Valley and other mountainous portions of western Virginia.Heads-up out there.
* The snakes are heavily bodied and can grow up to a length of more than 5 feet.
* Timber rattlers have a coloration from yellow to black with darker bands across the body.
* The snakes will not attack humans unless harassed.
* During the summer, male timber rattlers travel as far as a mile to mate with females.
Call this a teachable moment, but even with ABC’s best-laid plans to kickstart the debate about health care reform and not allow the “Prescription for America” special to become an “infomercial,” as many have complained – the president spent more than twice as much time as his questioners vaguely answering or not answering the questions asked of him. But the network consistently presented the event as part of the need to fix a "broken system." When asked, every one of the 164 hand-picked audience members said they felt that health care needed to be changed.Obama answered questions in a "long-winded and vague" way, taking up 60% of the time allocated to the program:
The network also allowed him to dominate the program with long-winded and vague answers. Out of the 75 minutes the network dedicated over the two programs (commercials excluded), the president managed to take 60 percent of that time: 45 minutes to give 19 vague responses – not exactly the “dialogue” advertised by ABC.You get the feeling at times this guy is just so full of himself such as his remark at the Monday press conference when he began an answer by saying, "I'm the President of the United States..." The humble factor is not there which makes the fact that Charles Gibson had to ask him to shorten his answers funny:
In fact, at one point, the president went on for four minutes and 33 seconds to answer a question about government interference, the “Big Brother fear” as the questioner put it and how it would be paid for. In the next segment Gibson pleaded with the president to keep his response to the next question shorter.No Republican presence was allowed during this propaganda hour. The American people need to ask tough questions about universal health care and how a country whose back is already breaking with a heavy financial load will be able to pay for a $3 trillion program.
"I took a few photos of the crowd and enjoyed the positive atmosphere of change in the right direction advocated by all."Great job, indeed. Thanks Richmond-Chesterfield for standing up!
Why do liberals insist on telling us what we really mean whenever we say or do something? I know a lot of conservatives. One thing most of us are most definitely not is shy when it comes to speaking our mind. If we mean something, we generally go right ahead and say it.Hear, hear! You think the Dem knows yet that he stepped into a rattlesnake den?
Gets me in trouble sometimes. But I was raised that way.
“Mealy—mouthed”. That what my granddad called it when someone he was dealing with tried to say one thing while meaning another.
Ain’t no mealy—mouthed conservatives ’round here.
When Gov. Tim Kaine started moonlighting as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, he promised his night job would not hinder his day job in Richmond. He should prove it by releasing travel records and information about who is footing the bill for his trips.It sounds as if the Kaine administration will refuse on two points that are outlined in the editorial.
Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins today congratulated Tim Kaine for creating what appears to be the first ever two-day work week in any state in America. Facing criticism for his extensive, yet secret, travel schedule as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Kaine explained through a spokeswoman that he conducts national party business mostly on the weekends. Four of the six events highlighted by Virginia Republicans occurred on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
"Even the governor is allowed to have a little fun on the weekends," said Kaine spokeswoman Lynda Tran (Richmond Times-Dispatch, June 20, 2009).
On Friday last week, the Republican Party of Virginia unveiled an Internet video spotlighting Kaine’s travel schedule and his reluctance to disclose to Virginia citizens where he is at any given moment.
“It is a major accomplishment for Tim Kaine to have enacted the two-day work week,” Mullins said. “Until now, most Virginians believed that the weekend started on Friday afternoon. Through Tim Kaine’s leadership, we now know that the weekend can start as soon as midday on Wednesday. I’m sure this will be heartening to the 20-percent of Martinsville residents that are currently out of work.”
An accounting of Kaine’s travel as reported by various news outlets around the country revealed only six disclosed destinations. They are as follows:
· May 2 – Durham, NC – Saturday
· May 8 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL – Friday
· May 20 – Dallas, TX – Wednesday
· May 30 – Miami, FL – Saturday
· June 11 – Chicago, IL – Thursday
· June 19 – Kansas City, MO – Friday
“Kaine said he will do the DNC job on personal time, evenings and weekends,” reported the Associated Press on January 6, 2009 (“Kaine Says He’ll Limit Time Spent As Party Leader”). "I think it will be an electronic gig anyway, using e-mail and phone and others,” Kaine added.
“Apparently, part of the ‘electronic’ portion of Tim Kaine’s ‘gig’ at the DNC involves walking around the pool at the $800 per night Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami,” Mullins said. “That’s good work, if you can get it.
“It’s clear he has not limited his political job to weekends, and we really want to know when he is not working for Virginia, like he was elected to do,” Mullins said. “Where I come from, Wednesday is not the weekend or personal time – especially if you’re the elected Governor of Virginia.”
On Friday, June 19, 2009, Mullins submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the governor’s office, seeking information pertaining to the daily schedule of the governor dating back to January 2009, when he became chairman of the DNC. It further requests records pertaining to expenses related to the use of the State Police Executive Protection Unit assigned to guard the governor's safety.
Under Virginia's FOIA law, the governor's office has five working days to respond or can obtain an additional seven days if extra time is needed to compile the requested information. The office can comply completely with the request, issue a partial collection of documents while explaining what legal exemptions allow them to omit others, or deny the request completely while explaining which legal exemptions allow them to refuse the request.
In what appeared to be a coordinated exchange, President Obama called on the Huffington Post's Nico Pitney near the start of his press conference and requested a question directly about Iran.Check out the updates to the story and video.
“Nico, I know you and all across the Internet, we've been seeing a lot of reports coming out of Iran,” Obama said, addressing Pitney. “I know there may actually be questions from people in Iran who are communicating through the Internet. Do you have a question?”
During the 1990s, conservatives referred to CNN as the "Clinton News Network" based on the fact that crazy old Ted Turner's news station was so ridiculously biased in favor of the Clinton White House that no honest person could deny it. Now, as Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has sardonically pointed out, ABC has become the "All Barack Channel."I don't want to hear whining from Democrats about Fox News Channel where a continuous presence of Democrats representing the other side of the issue is on display. It's called debate ... what ABC News is doing is called propaganda.
The American Broadcasting Company, as it was known back when it still pretended to be fair and balanced, has gone far beyond the days of CNN's fawning coverage of the felon-in-chief, his choleric bride and the gang that couldn't lie straight. The mainstream media is so in love with Barack Obama that they continually try to one-up each other in their sycophantic coverage of their new president. But ABC has raised the stakes by taking up residence in the White House for a day in order to spew the Official Party Line on health care.
On Tuesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned the company to stop selling nasal versions of its Zicam cold remedy and urged consumers not to use them after more than 130 people reportedly lost their sense of smell.Glad I'm stocked up on Zicam gel swabs because I will continue to use them. Meanwhile, a company is going to suffer a huge financial hit and the question remains in my mind ... did it have anything to do with the fact this company was highly promoted by Rush Limbaugh?
Shares of the company have tumbled since the warning, falling as much as 70 percent. On Thursday its shares continued to fall, trading down .3 percent at $6.11 in early afternoon on the Nasdaq.
Matrixx must seek FDA-approval if it wants to continue selling Zicam zinc products administered via the nose. Hemelt said the company was not likely to do so, saying the process would take years and be "highly expensive."
While the company would try to convert users of Zicam's nasal products to oral versions, it would likely see an estimated $5 million in lost sales, Hemelt said. The other $5 million in losses was likely to come from new advertising efforts to reach out to consumers, he added.
FDA's warning applies to Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs and Zicam Cold Remedy Swabs Kids Size, but does not affect Zicam oral zinc tablets or lozenges.
First, Obama likes to execute long-range strategies but suffers from cognitive dissonance when new facts render them inappropriate.Can Democrat Obama not handle the unexpected when pulled off task by unexpected events? Kind of like the teleprompter going out at a speaking engagement....
Second, he does not seem to care much about the details of policy.Is Democrat Obama not hands-on with policies such as stimulus, cap-and-trade, health care, and bailouts? It makes me wonder if he is actually aware of the details....
Third, he does business Chicago-style.Republicans have been shut out of the discussion ... there is no balance in D.C. debate these days. Mr. Barone wrote:
Chicago-style, he has kept the Republicans out of serious policy negotiations but has allowed left-wing Democrats to veto a measure upholding his own decision not to release interrogation photos. While promising a politics of mutual respect, he peppers both his speeches and impromptu responses with jabs at his predecessor. Basking in the adulation of nearly the entire press corps, he whines about his coverage on Fox News. Those who stand in the way, like the Chrysler secured creditors, are told that their reputations will be destroyed; those who expose wrongdoing by political allies, like the AmeriCorps inspector general, are fired. [emphasis added]Good analysis of this president who proposed to be for all the people, who proposed change, who proposed hope ... but once in office went immediately to work for the Democrats.
He foresaw the day, now rushing at us, when the federal government would be setting rates, approving procedures, and broadly regulating the medical profession.Great column ... read it for insight from someone close to the medical field.
Wow, it didn’t take long for a “pay no attention to that shyster behind the curtain” moment, did it? It’s a Chicago back-alley shell game, with our health and health care insurance and our choice of medical providers and trillions of taxpayer dollars, all being shuffled about under walnut shells… very suspicious. And troubling.And with a Bush White House the MSM would have made it front page headlines.
What’s with President Obama saying one thing one day, and the next day, it turns out to not be true? In our house, we call that LYING. In the White House, it’s “rhetoric that shouldn’t be taken literally.”
"One More Day" by Diamond RioOriginally posted on Father's Day 2007.
Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me, it could be for anything.
I didn't ask for money or a mansion in Malibu,
I simply wished for one more day with you.
One more day, one more time...
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied.
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishin' still for one more day with you.
First thing I'd do is pray for time to crawl,
I'd unplug the telephone, keep the TV off,
I'd hold you every second and say a million "I love you's"...
That's what I'd do with one more day with you.
One more day, one more time...
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied.
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishin' still for one more day with you.
“At a time when Virginia is facing an economic crisis it hasn’t seen in decades, our governor seems to be spending a lot of his time in other parts of the country,” Pat Mullins said. “Worse yet, he and his staff have steadfastly refused requests from the media for information about his travel schedule. We think Virginians deserve to know where their governor is, particularly when so many of them are wondering how to put food on the table and take care of their families.”
Mullins’ FOIA request seeks information pertaining to the daily schedule of the governor dating back to January 2009, when he became chairman of the DNC. It further requests records pertaining to expenses related to the use of the State Police Executive Protection Unit assigned to guard the governor’s safety.
Mullins was joined by Del. Chris Saxman (20th District) in a media conference call to unveil a brief video that highlights the Virginia economy and Kaine’s stealthy travel habits.
The Kansas City Star posted a blurb on its website June 16th noting Kaine’s trip to that city, initially referring to him as the “former” Governor of Virginia before a hasty correction was made. Had the Star not made mention of the trip, Virginians would have been unaware that their elected governor had left the state for a political function. Additionally, the Washington Post found out that Kaine was in Chicago last week only because their bureau reporter happened to spot him while he was in town speaking to a DNC group.
“To me, this is an issue of transparency,” said Del. Saxman. “Where is the governor at any given moment? How did he get there? Did he fly on a commercial airline, or use someone’s private jet? If so, who paid for the plane? Who covered his hotel expenses? These are legitimate questions that we believe should be answered.”
“When he was in Miami, Tim Kaine made a joke about walking around the pool at the Fontainebleau Hotel with his shirt off,” Mullins said. “Their basic room costs over $300 a night, with the best ones going for over $800 a night. Who’s paying for that?”
Under Virginia’s FOIA law, the governor’s office has five working days to respond or can obtain an additional seven days if extra time is needed to compile the requested information. The office can comply completely with the request, issue a partial collection of documents while explaining what legal exemptions allow them to omit others, or deny the request completely while explaining which legal exemptions allow them to refuse the request.
“Tim Kaine told the Associated Press that he would only be doing this DNC job on weekends, in the evenings or on personal time,” Mullins said. “Well, today is a Friday and most people consider this a working day, yet he is in Kansas City raising money. Last week, it was Chicago on a work day. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for Virginians to receive an accounting of where the governor is spending his time, and on whose nickel.”
96.1 WJDV 6:20 a.m.Chaz talked to a packed house at Harrisonburg's First Friday on June 5 as about 60 folks turned out to see slides and hear about the discoveries in the nooks and crannies and the hidden secrets into the past of the historic courthouse.
100.7 WQPO 7:20 a.m.
1360 WHBG 9:30 a.m.
550 WSVA 6:30 p.m.
“In this time of economic crisis, every policy that can influence job growth has increased importance. Cap and Trade is certainly near the top of the list. This idea is a lethal job killer – based on liberal orthodoxy and not science. The estimated costs to a middle income family are well over $1,000 annually, but range up to over $2,100 a year for other families. Additionally, the burden on private enterprise would be substantial, limiting the ability of businesses to create jobs and spur economic growth.Bob McDonnell for Governor
“Bob McDonnell has rightly stood firm in his opposition to this terrible idea, but sadly, his opponent Creigh Deeds remains silent. It is time for Creigh Deeds to state his position on this important issue, if he is willing to step out from under Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.”
After being pummeled by his successor, the 43rd president ends his silence on America's slide into socialism and timidity. He reminds us leadership is not something that comes off a teleprompter.President Bush stood his ground against Obama and the current out-of-control White House by addressing the stimulus bill, Guantanamo, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, terrorism, and more. Good editorial.
Perhaps tired about being publicly blamed by the current administration for all our current ills, Bush spoke out in Erie, Pa., on Wednesday at the 104th annual gathering of the Manufacturers and Business Association.
Mr. Bush weighed in on some of the most pressing issues of the day: the election in Iran, the closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, and his administration's interrogation policies of terrorists held there and elsewhere. The former president has not commented on Mr. Obama's decision to ban "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding, which the current president has called "off course" and "based on fear."Word has just been received that Rep. Tom Perrillo (VA 5th CD) just voted with Speaker Pelosi on an amendment to allow for funds to close the Guantanamo Bay facility and move those detainees to Virginia. Perrillo voted against an amendment, offered by Rep. Lewis of California, that would have prohibited the closure. The amendment failed 212-213 with Mr. Perrillo casting the deciding vote.
"The way I decided to address the problem was twofold: One, use every technique and tool within the law to bring terrorists to justice before they strike again," he said, adding that the country needs to stay on offense, not defense. On Guantanamo, which while in office Mr. Bush said he wanted to close, the former president was diplomatic.
"I told you I'm not going to criticize my successor," he said. "I'll just tell you that there are people at Gitmo that will kill American people at a drop of a hat and I don't believe that -- persuasion isn't going to work. Therapy isn't going to cause terrorists to change their mind."
In addition to the Natural Chimneys Joust, the National Jousting Hall Of Fame Joust is held each year at Natural Chimneys Regional Park on the 3rd Saturday of June [also a fun event].If you go, take a lawn chair, a sweater (sometimes it's cool), and plan to tailgate with a picnic. And don't forget your camera. There is a slight charge to get into Natural Chimneys Park but it's not much, and the sight of so many jousters is well worth the experience. Enjoy!
Jousting -Older than the Kentucky Derby, older than baseball--born in the Middle Ages and nursed by chivalry--that's the story of jousting, a test of horsemanship, balance and marksmanship. To the command, "Charge, Sir Knight!", renewal of America's oldest consecutively run sporting event takes place the 3rd Saturday in August each year at Natural Chimneys, Mt. Solon, Virginia, in a revival of medieval pageantry.
Originally a game in which death frequently claimed the loser, jousting has lost none of its flavor in its modern form, where knights in bright garb send their pointed lances through steel rings instead of through the breast plates of mail-clad foemen.
Begun in 1821 to settle which of two local men should have a certain damsel for his wife, the Mt. Solon Tournament has been run each year on the third Saturday in August before crowds numbering in the thousands. Using lances, some of them a hundred years old, riders from Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and, of course, Virginia test their skill at plucking three steel rings from crossbars while riding their chargers down a ninety-yard course in not more than eight seconds.
Jousting's birth is credited to a certain Frenchman, Geoffroi de Pruelli, who died in the same year that William the Conqueror defeated Harold at Hastings (1066) and became the first Norman King of England. Some authorities, however, doubt that any one man "invented" the sport; but the consensus is that it did originate in France in the 11th Century. From France the sport spread to Germany, thence England and Southern Europe. In 1821 it came to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in its modified, humane form.
The glitter of state pageantry in the Middle Ages contributed to the popularity of this savage contest, which was so abhorred by the Church that it forbade Christian burial to those killed in jousting. Henry II of England, fearing mass assemblages of knights who came to vie for honors and for a smile from some "Ladye Fayre", refused to allow the sport to continue in England during his late 12th Century reign. But his son, Richard I, lifted the ban and licensed tournaments, exacting heavy royal fees for the privilege. Another English King, Edward I, once took 80 of his best nobles across the Channel for a meet on the continent; by the mid-13th century the Church had relaxed its frown.
Knighthood, chivalry and pageantry went out of jousting when the Renaissance opened up a new way of life; and the death of King Henry II of France from injuries received during a tournament in 1599 sounded the death knell of the sport.
In England itself, jousting languished until 1839, when lords and ladies of the realm gathered in Eglinton, Ayreshire, for a gala mock tournament, replete with the trappings of old. That was eighteen years after the first American tournament was held at Mt. Solon, Virginia. The English did not continue the modified sport but revived it in 1878 in the Royal Navy and Military Tournament, which was terminated during World War II.
The sport is popular in a few other localities in the Eastern United States, especially Maryland, but no meet is as large, as long-running nor as rich in tradition as the Mt. Solon event. The backdrop of the Natural Chimneys, one of the great natural wonders of Virginia; the sparkling greensward; the hurrahs of the crowd, all temporarily returned to days when knighthood was in flower, together make the occasion unique in the annals of American sport ok.