Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Team work
"That's what you do in a herd ... look out for each other." -- Manny the Wooly Mammoth in "Ice Age" after saving the Sabertooth tiger's life
Kagan's version of "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is"
Rush played it during his Wednesday radio show and Byron York at the Washington Examiner posted the slippery response from Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan to Sen. Orin Hatch regarding a memo about abortion. To cut to the chase:
Meanwhile, we learn from The Washington Examiner that Elena Kagan is the reason for the language in the partial birth abortion saying it "may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and only the doctor, in consultation with the patient, based upon the woman's particular circumstances can make this decision."
And all along it was thought medical professionals had written that statement. Now we discover it was a Clinton policy advisor who today is sitting in front of Congress waiting to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice.
“Did you write that memo?” Hatch asked.Sheeeeesh. Her version of "Yes" was, "The document is certainly in my handwriting." Reminiscent of Bill Clinton's slippery answer, "It depends on what the meaning of is is."
“Senator, with respect,” Kagan began, “I don’t think that that’s what happened — ”
“Did you write that memo?”
“I’m sorry — the memo which is?”
“The memo that caused them to go back to the language of ‘medically necessary,’ which was the big issue to begin with — ”
“Yes, well, I’ve seen the document — ”
“But did you write it?”
“The document is certainly in my handwriting."
Meanwhile, we learn from The Washington Examiner that Elena Kagan is the reason for the language in the partial birth abortion saying it "may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and only the doctor, in consultation with the patient, based upon the woman's particular circumstances can make this decision."
And all along it was thought medical professionals had written that statement. Now we discover it was a Clinton policy advisor who today is sitting in front of Congress waiting to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice.
Manipulated data? "Trust but verify"
So the Daily Kos has renounced its "polling data" as possibly fraudulent? Amazing especially because of the recently revealed global warming scandal where the data was cooked.
Barbara Hollingsworth opined in The Washington Examiner:
Barbara Hollingsworth opined in The Washington Examiner:
Markos Moulitsas, founder of the liberal Daily Kos blog, says he is suing Olney-based Research 2000 for allegedly fabricating weekly poll results after three “statistics wizards” questioned them. Based on concerns raised by self-described political consultant Mark Grebner, retired physicist Michael Weissman and wildlife research technician Jonathan Weissman, “it’s clear that we did not get what we paid for,” Moulitsas wrote on his website.Kind of gives renewed meaning to Ronald Reagan's quote, "Trust but verify."
“We were defrauded by Research 2000, and while we don’t know if some or all of the data was fabricated or manipulated beyond recognition, we know we can’t trust it. Meanwhile, Research 2000 has refused to offer any explanation… I hereby renounce any post we’ve written based exclusively on Research 2000 polling.”
Apparently this also includes the 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans, which Moulitsas said found that 2/3 of Republicans “are completely insane."
Memorial service planned for RPV Chairman Pat Mullins' wife
The Republican Party of Virginia is in mourning as our prayers and thoughts go out to Chairman Pat Mullins and his family after the death of his wife, Jackie, on Monday afternoon.
Memorial Service for Jackie MullinsWe all share Chairman Mullins' grief at this sad time and thank him for his steady leadership of RPV.
The Memorial Service to celebrate Jackie Mullins' life will be held at the historic Annandale Methodist Church at 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA on July 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm with a reception immediately following in the Hughes Hall and the church atrium.
In lieu of flower the family has asked that contributions be made to the Pat and Jackie Mullins Scholarship Fund administered by NAHRA. The fund provides educational scholarships for instructors who provide equine therapy for mentally and physically challenged children, youth, and adults as well as injured veterans. Checks should be made payable to: NARHA, marked attention to the Pat and Jackie Mullins Scholarship Fund and mailed to: PO Box 33150, Denver, CO 80233.
Our family wants to thank, literally the hundreds of you who have taken time to email or call us telling us we are in your prayers and offering condolences and any help or assistance we might need. Your prayers and support in this difficult time means so very much to us.
Screwing with the data ... a liberal thing?
Daily Kos has admitted their polls were false, as reported at Virginia Virtucon:
On Tuesday Daily Kos admitted that their polls were totally fraudulent, fabricated, made up. Statement here.There was the whole global warming hoax where they cooked the figures ... now the Daily Kos polls. Wonder what else will come out with time?
Doug Wilder discusses African-American candidates on Fox & Friends
Fox & Friends appears to have a lock on former Virginia governors this morning.
First, Republican George Allen was on the couch with Brian Kilmeade and two others discussing the DNC's new campaign to catch GOP candidates in "gotcha" moments while campaigning.
Thirty minutes later Democrat Doug Wilder, the first African-American governor elected in the nation, was on by remote from Richmond.
Gretchen Carlsen, who used to cover the Governor while working as a reporter in Richmond, discussed with him the difficulty of African-American candidates who appear to be struggling at the polls this year. The question was why that would be an issue at a time when there is an African-American president in the White House.
Gov. Wilder stressed that too many people think all they have to do is run for public office and they will win which is not true. Candidates still need the qualifications, have to do the work, and cultivate supporters.
People, he said, put too much emphasis on color. When he ran for public office in Virginia, he told people to vote for him because of his credentials, not because of color.
Not only did Doug Wilder serve in the Virginia General Assembly in the 1970s but he went on to serve as Governor and then as Richmond's Mayor. His has been quite the political career, an example to all.
First, Republican George Allen was on the couch with Brian Kilmeade and two others discussing the DNC's new campaign to catch GOP candidates in "gotcha" moments while campaigning.
Thirty minutes later Democrat Doug Wilder, the first African-American governor elected in the nation, was on by remote from Richmond.
Gretchen Carlsen, who used to cover the Governor while working as a reporter in Richmond, discussed with him the difficulty of African-American candidates who appear to be struggling at the polls this year. The question was why that would be an issue at a time when there is an African-American president in the White House.
Gov. Wilder stressed that too many people think all they have to do is run for public office and they will win which is not true. Candidates still need the qualifications, have to do the work, and cultivate supporters.
People, he said, put too much emphasis on color. When he ran for public office in Virginia, he told people to vote for him because of his credentials, not because of color.
Not only did Doug Wilder serve in the Virginia General Assembly in the 1970s but he went on to serve as Governor and then as Richmond's Mayor. His has been quite the political career, an example to all.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Master Designer

Master Designer
By Kurt Kaiser
Cotton candy clouds, so fluffy and white,
Who put you there in a sky of deep blue?
Or do you just happen to float along,
Pretty and white in a sky so blue, so blue, sky so blue?
Tall mountain, deep valley, fast river, cool stream,
Show grandeur and majesty in some grand scheme
All of these wonders that we behold,
Are only a part – it cannot be told, be told, cannot be told.
Master Designer, Whoever You are,
All of this beauty both near and afar
Can’t just have happened, the odds are too great,
There must be a plan, we’re not left to fate, to fate, not left to fate.
All of this beauty is far too convincing
Master Designer, Your word must be true,
Of all Your creations man is the dearest
Help me to simply believe now in You, in you,
Believe in You.
["Master Designer" is from the Christian rock musical, "Tell It Like It Is." While a teenager, my church youth choir, consisting of about 100 singers plus instrumentalists, performed the musical at churches around Richmond.]
Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
29 June 2010
Lynn Mitchell
29 June 2010
Front Royal 3rd of July tea party rally

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
40th president of U.S.
Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
40th president of U.S.
Front Royal Tea Party
Independence Day Rally
Saturday, July 3, 2010
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Warren County Government Center
Independence Day Rally
Saturday, July 3, 2010
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Warren County Government Center
George Allen book signing Thursday ... San Pedro, CA
Having spent his life in both the sports and political worlds, former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator George Allen – son of Hall of Fame coach George Allen – reveals what our government can learn from the greatest moments – and failures – in sports, in his book What Washington Can Learn From the World of Sports. Allen will be conducting a book signing on Friday, July 2nd from 10:00 to 11:30 am PT at Williams’ Book Store, a 101-year-old Southern California landmark.
The oldest bookstore in the Los Angeles area, Williams’ Book Store is an independent, family-owned business that has beaten all the large chain bookstores through the decades. Copies of What Washington Can Learn from the World of Sports will be available for purchase at Williams’. Please go to to learn more about the Book Store.
In What Washington Can Learn From the World of Sports, Allen blends sports anecdotes—memorable, funny, and nostalgic—with the political issues we face, drawing out the principles of sports that have real world applications to our national life and politics.
Join us, and hear Allen’s great stories about the intersection of sports and politics and what we can do to make Washington work like the world of sports.
San Pedro, California, July 2, 2010:
Who: Author, George Allen, former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator
What: Booking signing for What Washington Can Learn From The World of Sports
When: 10:00 to 11:30 am PT; Friday, July 2nd
Where: Williams’ Book Store
443 West 6th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731-2631
(310) 832-3631
Note: Due to the Farmers Market on July 2, West 6th Street is closed in front of Williams’, but there is plenty of parking on the surrounding blocks.
To learn more about George Allen’s recently released book log on to, . To follow George Allen on Twitter and Facebook check in at .
The oldest bookstore in the Los Angeles area, Williams’ Book Store is an independent, family-owned business that has beaten all the large chain bookstores through the decades. Copies of What Washington Can Learn from the World of Sports will be available for purchase at Williams’. Please go to to learn more about the Book Store.
In What Washington Can Learn From the World of Sports, Allen blends sports anecdotes—memorable, funny, and nostalgic—with the political issues we face, drawing out the principles of sports that have real world applications to our national life and politics.
Join us, and hear Allen’s great stories about the intersection of sports and politics and what we can do to make Washington work like the world of sports.
San Pedro, California, July 2, 2010:
Who: Author, George Allen, former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator
What: Booking signing for What Washington Can Learn From The World of Sports
When: 10:00 to 11:30 am PT; Friday, July 2nd
Where: Williams’ Book Store
443 West 6th Street
San Pedro, CA 90731-2631
(310) 832-3631
Note: Due to the Farmers Market on July 2, West 6th Street is closed in front of Williams’, but there is plenty of parking on the surrounding blocks.
To learn more about George Allen’s recently released book log on to,
New veterans services measures take effect July 1
Effective July 1, 2010 -- highlights 24 pieces of legislation to make Virginia the most veteran friendly state in America ...
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell highlighted legislation taking effect July 1st that recognizes his commitment to make Virginia the most Veteran friendly state in America. Included in this is legislation establishing a Veterans Skills Database, fee waivers for Veterans seeking small business permits, protecting the right to display the American flag at their home, and designating the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem of service and sacrifice.
Speaking about the legislation becoming law on July 1st, Governor McDonnell remarked:
Veterans Services Laws Taking Effect July 1st:
HB479 (Carrico) – Burial vaults at state-operated veterans cemeteries
Provides burial vaults at cost to eligible veterans and their family members interred at state-operated veterans cemeteries, based on available funding at the Department of Veterans Services.
HB128 (Cox) – Free fishing licenses to disabled, active duty military personnel
Authorizes the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to issue free fishing licenses to disabled, active duty military personnel who are receiving inpatient or outpatient medical treatment from a veterans or military hospital in Virginia, an adjoining state, or the District of Columbia.
SB243 (Watkins) Fishing license; exempts active duty military personnel who are residents
Exempts active duty military personnel who are residents and on leave from having to obtain a basic fishing license so long as they can show proof that they are on leave.
HB956 (Lingamfelter)/ SB151 (Stuart) – Condominium and Property Owners' Association Acts; display of U.S. flag
Provides that a unit owners' or property owner's association shall not prohibit or otherwise adopt or enforce any policy restricting a unit or lot owner from displaying upon property to which that owner has a separate ownership interest or a right to exclusive possession or use the flag of the United States whenever such display is in compliance with the federal Flag Code. The bill also provides that the unit owners' or property owners' association may establish reasonable restrictions as to the size, place, duration, and manner of placement or display of the flag provided the restrictions are necessary to protect a substantial interest of the unit owners' or property owners' association. Under the bill in an action brought to enforce a rule pertaining to display of the flag, the unit owners' or property owners' association has the burden of proof regarding whether the rule protects a substantial interest of the association.
HB1226 (Tyler) – Adds Global War on Terrorism, etc., to wars that are honored
Adds the Global War on Terror, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom to the wars that are recognized on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The bill also adds the Global War on Terror and Operation Enduring Freedom to the wars or conflicts for which a locality may issue permits for the erection of monuments or memorials.
SB55 (Martin)/ HB1235 (Anderson) – Absentee ballots; procedure for various deadlines and ballot requirements
Requires that ballots be prepared and available for absentee voting not later than 45 days before any election rather than 45 days before the November election and 30 days before other elections. The bill also requires preparation of ballots 45 days in advance of special elections for federal office and allows, if necessary, preparation as soon after that deadline as possible for other special elections. Various deadlines for nominations and filings are adjusted in response to the ballot preparation change.
SB349 (Hanger) Reemployment rights of members of the Virginia National Guard, State Defense Force, or naval militia
Extends the period in which a member of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia State Defense Force, or naval militia is required to apply for reinstatement in his former job to 90 days following his release from duty or from hospitalization following release, if the length of the member's absence by reason of service in the uniformed services exceeds 180 days. If the duration of his absence does not exceed 180 days, such notice must be given within 14 days, which is the current period allowed in all instances regardless of the duration of the absence. This notice period is consistent with that provided under the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act for service members deployed for 181 days or longer.
HB1233 (Miller)/ SB613 (Paula/Wampler) – Insurance Coverage of Virginia National Guard Members if called to active duty by Governor
Allows a member of the Virginia National Guard called to state active duty by the Governor to continue his health care coverage, life insurance and long-term care insurance, at the member's expense.
HB262 (Sherwood/Greason)/ SB255 (Hurst/Stosch) – Exemption from handling fee for veterans opening small business
Exempts veterans from paying the Department of Business Assistance's handling fee when establishing a small business through the one-stop small business permitting program.
HJ127 (Cosgrove/Sherwood/Hurt) – Honor and Remember Flag; State's emblem of service and sacrifice by members of U.S. Armed Forces
Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem of service and sacrifice by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
HB129 (O’Bannon)/ SB31 (Puller) – Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans
Provides for a referendum at the November 2, 2010, election to approve or reject an amendment requiring the General Assembly to provide a real property tax exemption for the principal residence of a veteran, or his or her surviving spouse, if the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability.
HB1337 (Lingamfelter) – Veterans Bill of Rights
Requires the Commissioner, in conjunction with the Board of Veterans Services, to establish and implement a compact with Virginia's veterans, which shall have a goal of making Virginia America's most veteran-friendly state. The bill specifies the provisions to be contained in the compact, and requires the Commissioner to include the status and progress of the compact in his annual report.
SB299 (J. Miller) – Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
Requires the Department of Education to employ a military family education liaison to provide staff support for the Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children and to assist military families and the state in facilitating the implementation of the Interstate Compact
HB419 (K. Cox) – Electronic processing of disability claims
Requires the Department of Veterans Services to replace its existing case management technology, which replacement is required to support highly sophisticated electronic claims preparation.
HB174 (K. Cox) – Eliminates requirement that Wounded Warrior Program cover only combat injuries
Eliminates the requirement that the Wounded Warrior Program cover only injuries sustained by military service personnel in combat areas.
HB1118 (Stolle)/ SB619 (Herring) – Virginia Military Family Relief Fund
Allows individuals who receive payments from the Virginia Military Family Relief Fund to subtract them from their federal adjustable gross income when calculating their Virginia taxable income, for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2010.
HB760 (Stolle) – Veterans Skills Database
Requires the Virginia Employment Commission, in cooperation with the Department of Veterans Services and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, to establish the Veterans Skills Database, an Internet-accessible database of veterans and their workforce skills, for the purpose of marketing and promoting the workforce skills of veterans to potential employers. The database will be free to both veterans and employers.
HB382 (Sherwood) – Burial power of attorney
Provides that when a person dies while on active military duty and has designated an individual to make arrangements for his funeral and disposition of his remains on a U.S. Department of Defense Record of Emergency Data, the designee shall be responsible for making such arrangements.
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell highlighted legislation taking effect July 1st that recognizes his commitment to make Virginia the most Veteran friendly state in America. Included in this is legislation establishing a Veterans Skills Database, fee waivers for Veterans seeking small business permits, protecting the right to display the American flag at their home, and designating the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem of service and sacrifice.
Speaking about the legislation becoming law on July 1st, Governor McDonnell remarked:
“Virginia is home to more than 830,000 veterans and almost 200,000 Virginians are serving in the military around the world. Our state government must continue to do more to better serve those who have voluntarily protected America for generations past and present.Commissioner of Veterans Services Paul Galanti also noted, “We are working hard to implement the most affected policies to ensure our veterans and active duty soldiers have the tools they need to be successful at home and continue to choose Virginia as their place of retirement. The 24 pieces of legislation going into law on Thursday will better equip us with the tools needed to provide Virginia’s veterans with the services they need.”
During the 2010 legislative session we passed 24 pieces of legislation to make Virginia the most veteran-friendly state in America. I have tasked Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services Paul Galanti to develop a Veterans Bill of Rights to identify the needs of veterans and their families so we can make sure those needs are met.
I have also asked the Virginia Employment Commission, in cooperation with the Department of Veterans Services and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, to establish a Veterans Skills Database to help market and promote workforce skills to veterans. We passed legislation protecting a Virginian’s right to fly the American flag on his or her property.
Further, we have designated the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem of service and sacrifice by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who have given their lives in the line of duty. The community of veterans and active duty soldiers who call Virginia home deserve our support and recognition to ensure their success in the Commonwealth.”
Veterans Services Laws Taking Effect July 1st:
HB479 (Carrico) – Burial vaults at state-operated veterans cemeteries
Provides burial vaults at cost to eligible veterans and their family members interred at state-operated veterans cemeteries, based on available funding at the Department of Veterans Services.
HB128 (Cox) – Free fishing licenses to disabled, active duty military personnel
Authorizes the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to issue free fishing licenses to disabled, active duty military personnel who are receiving inpatient or outpatient medical treatment from a veterans or military hospital in Virginia, an adjoining state, or the District of Columbia.
SB243 (Watkins) Fishing license; exempts active duty military personnel who are residents
Exempts active duty military personnel who are residents and on leave from having to obtain a basic fishing license so long as they can show proof that they are on leave.
HB956 (Lingamfelter)/ SB151 (Stuart) – Condominium and Property Owners' Association Acts; display of U.S. flag
Provides that a unit owners' or property owner's association shall not prohibit or otherwise adopt or enforce any policy restricting a unit or lot owner from displaying upon property to which that owner has a separate ownership interest or a right to exclusive possession or use the flag of the United States whenever such display is in compliance with the federal Flag Code. The bill also provides that the unit owners' or property owners' association may establish reasonable restrictions as to the size, place, duration, and manner of placement or display of the flag provided the restrictions are necessary to protect a substantial interest of the unit owners' or property owners' association. Under the bill in an action brought to enforce a rule pertaining to display of the flag, the unit owners' or property owners' association has the burden of proof regarding whether the rule protects a substantial interest of the association.
HB1226 (Tyler) – Adds Global War on Terrorism, etc., to wars that are honored
Adds the Global War on Terror, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom to the wars that are recognized on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The bill also adds the Global War on Terror and Operation Enduring Freedom to the wars or conflicts for which a locality may issue permits for the erection of monuments or memorials.
SB55 (Martin)/ HB1235 (Anderson) – Absentee ballots; procedure for various deadlines and ballot requirements
Requires that ballots be prepared and available for absentee voting not later than 45 days before any election rather than 45 days before the November election and 30 days before other elections. The bill also requires preparation of ballots 45 days in advance of special elections for federal office and allows, if necessary, preparation as soon after that deadline as possible for other special elections. Various deadlines for nominations and filings are adjusted in response to the ballot preparation change.
SB349 (Hanger) Reemployment rights of members of the Virginia National Guard, State Defense Force, or naval militia
Extends the period in which a member of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia State Defense Force, or naval militia is required to apply for reinstatement in his former job to 90 days following his release from duty or from hospitalization following release, if the length of the member's absence by reason of service in the uniformed services exceeds 180 days. If the duration of his absence does not exceed 180 days, such notice must be given within 14 days, which is the current period allowed in all instances regardless of the duration of the absence. This notice period is consistent with that provided under the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act for service members deployed for 181 days or longer.
HB1233 (Miller)/ SB613 (Paula/Wampler) – Insurance Coverage of Virginia National Guard Members if called to active duty by Governor
Allows a member of the Virginia National Guard called to state active duty by the Governor to continue his health care coverage, life insurance and long-term care insurance, at the member's expense.
HB262 (Sherwood/Greason)/ SB255 (Hurst/Stosch) – Exemption from handling fee for veterans opening small business
Exempts veterans from paying the Department of Business Assistance's handling fee when establishing a small business through the one-stop small business permitting program.
HJ127 (Cosgrove/Sherwood/Hurt) – Honor and Remember Flag; State's emblem of service and sacrifice by members of U.S. Armed Forces
Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's emblem of service and sacrifice by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
HB129 (O’Bannon)/ SB31 (Puller) – Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans
Provides for a referendum at the November 2, 2010, election to approve or reject an amendment requiring the General Assembly to provide a real property tax exemption for the principal residence of a veteran, or his or her surviving spouse, if the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability.
HB1337 (Lingamfelter) – Veterans Bill of Rights
Requires the Commissioner, in conjunction with the Board of Veterans Services, to establish and implement a compact with Virginia's veterans, which shall have a goal of making Virginia America's most veteran-friendly state. The bill specifies the provisions to be contained in the compact, and requires the Commissioner to include the status and progress of the compact in his annual report.
SB299 (J. Miller) – Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
Requires the Department of Education to employ a military family education liaison to provide staff support for the Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children and to assist military families and the state in facilitating the implementation of the Interstate Compact
HB419 (K. Cox) – Electronic processing of disability claims
Requires the Department of Veterans Services to replace its existing case management technology, which replacement is required to support highly sophisticated electronic claims preparation.
HB174 (K. Cox) – Eliminates requirement that Wounded Warrior Program cover only combat injuries
Eliminates the requirement that the Wounded Warrior Program cover only injuries sustained by military service personnel in combat areas.
HB1118 (Stolle)/ SB619 (Herring) – Virginia Military Family Relief Fund
Allows individuals who receive payments from the Virginia Military Family Relief Fund to subtract them from their federal adjustable gross income when calculating their Virginia taxable income, for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2010.
HB760 (Stolle) – Veterans Skills Database
Requires the Virginia Employment Commission, in cooperation with the Department of Veterans Services and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, to establish the Veterans Skills Database, an Internet-accessible database of veterans and their workforce skills, for the purpose of marketing and promoting the workforce skills of veterans to potential employers. The database will be free to both veterans and employers.
HB382 (Sherwood) – Burial power of attorney
Provides that when a person dies while on active military duty and has designated an individual to make arrangements for his funeral and disposition of his remains on a U.S. Department of Defense Record of Emergency Data, the designee shall be responsible for making such arrangements.
'The credit belongs to the man in the arena....'
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never tasted victory or defeat.”
--Theodore Roosevelt (American President, 1901-09)
--Theodore Roosevelt (American President, 1901-09)
Monday, June 28, 2010
A fiscally responsible budget
By Congressman Bob Goodlatte
R-VA 6th District
This week House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that, in fact, the House Democrats will not produce a federal budget resolution for fiscal year 2011. This marks the first time since the passage of the Budget Act of 1974 that the House of Representatives has failed to pass an initial budget, setting the spending priorities for the following fiscal year. What does this mean for American taxpayers? Since it is the budget at the beginning of the year that sets the limits for federal spending, Americans can expect to see even more out-of-control spending coming from Washington.
As Congress continues to spend at a near-record pace, the federal government has amassed $935 billion in deficit spending (amount that government spending exceeds the revenues coming in) in the first months of the current fiscal year with the annual deficit approaching last year’s record $1.4 trillion. These figures are staggering but with no budget resolution to force Congress to make the tough but necessary choices the spending spree will continue.
In stark contrast to the Democrats’ out-of-control government spending, I am pleased to support a fiscally responsible budget resolution which reflects Washington’s need to make tough decisions about spending priorities, cut wasteful programs, and respect taxpayers’ wallets. This alternative budget resolution, which was offered by members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), balances the federal budget and achieves a surplus by 2019. The RSC budget proposes $6.4 trillion less debt than President Obama’s budget.
This alternative budget targets wasteful spending by requiring each committee to find savings equal to one percent of total mandatory spending under its jurisdiction. Additionally, the RSC budget resolution repeals the failed Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) which was the program designed to bailout financial institutions. By repealing the program it would save American taxpayers $36 billion. The RSC budget repeals the expensive government takeover of our health care system which recently became law and replaces it with important measures to reduce health care costs like medical liability reform and the freedom to purchase healthcare across state lines. It includes additional measures aimed at cutting unnecessary spending such as ending the taxpayer funding of presidential campaigns, reforming food stamp spending and selling a small percentage of federal assets.
As elected officials and stewards of the taxpayer’s money, we have a responsibility to put together a sustainable budget and stick to it without increasing the tax burden. I have consistently supported measures to rein in the federal budget and curb spending by voting for the tightest budgets and spending bills possible. Again this year I am a strong supporter of the RSC budget resolution which will set us on the path to balancing our federal budget and restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington.
To contact me about this or any other matter, please visit my website at
R-VA 6th District
This week House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that, in fact, the House Democrats will not produce a federal budget resolution for fiscal year 2011. This marks the first time since the passage of the Budget Act of 1974 that the House of Representatives has failed to pass an initial budget, setting the spending priorities for the following fiscal year. What does this mean for American taxpayers? Since it is the budget at the beginning of the year that sets the limits for federal spending, Americans can expect to see even more out-of-control spending coming from Washington.
As Congress continues to spend at a near-record pace, the federal government has amassed $935 billion in deficit spending (amount that government spending exceeds the revenues coming in) in the first months of the current fiscal year with the annual deficit approaching last year’s record $1.4 trillion. These figures are staggering but with no budget resolution to force Congress to make the tough but necessary choices the spending spree will continue.
In stark contrast to the Democrats’ out-of-control government spending, I am pleased to support a fiscally responsible budget resolution which reflects Washington’s need to make tough decisions about spending priorities, cut wasteful programs, and respect taxpayers’ wallets. This alternative budget resolution, which was offered by members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), balances the federal budget and achieves a surplus by 2019. The RSC budget proposes $6.4 trillion less debt than President Obama’s budget.
This alternative budget targets wasteful spending by requiring each committee to find savings equal to one percent of total mandatory spending under its jurisdiction. Additionally, the RSC budget resolution repeals the failed Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) which was the program designed to bailout financial institutions. By repealing the program it would save American taxpayers $36 billion. The RSC budget repeals the expensive government takeover of our health care system which recently became law and replaces it with important measures to reduce health care costs like medical liability reform and the freedom to purchase healthcare across state lines. It includes additional measures aimed at cutting unnecessary spending such as ending the taxpayer funding of presidential campaigns, reforming food stamp spending and selling a small percentage of federal assets.
As elected officials and stewards of the taxpayer’s money, we have a responsibility to put together a sustainable budget and stick to it without increasing the tax burden. I have consistently supported measures to rein in the federal budget and curb spending by voting for the tightest budgets and spending bills possible. Again this year I am a strong supporter of the RSC budget resolution which will set us on the path to balancing our federal budget and restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington.
To contact me about this or any other matter, please visit my website at
Cleaning day....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Beach weather
Many friends have headed out to a variety of beaches this week. Here's wishing them fantastic vacations, wonderful family time, and great beach weather. Safe travels and we look forward to seeing everyone when they return. It's summer!
Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
Photo by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
The back roads of Grayson County in June

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
Lynn Mitchell
Bike Virginia brings 2,000 bicyclists to Valley during brutal heat wave

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
27 June 2010
Lynn Mitchell
27 June 2010
Freedom Fest ... Sarah Palin, George Allen, Oliver North, Lee Greenwood
Received this from Jim Hoeft and wanted to share with others who may want to share in today's events:
You have been invited to an online event!Should be quite an event!
J.R. Hoeft has invited you to watch their event:
Live Blog ...
Freedom Fest: Sarah Palin, George Allen, Oliver North, and Lee Greenwood
Date: Sunday June 27, 2010
Time: 6:30PM EDT
Check-out our live-blog of Freedom Fest!
Only available at!
In order to view the event, simply click here.
Or alternatively, copy-paste this link in your browser:
Byron York: "Obama and Dems heading for electoral disaster"
Are Democrats heading to huge losses in the November elections? In the Virginia political blogosphere as well as other places Dems are blustering, calling names, and trying to distract from the issues at hand, a classic case of, "If I say it enough, I'll believe it," syndrome.
Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent for The Washington Examiner, said it best:
President Bush's post-Katrina approval rating was 50% while Barack Obama's post-oil spill approval now stands at 53%. In yet other polls Obama's handling of the oil spill has lower approval ratings than President Bush. "People in glass houses...."
A full 62% of Americans feel the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to the new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Obama's handling of the economy, the Afghanistan war, Gulf oil spill, chaos on the border, and his determination to bring a lawsuit against the state of Arizona because of its strict immigration enforcement law have Americans feeling unsettled and concerned about the future.
Karl Rove crunches the numbers, too, and also comes up with bad news for Democrats even as they sit on larger war chests than Republicans. The albatross around every Democratic candidate's neck is President Barack Obama, something that cannot be taken care of with money, according to Rove:
Cross-posted at The Washington Examiner
Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent for The Washington Examiner, said it best:
All around, there are Democrats telling us their prospects for November are looking up. Things aren't as bad as Republicans say! Health care is becoming more popular! The country wants financial reform! People still like Barack Obama! Isn't Joe Barton awful!Even as President Barack Obama again bashed George W. Bush Thursday while entertaining Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the White House, the latest poll numbers regarding Obama's leadership were dismal. His constant blame of the former administration wears thin after a while and, quite frankly, he has little to stand on.
They're fooling themselves.
President Bush's post-Katrina approval rating was 50% while Barack Obama's post-oil spill approval now stands at 53%. In yet other polls Obama's handling of the oil spill has lower approval ratings than President Bush. "People in glass houses...."
A full 62% of Americans feel the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to the new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Obama's handling of the economy, the Afghanistan war, Gulf oil spill, chaos on the border, and his determination to bring a lawsuit against the state of Arizona because of its strict immigration enforcement law have Americans feeling unsettled and concerned about the future.
Karl Rove crunches the numbers, too, and also comes up with bad news for Democrats even as they sit on larger war chests than Republicans. The albatross around every Democratic candidate's neck is President Barack Obama, something that cannot be taken care of with money, according to Rove:
But cash won't save the Democrats. Complex combinations of factors decide elections, and this year the driving forces are the president's low standing, his mishandling of the economy, his failure to respond to the oil spill, and the interconnected issues of jobs, spending, deficits and ObamaCare.Republicans, however, cannot assume that elections will swing their way. There is much work to do reassuring voters that Republicans will do the right thing. As Byron York concluded:
It is an explosive mix for Democrats. All these measures—from his job approval to handling the economy and the Gulf oil leak to the generic ballot to intensity—will remain roughly where they are unless a dramatic event causes a shift. That's unlikely: The president can do little to radically improve the landscape.
As strong as the numbers look, smart Republicans are constantly telling each other to calm down and keep working. While the public has soured on Obama and the Democratic leadership, Republicans can't just bash the opposition. "The Democrats have really opened the door for Republicans," Winston says, "and the challenge for Republicans is to lay out for people what they'll get if they get a GOP majority." If Republicans can do that, they'll win big in November.In Virginia, Republicans will be working hard to reelect their Congressmen and to replace Democrats who voted for health care and cap and trade.
Cross-posted at The Washington Examiner
Summertime and SWAC bloggers
Even as the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer descend on the Shenandoah Valley, the SWAC bloggers continue to write, opine, editorialize, and write about all things conservative, family, summer, and the Valley.
Congrats this week to Fishersville Mike who is #2 on BlogNetNews/Virginia, to Yankee Phil coming in at #5, and to Augusta Conservative who is #14.
Speaking of hazy days of summer, it's 91 degrees already even though it's only 9:15 a.m. so it's going to be another hot one as folks head to pools, lakes, streams, and the mountains to find some cooler temps. Have a good one!
Congrats this week to Fishersville Mike who is #2 on BlogNetNews/Virginia, to Yankee Phil coming in at #5, and to Augusta Conservative who is #14.
Speaking of hazy days of summer, it's 91 degrees already even though it's only 9:15 a.m. so it's going to be another hot one as folks head to pools, lakes, streams, and the mountains to find some cooler temps. Have a good one!
VA Right fights back
Tom White at Virginia Right! had his blog attacked Saturday but he's back up and going today and feistier than ever! And he's correct that being attacked means being effective. He writes:
I would like to say Thank You to the person responsible for the attack. As a result, my shared server is now sporting some new hardware that will actually make the site better at no cost to me. But most of all, I am very appreciative that you would take the time and effort to attack one small, Virginia based blog. It tells me that what we are writing is considered very harmful to your leftist cause.The conservative messengers will continuing getting out the conservative message.
That you would attack Virginia Right! is quite an honor and verification that sites like this are effectively winning the battle.
That you would attack Virginia Right! is validation (not that we needed any) that you are terrified of logic and reasoning and the only method open to you is to attempt to shut down the messenger.
That you would attack Virginia Right! is an open admission that exposing the truth is devastating to you, and a serious threat.
That you would attack Virginia Right! is an admission that you are unable to win on a level playing field. Even on a field slanted your way.
Thanks to you, I am 100% positive I am on the right track. I challenge all of the Conservative Blogs to hit back that much harder. We are winning when they feel the need to shut us up.
I can see November from my blog, and it looks damn good!
Florida aggressively reacting as oil reaches shores
I received a phone call earlier this week from a friend who asked if it was still okay for him and his family to be at our annual 4th of July cookout because they had canceled their previously planned vacation to Pensacola, Florida. Oil was washing in on the beaches, he told me, so they had decided to spend a few days at Virginia Beach and accept our invitation to celebrate the Fourth at our house.
The reaction to his news was a collective groan and something along the lines of, "Uh-oh. Tourism is going to take a hit down there especially with the holiday coming up."
Therefore, I wasn't surprised when I heard that Pensacola's beautiful white beaches have now been closed to swimmers as oil from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico has begun to wash ashore.
Breitbart is reporting that swimming is forbidden and there are health concerns with oil in the water and staining the beaches. Sunbathers are still permitted on the beaches but not in the water.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist's office has been keeping an update about conditions in the Panhandle and has reported that tar balls, crude oil tar patties, and mousse have been found on Panama City Beach, Fort Walton Beach, Pensacola beaches, and throughout northwest Florida.
Florida is aggressively attacking the problem with cleanup crews to lessen the impact on their environment and economy. Tourism is a $65 billion dollar-a-year industry that generates 1 million jobs. Vacationers can check beach conditions by viewing web cams and real-time photos at Visit Florida.
Cross-posted at The Washington Examiner
The reaction to his news was a collective groan and something along the lines of, "Uh-oh. Tourism is going to take a hit down there especially with the holiday coming up."
Therefore, I wasn't surprised when I heard that Pensacola's beautiful white beaches have now been closed to swimmers as oil from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico has begun to wash ashore.
Breitbart is reporting that swimming is forbidden and there are health concerns with oil in the water and staining the beaches. Sunbathers are still permitted on the beaches but not in the water.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist's office has been keeping an update about conditions in the Panhandle and has reported that tar balls, crude oil tar patties, and mousse have been found on Panama City Beach, Fort Walton Beach, Pensacola beaches, and throughout northwest Florida.
Florida is aggressively attacking the problem with cleanup crews to lessen the impact on their environment and economy. Tourism is a $65 billion dollar-a-year industry that generates 1 million jobs. Vacationers can check beach conditions by viewing web cams and real-time photos at Visit Florida.
Cross-posted at The Washington Examiner
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Slip-sliding away....
President Barack Obama did it again. He gave the White House press corps the slip while in Canada to attend G8 and G20 summits, the second time it has happened. Previously, he slipped past them to attend his daughter's soccer game in D.C. Will the press file a complaint?
Get well wishes for Dick Cheney
The former Vice President is in the hospital and man send best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Florida is aggressively reacting as oil reaches shores
I received a phone call earlier this week from a friend who asked if it was still okay for him and his family to be at our annual 4th of July cookout. They had canceled their previously planned vacation to Pensacola, Florida, he told me, because oil was washing in on the beaches. Instead, they had decided to spend a few days at Virginia Beach and would like to accept our invitation to celebrate the Fourth at our house. More at The Washington Examiner.
Living, breathing example that schools need to teach more American geography
Friday, June 25, 2010
SWAC newspapers agree ... staggered supervisor terms deserve a chance
In a fairly rare occurrence of both SWAC area newspapers agreeing, the Waynesboro News Virginian and the Staunton News Leader feel the issue of staggered terms for Augusta County's supervisors deserve a chance to be heard.
Augusta County stands alone as the only government body in the Shenandoah Valley that does not stagger its terms. Indeed, almost two-thirds of Virginia's counties have staggered terms for their supervisors.
On Tuesday, the News Virginian opined:
Augusta County stands alone as the only government body in the Shenandoah Valley that does not stagger its terms. Indeed, almost two-thirds of Virginia's counties have staggered terms for their supervisors.
On Tuesday, the News Virginian opined:
Some of the reasoning troubles us. Riverheads Supervisor Nancy Sorrells said politics would impact decisions in a staggered format. “You may not get the wisdom of decisions clear of the political arena.”Today the editorial crew at the News Leader added to the discussion:
Translation: Supervisors will begin making decisions simply based on their desire to win re-election.
A better translation: Supervisors fear voters. Good.
Staggered terms would have made last year’s reassessment fight especially intriguing, which is doubtless a primary factor in Pyles’ mind. Conveniently, county reassessments are set on a schedule that distances them from elections by two years. Imagine how the vote might have gone had some supervisors faced an election last year, a short time after increasing appraised values by almost a fourth.
Sorrells apparently has imagined precisely that. Here rises vintage hubris. If voters object so strenuously to an act of their elected officials, it might be considered that perhaps the voters have a point. If a supervisor believes strongly that they do not, he or she should possess the pluck to act rightly, the wisdom to explain it and the conviction to face defeat if necessary.
Elected officials lacking on these points don’t deserve the public’s confidence.Tell us staggered terms will cost more. Tell us the logistics make the switch prohibitive at the moment. Don’t tell us supervisors can’t handle the politics. It’s a political office, remember?
It makes sense to separate the terms. When close to one half of the elected officials are up for re-election every two years, you have a better chance of experienced leaders staying in office. It's business continuation and it makes sense. It's rare for any elected board to run all its candidates on the same cycle.It is an interesting issue that has not caught the interest of the public but, if bantered about enough, perhaps they will pay attention. That remains to be seen.
[The supervisors who voted against it] claimed the staggered term measure would add more politics to the arena. How could that be? Of course there should be politics in elections, as well as opportunities for public comment.
Politically speaking, an election of seven supervisors in the wake of a firestorm controversy could see them all turned out. Would that be in the best interests of the county? Hardly.
How much did those burgers cost for Obama and Russian president?
Anyone care to guess how much it cost the American taxpayers for President Barack Obama to take his buddy, the Russian president, out for burgers on Thursday?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Virginia's First Lady fondly remembers her dad
Francis ‘Frank’ V. Gardner
December 2, 1922 - June 19, 2010
Frank Gardner was born in Virginia on December 2nd, 1922. His father died when he was only two years old. His mother, Marie B. Gardner, of Falls Church, was one of the first WWII WAVES, Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, with the US Navy. Dad had two sisters. His younger sister, Mary Shannon, is still living in Vienna, and his older sister was a Sister of Charity and died several years ago.
Dad attended primary schools in Virginia and became an Eagle Scout at age thirteen. Even as a young boy he particularly loved birds, songs, and storytelling. He could identify most birds by sight and sound, and he never lost his love of singing and telling stories.
After high school Dad headed to Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland. However, as was the case for so many in his generation, his college studies were interrupted by World War II. Dad was just 19 when he left school to join the Marine Corps. He served as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps for almost four years during the war.
Dad fought in the bloodiest battles in the Pacific theater, including Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Records show that he was one of the last surviving veterans of all three battles. In the years to follow he would talk to us some about the war. I’ll never forget his stories about Keynote, the dog he saved and adopted in Saipan.
What he didn’t do was talk much about the ugly side of war. My Dad had seen some of the bloodiest combat of the entire period. He said, he "...didn't want to put those thoughts and images into people’s heads." And yet, we all knew that he suffered from those memories, because he would sometimes awake with loud yells during the night.
When Dad came back from the war, he went right back to school and completed his Bachelors Degree at Mount St. Mary's, majoring in History and English. Dad was a grammarian, and throughout our lives he schooled us in history and he always corrected our verbal and written grammar.
After graduation he went to work for the FBI and was sent to New York and Cleveland. The stop in Ohio turned out to be an important one; because it was there that he met his future bride, our Mom, Gerry, who was working for the FBI as a stenographer. They were married and he brought Mom back to Virginia to meet his family, and start their own. It ended up being a big one! Mom and Dad would have nine children, seven girls and two boys. Ours was never a quiet home!
Dad served a total of thirteen years with the FBI before leaving to become a Foreign Service Officer with the Department of State. In 1966, he moved all of us to Mexico for six years to work in three different cities (Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua; Hermosillo, Sonora; Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas) as an American Consul, and later he served as Chief Administrative Officer for the American Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It was Dad’s postings in another country that gave all of us the opportunity to see more of our own. As we made our way to and from his assignments we would all load up into a Mercury Colony Park station wagon, pulling a large travel trailer. We sang songs, played license plate and I Spy games, motioned for trucks to blow their air horns as they passed rest stops, and visited extended family members and our great national wonders. Dad finally retired from the Department of State after 30 years of service.
Except for his years in the Pacific Theatre, a few out-of-state assignments with the FBI, and his State Department assignments, Dad was a life-long resident of northern Virginia. He loved the Redskins, and he loved Notre Dame.
Dad was also a self-published author, having written five books relating to family history, the war, and his poetry. These were initially for the benefit of his offspring, but now are available for all. One of his books, Landing Force 48, is currently in the printing process and all proceeds will benefit the Ellen Gardner Breathe Fund.
Throughout his life, and especially over the past year, he continued to tell stories and sing songs to anyone willing to listen. And last year, at age 86, Dad tried something new: politics! He was one of the Star Volunteers on the campaign trail for his son-in-law, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Mom’s passing last year left a void in all our lives. Dad missed Mom. We all do. Now Dad is with Mom again. And we miss them both. Frank Gardner was a good man, who loved his family, loved this country, and led a solid, productive and remarkable life.
One of my Dad’s favorite songs was "Leader of the Band" by Dan Fogelberg. And the lyrics below speak directly to how I will always remember him.
I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road;
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go;
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough;
And papa I don't think I said
"I love you" near enough.
December 2, 1922 - June 19, 2010
Frank Gardner was born in Virginia on December 2nd, 1922. His father died when he was only two years old. His mother, Marie B. Gardner, of Falls Church, was one of the first WWII WAVES, Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, with the US Navy. Dad had two sisters. His younger sister, Mary Shannon, is still living in Vienna, and his older sister was a Sister of Charity and died several years ago.
Dad attended primary schools in Virginia and became an Eagle Scout at age thirteen. Even as a young boy he particularly loved birds, songs, and storytelling. He could identify most birds by sight and sound, and he never lost his love of singing and telling stories.
After high school Dad headed to Mount St. Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland. However, as was the case for so many in his generation, his college studies were interrupted by World War II. Dad was just 19 when he left school to join the Marine Corps. He served as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps for almost four years during the war.
Dad fought in the bloodiest battles in the Pacific theater, including Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Records show that he was one of the last surviving veterans of all three battles. In the years to follow he would talk to us some about the war. I’ll never forget his stories about Keynote, the dog he saved and adopted in Saipan.
What he didn’t do was talk much about the ugly side of war. My Dad had seen some of the bloodiest combat of the entire period. He said, he "...didn't want to put those thoughts and images into people’s heads." And yet, we all knew that he suffered from those memories, because he would sometimes awake with loud yells during the night.
When Dad came back from the war, he went right back to school and completed his Bachelors Degree at Mount St. Mary's, majoring in History and English. Dad was a grammarian, and throughout our lives he schooled us in history and he always corrected our verbal and written grammar.
After graduation he went to work for the FBI and was sent to New York and Cleveland. The stop in Ohio turned out to be an important one; because it was there that he met his future bride, our Mom, Gerry, who was working for the FBI as a stenographer. They were married and he brought Mom back to Virginia to meet his family, and start their own. It ended up being a big one! Mom and Dad would have nine children, seven girls and two boys. Ours was never a quiet home!
Dad served a total of thirteen years with the FBI before leaving to become a Foreign Service Officer with the Department of State. In 1966, he moved all of us to Mexico for six years to work in three different cities (Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua; Hermosillo, Sonora; Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas) as an American Consul, and later he served as Chief Administrative Officer for the American Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It was Dad’s postings in another country that gave all of us the opportunity to see more of our own. As we made our way to and from his assignments we would all load up into a Mercury Colony Park station wagon, pulling a large travel trailer. We sang songs, played license plate and I Spy games, motioned for trucks to blow their air horns as they passed rest stops, and visited extended family members and our great national wonders. Dad finally retired from the Department of State after 30 years of service.
Except for his years in the Pacific Theatre, a few out-of-state assignments with the FBI, and his State Department assignments, Dad was a life-long resident of northern Virginia. He loved the Redskins, and he loved Notre Dame.
Dad was also a self-published author, having written five books relating to family history, the war, and his poetry. These were initially for the benefit of his offspring, but now are available for all. One of his books, Landing Force 48, is currently in the printing process and all proceeds will benefit the Ellen Gardner Breathe Fund.
Throughout his life, and especially over the past year, he continued to tell stories and sing songs to anyone willing to listen. And last year, at age 86, Dad tried something new: politics! He was one of the Star Volunteers on the campaign trail for his son-in-law, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Mom’s passing last year left a void in all our lives. Dad missed Mom. We all do. Now Dad is with Mom again. And we miss them both. Frank Gardner was a good man, who loved his family, loved this country, and led a solid, productive and remarkable life.
One of my Dad’s favorite songs was "Leader of the Band" by Dan Fogelberg. And the lyrics below speak directly to how I will always remember him.
I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road;
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go;
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough;
And papa I don't think I said
"I love you" near enough.
From Maureen McDonnell ... funeral arrangements for her father
Virginia First Lady Maureen McDonnell's father, Frank Gardner, passed away Saturday. This is her response to the outpouring of condolences to her family....
Contributions to Support His Daughter: It is Frank Gardner’s request that in lieu of cards and flowers contributions be made to the ‘Ellen Gardner Breathe Fund’:
Friday - July 9th, 2010
First viewing: 2 PM thru 4 PM
Second viewing: 6 PM thru 8 PM
Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home
9902 Braddock Road
Fairfax, VA 22032
(703) 425-9702
Funeral Mass:
Saturday - July 10th, 2010 @ 11:30 AM
St. Bernadette Catholic Church
7600 Old Keene Mill Road
Springfield, VA 22152
(703) 451-8576
Burial - immediately following Mass service:
Fairfax Memorial Park
9900 Braddock Road
Fairfax, VA 22032
I am writing this email today to say thank you to everyone who has contacted us following the news of my father’s passing last Saturday night. Your love and support has meant so much to us. Dad lived a long and full life, and I’m going to miss him dearly. Just a year ago I lost my mother, and if there is any solace for me in this tough time, it is in knowing that they are together again.Funeral arrangements for Frank Gardner
I am deeply and truly touched by how so many of you have reached out to Bob and me over the past five days. Flowers have been sent to the Governor’s Mansion, and everywhere we go there are words of encouragement and hugs. I truly want to thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart.
Over the past week, many of you have asked about both Dad’s life, and the funeral arrangements. I’ve decided the best way to make sure I don’t miss anyone is to send out this email, and I hope you find the information below helpful. Losing a parent is never easy. I know many of you reading this email have gone through it in your own lives. Your support and friendship have been a tremendous help to me and all of Dad’s children, grandchildren and family, and for that we all will be forever grateful.
Warmest regards,
Maureen McDonnell
Contributions to Support His Daughter: It is Frank Gardner’s request that in lieu of cards and flowers contributions be made to the ‘Ellen Gardner Breathe Fund’:
Ellen Gardner Breathe FundViewing:
P.O. Box 4683
Midlothian, VA 22112
Friday - July 9th, 2010
First viewing: 2 PM thru 4 PM
Second viewing: 6 PM thru 8 PM
Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home
9902 Braddock Road
Fairfax, VA 22032
(703) 425-9702
Funeral Mass:
Saturday - July 10th, 2010 @ 11:30 AM
St. Bernadette Catholic Church
7600 Old Keene Mill Road
Springfield, VA 22152
(703) 451-8576
Burial - immediately following Mass service:
Fairfax Memorial Park
9900 Braddock Road
Fairfax, VA 22032
In memory of Frank Gardner
In 2003 Dan Fogelberg was asked about the origin of the self-written song, "Leader of the Band," and this was his response:
Leader of the Band
A lonely child, alone and wild
a cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant for different work
and his heart was known to none
He left his home
and went his lone and solitary way
And he gave to me
a gift I know I never can repay.
A quiet man of music
denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
but his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love through discipline
a thundering velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
took me years to understand
The leader of the band is tired
and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
to imitate the man
I'm just the living legacy
to the leader of the band.
My brother's lives were different
for they heard another call
One went to Chicago
and the other to St. Paul
And I'm in Colorado
when I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chosen
And grown to know so well.
I thank you for the music
and your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
when it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness
and the times when you got tough
And papa I dont think I've said
I love you near enough.
The leader of the band is tired
and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
to imitate the man
I'm just the living legacy
to the leader of the band.
I am the living legacy
to the leader of the band...
"Leader of the Band" was written for my father Lawrence Fogelberg who was a musician, educator, and band leader. I was so gratified that I was able to give him that song before he passed on. In his final years he was interviewed many times by the national press because of it. He went out in a blaze of glory, which meant a lot to me and my family.Music speaks to us in a way nothing else can. This song is poignant, a son singing about his father. Virginia's First Lady Maureen McDonnell has said "Leader of the Band" was her dad's favorite song. This is in memory of her father, Frank Gardner ... classic Fogelberg in Houston, 1982....
Leader of the Band
A lonely child, alone and wild
a cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant for different work
and his heart was known to none
He left his home
and went his lone and solitary way
And he gave to me
a gift I know I never can repay.
A quiet man of music
denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
but his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love through discipline
a thundering velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
took me years to understand
The leader of the band is tired
and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
to imitate the man
I'm just the living legacy
to the leader of the band.
My brother's lives were different
for they heard another call
One went to Chicago
and the other to St. Paul
And I'm in Colorado
when I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chosen
And grown to know so well.
I thank you for the music
and your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
when it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness
and the times when you got tough
And papa I dont think I've said
I love you near enough.
The leader of the band is tired
and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument
and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt
to imitate the man
I'm just the living legacy
to the leader of the band.
I am the living legacy
to the leader of the band...
Flags at half-mast for fallen hero Army Spc. Anderson
Day of prayer for Gulf states this Sunday
From David Barton at
Historically in America, whenever there has been a crisis, our civic leaders have called our cities, states, and even our nation to prayer, asking for God's help and guidance. They understood that help would come only through calling out for God's intervention.
Today, the Gulf Coast States face a crisis with the oil spill that has threatened health, homes, and jobs, in addition to a number of other problems - and there doesn't seem to be a successful solution close at hand. So the elected leaders of the Gulf Coast States - Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida - are calling for a day of prayer in their states this coming Sunday, June 27.
We are including links to their prayer proclamations below and we encourage you to print them off and take them to church with you this Sunday, encouraging your congregation, friends and family to join with others in this critical time of prayer.Even if you are not in one of the states along the Gulf, we're urging everyone across the nation to join with these states, asking for God's hand to be on all the decision-makers and lawmakers, that He would give them discernment and guidance, and that a solution would be forthcoming.
I John 5:14-15 says, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
Please join with these states in petitioning God for a quick work in the Gulf Coast Region!
Texas - Governor Rick Perry's Prayer Proclamation
Louisiana - Governor Bobby Jindal's Prayer Proclamation
Alabama - Governor Bob Riley's Prayer Proclamation
Mississippi - Governor Haley Barbour's Prayer ProclamationFlorida's Prayer Proclamation
Historically in America, whenever there has been a crisis, our civic leaders have called our cities, states, and even our nation to prayer, asking for God's help and guidance. They understood that help would come only through calling out for God's intervention.
Today, the Gulf Coast States face a crisis with the oil spill that has threatened health, homes, and jobs, in addition to a number of other problems - and there doesn't seem to be a successful solution close at hand. So the elected leaders of the Gulf Coast States - Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida - are calling for a day of prayer in their states this coming Sunday, June 27.
We are including links to their prayer proclamations below and we encourage you to print them off and take them to church with you this Sunday, encouraging your congregation, friends and family to join with others in this critical time of prayer.Even if you are not in one of the states along the Gulf, we're urging everyone across the nation to join with these states, asking for God's hand to be on all the decision-makers and lawmakers, that He would give them discernment and guidance, and that a solution would be forthcoming.
I John 5:14-15 says, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."
Please join with these states in petitioning God for a quick work in the Gulf Coast Region!
Texas - Governor Rick Perry's Prayer Proclamation
Louisiana - Governor Bobby Jindal's Prayer Proclamation
Alabama - Governor Bob Riley's Prayer Proclamation
Mississippi - Governor Haley Barbour's Prayer ProclamationFlorida's Prayer Proclamation
Baling season in the Valley

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
24 June 2010
Lynn Mitchell
24 June 2010
Everyone's talking about the heat. Jerry Fuhrman doesn't need words ... he uses a picture. Priceless!
Augusta: Words fly between supervisors
Wednesday night's Augusta Board of Supervisors meeting again showed the rancor between supervisors as they discussed the issue of staggered terms.
Supervisor Tracy Pyles originally brought up the subject and wanted a public hearing to listen to input from Augusta County residents. Wednesday night, after the vote of 4-3 shot down the proposal, Supervisor Pyles said he would initiate a petition drive to force the issue. As reported by the Staunton News Leader:
It was obvious from a split board vote and Supervisor Pyles' plans to start a petition drive that this issue is not dead.
Supervisor Tracy Pyles originally brought up the subject and wanted a public hearing to listen to input from Augusta County residents. Wednesday night, after the vote of 4-3 shot down the proposal, Supervisor Pyles said he would initiate a petition drive to force the issue. As reported by the Staunton News Leader:
"I have noticed a real lack of desire from this board to hear from the public," [Pyles] said. "If you only listen to yourself, you are only going to hear your echo."That brought a sharp retort from fellow supervisor David Beyeler:
Supervisor David Beyeler said there is no reason for a public hearing because a majority on the board already said the election process is not broken and should not be changed. He also said Pyles further pushing the issue is disruptive and is "not good for the county."The public has been fairly quiet on this issue but that may be because it's summer, school is out, and they are otherwise occupied. Supervisor Wendell Coleman made is a point to mention several times he had not heard from one single constituent in his district about staggered terms. Others mentioned it had been on the front page of the newspaper and they still didn't hear from people. However, Supervisor Pyles had heard from a number of folks and it may be that they went to the one who was in favor of it.
"Just because you don't get your way," Beyeler said, "it doesn't mean you should go out on the limb."
It was obvious from a split board vote and Supervisor Pyles' plans to start a petition drive that this issue is not dead.
Augusta County BOS meeting: Staggered terms shot down
Augusta County resident David Karaffa was the lone speaker at Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting, addressing the board to say he agreed with the staggered terms proposal put out by Supervisor Tracy Pyles. He spoke with WHSV TV-3 afterwards ... video here.
By staggering the terms, three supervisors would be voted in and two years later the other four would be voted onto the board, all to serve four year terms. This method is used by almost two-thirds of the localities statewide and most governing bodies in the Shenandoah Valley with the lone exception of Augusta County.
Quite frankly, I am surprised there is such resistance to this from the board. Wednesday night's vote was simply to let the issue be presented in a public hearing so the residents of Augusta County could weigh in on it but four of the board members were adamant they did not want to go that route.
The supervisors most vehemently against staggered terms appear to be afraid of what they may hear from the public. Excuses like "they can speak at these meetings" don't cut it. By drawing attention to a specific issue, it allows folks to be more aware.
As a result, the issue was voted down and Supervisor Pyles proposed circulating petitions to get this issue on the ballot in 2011 to let the people decide.
The Waynesboro News Virginian covered it as well as WHSV TV-3 and Stuanton News Leader. Also David has a post up at the Augusta Conservative blog.
By staggering the terms, three supervisors would be voted in and two years later the other four would be voted onto the board, all to serve four year terms. This method is used by almost two-thirds of the localities statewide and most governing bodies in the Shenandoah Valley with the lone exception of Augusta County.
Quite frankly, I am surprised there is such resistance to this from the board. Wednesday night's vote was simply to let the issue be presented in a public hearing so the residents of Augusta County could weigh in on it but four of the board members were adamant they did not want to go that route.
The supervisors most vehemently against staggered terms appear to be afraid of what they may hear from the public. Excuses like "they can speak at these meetings" don't cut it. By drawing attention to a specific issue, it allows folks to be more aware.
As a result, the issue was voted down and Supervisor Pyles proposed circulating petitions to get this issue on the ballot in 2011 to let the people decide.
The Waynesboro News Virginian covered it as well as WHSV TV-3 and Stuanton News Leader. Also David has a post up at the Augusta Conservative blog.
World Cup soccer and other thoughts....
A few random thoughts during a busy week....
World Cup soccer.... I was not able to watch Wednesday when the USA won 1-0 over Algeria in the World Cup tournament but certainly heard the outcome and about the denied goal early in the game. It was replayed late Wednesday night so I watched to see with my own two eyes how it all unfolded....
Remembering a fallen hero.... The supervisors observed a moment of silence at the beginning of Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in honor of Spc. Brian "Bucky" Anderson of Shenandoah County who was killed by an IED in Afghanistan earlier this month. We offer prayers to his family and friends. I wrote a post for The Washington Examiner to honor this young hero.
Nate promoted to USMC Sergeant.... Those who read this blog on a regular basis know SWAC area home school graduate Nate Salatin who is in the United States Marine Corps and has served two tours of duty in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Despite those interruptions, he is continuing at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and hopes to complete his degree in spring 2011. Congratulations on the promotion, Sergeant Nate Salatin, USMC.
Ate lunch at the Depot Grille Wednesday with Barb. Saw a number of people I knew including Augusta Supervisor Nancy Sorrells. It was a busy day at the Depot.
As I drove the back roads heading into Staunton, the temperature was in the mid-90s and I passed a freshly-mowed lawn that had that just-mowed grass smell that sweetens the air in the summer....
The bunny at the end of my driveway.... As I head out my driveway lately, there is a baby bunny who runs across in front of my vehicle and dives under an evergreen bush beside the drive. The way he dives under the bush reminds me, for some reason, of Peter Rabbit trying to escape Mr. McGregor's garden....
We need rain. The garden is growing nicely but we need some rain out of these dark clouds that pass over in the afternoons. The grass is crackly like July grass ... it's an early heat wave ... and the temperature at our house Tuesday registered 99.7 degrees. Now that's hot.
Bike Virginia will have 2,000 bicyclists in the SWAC area this weekend so watch the roadways.
Stay cool out there and enjoy your summer in the Shenandoah Valley....
World Cup soccer.... I was not able to watch Wednesday when the USA won 1-0 over Algeria in the World Cup tournament but certainly heard the outcome and about the denied goal early in the game. It was replayed late Wednesday night so I watched to see with my own two eyes how it all unfolded....
Remembering a fallen hero.... The supervisors observed a moment of silence at the beginning of Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in honor of Spc. Brian "Bucky" Anderson of Shenandoah County who was killed by an IED in Afghanistan earlier this month. We offer prayers to his family and friends. I wrote a post for The Washington Examiner to honor this young hero.
Nate promoted to USMC Sergeant.... Those who read this blog on a regular basis know SWAC area home school graduate Nate Salatin who is in the United States Marine Corps and has served two tours of duty in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Despite those interruptions, he is continuing at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and hopes to complete his degree in spring 2011. Congratulations on the promotion, Sergeant Nate Salatin, USMC.
Ate lunch at the Depot Grille Wednesday with Barb. Saw a number of people I knew including Augusta Supervisor Nancy Sorrells. It was a busy day at the Depot.
As I drove the back roads heading into Staunton, the temperature was in the mid-90s and I passed a freshly-mowed lawn that had that just-mowed grass smell that sweetens the air in the summer....
The bunny at the end of my driveway.... As I head out my driveway lately, there is a baby bunny who runs across in front of my vehicle and dives under an evergreen bush beside the drive. The way he dives under the bush reminds me, for some reason, of Peter Rabbit trying to escape Mr. McGregor's garden....
We need rain. The garden is growing nicely but we need some rain out of these dark clouds that pass over in the afternoons. The grass is crackly like July grass ... it's an early heat wave ... and the temperature at our house Tuesday registered 99.7 degrees. Now that's hot.
Bike Virginia will have 2,000 bicyclists in the SWAC area this weekend so watch the roadways.
Stay cool out there and enjoy your summer in the Shenandoah Valley....
Army Spc. Bucky Anderson ... saying goodbye to a fallen hero

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
News Virginian: Staggered terms need a second look
Tonight is the Augusta Board of Supervisors meeting to discuss staggered terms, an issue most on the board want to sweep under the rug. The meeting is at 7:00 pm at the Government Center in Verona.
Today's Waynesboro News-Virginian had an editorial about this issue that suggested staggered terms need a closer look:
Tonight. 7:00. Come see your county government in action.
Today's Waynesboro News-Virginian had an editorial about this issue that suggested staggered terms need a closer look:
A majority of [Supervisor Tracy Pyles'] fellow supervisors have balked at his suggestion that Augusta begin staggering terms, allowing elections every two years for some members instead of every four years for all. That’s how elections work for the city councils and school boards in both Waynesboro and Staunton. We’re not prepared yet to endorse Pyles’ idea principally because we’re interested to know more about cost. A recent supervisors meeting indicated that question is moot. Supervisors are to decide tonight, but during a staff meeting Monday, four of them said they oppose the idea.Some of the reasons given by supervisors to oppose staggered terms did not wash with the NV:
Some of the reasoning troubles us. Riverheads Supervisor Nancy Sorrells said politics would impact decisions in a staggered format. “You may not get the wisdom of decisions clear of the political arena.”After last year's assessment battle when 10,500 citizens signed petitions asking that real estate assessments be rolled back at a time of economic downturn, and after 1,000 residents turned out for a supervisor meeting in March 2009, immediate supervisor elections would have been interesting to watch. And that is what some of the supervisors fear.
Translation: Supervisors will begin making decisions simply based on their desire to win re-election. A better translation: Supervisors fear voters. Good.
Tonight. 7:00. Come see your county government in action.
6th District Republicans
SWAC Conservative Breakfast ... "Open Mic Saturday"

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
19 June 2010
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