Alexandria resident Mark Seavey, formerly of the Stonewall Brigade, was quoted in today's Mailbag in the Washington Times:
"I noted with a wry chuckle your discussion of [Virginia Senate candidate] Mark Warner's fundraising mailer, which admonished President Bush for the 'mismanaged war in Iraq' and the need for a 'responsible plan to bring our troops home.'Cross-posted at Bloggers 4 Jim Gilmore
"In 2004, I was activated with 500 other Virginia National Guardsmen to deploy as part of the global war on terror. Around Christmastime, we received a letter from then-Governor Warner noting the difficulties in being away from our families and thanking us for our service in Iraq.
"One problem: We were serving in Afghanistan.
"Should a 'responsible plan' ever come into existence, I hope for the sake of my brothers and sisters in arms currently deployed that someone with a significantly less anemic attention to detail than our would-be senator is in charge of the travel arrangements."
Jim Gilmore for Senate
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