A check for VoteBipartisan.com reveals no such site ... it is bogus ... and there is no required disclaimer on who financed the signs. When we left the debate the signs were mysteriously gone.
Updated 7/20/08: A check of VPAP (thanks KM) revealed the following information:
Contact Information
Vote Bipartisan
PO Box 1362
Williamsburg 23187
Date Registered: 06/19/2008 (Details)
Committee Type: State PAC
Status: Open
Candidates this PAC Supports/Opposes:
- Mark R Warner (Supports)
- John McCain (Supports)
Initial Registered Officers of this Committee:
Bradley Hungerman (Treasurer)
Note: This committee files its campaign finance reports on paper, which indicates it should not raise at least $10,000 nor spend $10,000 a year.
To view contributors to this committee and an overview of its finances, please visit the Campaign Finance Section of State Board of Elections at 200 N. 9th Street Richmond, VA 23219. Telephone: 800-552-9745
Update # 2 on 7/20/08: Tim Craig at the Washington Post has followed up on this story.
Time for a little more digging. During the debate I checked the site on my Blackberry and it was up. It had 3 links - top link was to Obama for President site; 2nd link was to Mark Warner for Senate; 3rd link was to Lindsey Graham for Senate (SC). Obviously the Warner people set this up.
It is also interesting to note that even hours after the debate, while all the Warner signs had not been removed from the side of the road --- every single one of these signs had mysteriously vanished.
Thanks, Greg. We checked the site yesterday and got nothing, and I tried it again today before posting and got nothing ... and yet you pulled it up yesterday. Interesting.
The fact it had no disclaimer on the bottom is curious to me. And if it was part of the Warner people, why didn't they remove the Warner signs at the same time they removed the mystery signs?
It definitely requires more digging....
The mystery of the signs continues, and the Washington Post has even more details. It answers more - but not all - of the unanswered questions.
What, exactly, is going on here? More importantly, who is paying for it?
I updated my post with the WaPo information.
My question, in addition to the ones Anonymous has asked, would be how they are able to have political signs, especially for federal elections, without disclaimers at the bottom to say who paid for them. If I'm not mistaken, that is part of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform which would make it ironic since McCain's name is on the sign.
Thanks for passing along the info.
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