Friday, January 04, 2008

SWAC GOP is doing well

In their end-of-year wrap-up on December 31, the Staunton newspaper took one last swipe at the local Republican party with these comments:
Local GOP Politics:

Local Republican party politics have been spinning out of control for several years now. Increasingly nasty campaigns have made a mockery of the principles and ethics of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan by embracing the tactics of Republican advertising spinmeister Scott Howell, White House wormtongue Karl Rove and the libertarian guru of slash-and-burn, Grover Norquist.
In response, Dr. Kurt Michael, Chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee, wrote a letter to the editor which he posted on It has, in typical fashion, been responded to by the trolls that hang out online at the NL.

The SWAC-GOP leaders are planning for an exciting 2008 as we work to elect our candidates and promote Republican principles in the Valley.

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