The SWAC area Republican volunteers have been busy this summer with candidate appearances and events throughout the central Shenandoah Valley. Representing Presidential candidate John McCain, U.S. Senate candidate Jim Gilmore, and local congressmen including Bob Goodlatte, we have distributed yard signs, bumper stickers, information, and answered questions of voters.
4th of July: Alex Davis forwarded the names of those who worked the 4th of July Republican booth in Staunton and the GOP float. Over 50 Republicans were involved from Staunton and Augusta County.
Win the War Signs: In an impromptu sign-up for Win the War signs (because there are none currently available), another 25 people from the community left their names and contact information. The signs were on the GOP float, and two were given to local Army Reservists who had been looking for them. Part of the activity was stirred on by a letter in the Staunton newspaper on July 4th questioning what else those who had Win the War signs and bumper stickers were doing for the soldiers. As most people in this area know, there is much that is being done for our military members and their families.
Churchville Fireman's Parade: At the Churchville Fireman's parade on July 19, Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Del. Chris Saxman were part of the Republican float, and they were joined by 25 others who walked, rode, handed out candy and Goodlatte balloons, and generally showed a great GOP presence in the District.
Bridgewater Fireman's Parade: Again, Congressman Goodlatte and Del. Saxman were on hand for the Bridgewater parade on July 18. A great response from the local Republicans made for a great evening.
McGaheysville Fireman's Parade: Friday's McGaheysville parade had Republicans Bob Goodlatte and Del. Steve Landes as well as GOP volunteers again handing out candy and balloons to the crowd.
The Bergton Lawn Days Festival is later this week with Republican volunteers already lined up to help.
Upcoming events include the Augusta County Fair (Aug. 5-9), Rockingham County Fair (Aug. 11-16), Green County Fair (Aug. 12-16), and fall festivals that will start up in September.
We are looking forward to an exciting and busy August and fall campaign season.
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