Thursday, July 03, 2008

Thousands line up for tickets to see President Bush at Monticello

Tomorrow President George W. Bush will celebrate his last Independence Day in office in Virginia ... celebrating new American citizens who will take part in the annual naturalization ceremony.

Thousands lined up at Monticello yesterday hoping to receive tickets to see the President and observe the historical ceremony. They began lining up in the wee hours of the morning, hoping for a block of four tickets, the maximum to be handed out.

Anti-Bush, anti-war protesters have threatened to discrupt the ceremony to spread their message of hate on a day that should be reserved for those who legally entered the United States, studied for their citizenship, and are now ready to take the oath.

Selfish protesters who have no one's best interest in mind other than their own selfish cause -- to be sure President Bush knows they hate him -- are planning to block roads, crowd parking lots, and bring signs of protest as they shout down the President.

Let's hope they did not receive tickets to the ceremony. But that remains to be seen.


Annie Boyd said...
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Lynn R. Mitchell said...

You are spewing talking points, Annie. And you have some flawed logic.

A naturalization ceremony is all about those new American citizens ... not about your cause or how you feel about the leader of the free world who has chosen to be there to honor those citizens.

Happy Independence Day!

Protesting the President at this event is of the utmost disrespect ... and I belive it will backfire for you "peace-loving" folks. Americans are tired of that kind of politics of hate and in-your-face behavior.

If you really were peaceful, you would be home with your friends and family celebrating Independence Day and honoring our military who protect us and make it possible for us to have cookouts and parades.

Anonymous said...

I am true beliver in our 1st Amendment and not against protesting. Both sides of the political spectrum needs a way to express their feelings. However, this is not the place for "protests". #1, you have new citizens (people that actually love this country) taking the oath, and #2, This is Thomas Jefferson's home. Give it some respect. I don't recall us "right-wingers" protesting President Clinton and Vice President Gore in 1996 when they visited there.

Also, don't know where you are getting the 70% from. I am sure 70% of Americans don't HATE the president.

God Bless our fellow Americans that died for our 1st Amendment Right.