Apparently, a hamster has about a two-year life span, a fact we noted this past Christmas while Elf basked in the limelight as he slept on our laps or nuzzled around our necks.
SWAC Niece is "the keeper of animals" and Elf was one of a number of critters she has adopted and cared for over the years. She's had cats, turtles, a snail, a hamster ... I cannot remember them all. She is our science-oriented girl who has been like this since she was two years old.
It is a sad day for SWAC Niece -- the death of a pet is hard for young children -- so I wanted her to know that Elf was a good hammie and we all enjoyed him. She was his caretaker and took her responsibility seriously, keeping his cage clean, changing his water, feeding him on a regular basis, and showing him love. We will all miss him.
I'm sorry your hamster died. It's always very tough losing a beloved pet.
Thanks, Ron. It was my 12-year-old niece's hamster and she loved that little rodent.
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