The snow has just begun and already it is sticking. Weather has been cold the past week so the ground is frozen ... this is about 45 minutes after it started at 7:30 this morning.

Every public school system in the area is closed ... Augusta, Staunton, Waynesboro, Rockingham, Harrisonburg, Rockbridge, Bath, Highland ... as well as private schools which was a good call because the snow started around the time kids would have been boarding buses. The ground is frozen, temps have been cold all week with current temps in the 20s, and a forecast (that keeps changing) of 2-4" of snow followed with ice and sleet.
The woodstove is going, chili pot is bubbling, and we are couched in for the day to enjoy the winter wonderland!
Photos by SWAC Girl
Wood stove? Check.
Snow? Check.
Coffee? Checkcheckcheck!
Hot chocolate for the kids? Check.
Chili pot? No... but stew? Check!
Working from the home office? Check that too... so long as the ice doesn't knock out the power -- thankfully the local power company recently cleared out all the scrub and limbs near the lines this summer.
Gotta love winter in the foothills.
Shaun, I hear ya! I put a pot roast with all the veggies in the crock pot today, bread rising in front of the woodstove, and a cake in the oven. There is something homey about cold weather that makes me love winter and snow! I want more!!!! :)
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