Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Win the War! Thanks, General Petraeus -- Man of the Decade

Josh Levy is a law student at the University of Virginia ... a conservative young man, husband, father ... who cares out our country and our troops.

When liberal anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan was in Charlottesville to hold an anti-war rally last June, Josh organized 150 "Win the War" supporters who showed up to show there were Americans who were not ready to give up on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Josh has an article in the current C-ville Newspaper suggesting the Man of the Decade should be General David Petraeus because of the success he has had in Iraq.

Josh writes:
With fewer stories about Iraq in the media, many Americans are not aware of the great improvements there. Al Qaeda no longer has substantial control of any area of Iraq, normal citizens—Shiite and Sunni—have united to form over 300 neighborhood security groups, the Iraqi Army is increasingly conducting anti-terrorist operations on its own, and violence has dropped to two-thirds of what it was a year before. Not long ago, it seemed as if we were on the verge of defeat; now it is likely that Iraqis and Americans together will subdue al Qaeda and other radicals in Iraq and build a peaceful and tolerant society.

The Fixer: Under Gen. Petraeus’ (left) watch, more Iraqis have begun cooperating with the U.S., and former enemies are switching over to our side.
Josh concludes his article with this:
Time magazine was correct not to name Gen. Petraeus “Man of the Year.” He is “Man of the Decade.”
Read the entire article.

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