Saturday, July 05, 2008

They loved President Bush at Monticello

President George W. Bush was enthusiastically and warmly greet at Monticello for their annual 4th of July naturalization ceremony for the newest of America's citizens. The Waynesboro News-Virginian's front page story says:
Mary Patricia McFadyen, a native of Scotland, stepped up to the microphone just moments after being sworn in as an American citizen and thanked her friends and neighbors.

But another powerful influence in her decision, she said, was President Bush.
“Mr. President, I’d like to thank you for inspiring me to complete this process,” she said. “Without you, this day may have never come.”

For new citizens such as McFadyen, it was fitting that the president honored 72 new Americans and reflected on Thomas Jefferson’s legacy during the 46th-annual Independence Day and Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello.

His greeting to the audience — many of them waving red, white and blue fans to cool themselves on the muggy July morning — was simple: “Happy Fourth of July.”
Despite putting out calls far and wide, anti-Bush protesters were kept to a minimum as thousands welcomed the President to Virginia.

Thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership ... and thank you for spending your 4th of July in Virginia.

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