Afton was straight ahead as I headed for the Blue Ridge on I-64....

Snake oil for sale! This is the elixir of life! It will cure any and all your ailments! I have traveled the world in search of miraculous cures and brought this elixir from the exotic forests of Indonesia where people use it to live 100 to 150 years while still retaining the looks of a 20 year old.I could go on and on and on. We have heard the pitch of false hope and promises before, and we hear it today on infomercials. This pitch of bait-and-hook has been around for as long as man has existed. We are now witnesses to a new, improved, modern medicine show and bait-and-hook is the major part of the act. This new snake oil salesman is selling himself as hope and change but who exactly is he and what changes will he make?
The elixir of life will grow back hair on bald scalps! It makes you feel young again! Apply to wrinkles and they magically disappear! I am the only one with this secret potion and if you act now I will throw in an extra bottle for the one low price of $19.95, but wait ...
I probably have significantly punier scientific knowledge than Al Gore, but it is fairly obvious that Gore’s entire premise for his misleading documentary, that we are causing global warming, is questionable at best, and most likely false.Nathaniel Shockley's piece on Icecap dashes global warming myths. He says:
What is truly upsetting about all of this is not that so many of us were duped. It’s that so many of us are still duped.
Still convinced that “the entire global scientific community has a consensus on the question that human beings are responsible for global warming,” like Al Gore purported?Read the rest here. And be sure to check into Icecap's website on a regular basis to read about global cooling, Alaska's possibly coldest summer on records, ice caps growing, and more. Read it to expand your mind ... if you dare....
Barack Obama is in Union, Missouri - very close to Kaine's hometown.NLS was for Hillary before she lost out to Obama. There is disunity on both sides of the aisle, and Tim Kaine has certainly caught his fair share of flack from NLS and RK. This is further proof....
Kaine cancelled an appearance in Baltimore tonight with no reason given.
A newspaper reporter in Hesse, Harald Sagawe, said the parents previously paid fines because "they did not send their children to school, for religious reasons."The education department apparently has no interest in offering an opportunity for parents to educate their children at home, thereby leaving no avenue other than to break away and disobey the law for those who do not agree with the state government-run schools.
He continued, "The parents, Christians who closely follow the Bible, teach their children themselves. Two years ago the court had also dealt with the Dudeks. That case, dealing with the payment of a fine, had been dropped."
Judge Peter Hobbel, who imposed the fines, criticized school officials for refusing to answer the family's request for approval of their "private school."
But Arno Meissner, the chief of the government's local education department, said he would enforce the mandatory school attendance law against the family, and he said he resented the judge's interference. [emphasis added]
Unfortunately, it appears that the issue for this German judge, and too many others, is less about academic preparation and respecting the rights of parents and the family and more about asserting its autocratic will on families who wish to educate their children at home in accordance with their conscience.World Net Daily also notes:
After reading the judges’s opinion, Mr. Dudek [the home school parent] said that he couldn’t believe the hardline totalitarianism it represented. Mr. Dudek reported that this judge referred to the infamous Konrad case decided by the German high court in 2006 that said that homeschooling could not be allowed because it would lead to the creation of “parallel societies.”
Practical Homeschool Magazine has noted one of the first acts by Hitler when he moved into power was to create the governmental Ministry of Education and give it control of all schools and school-related issues.Even the family's plans to move from the area will not prevent prosecution, according to the German government. Reportedly:
In 1937, the dictator said, "The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age, at an age when human beings are still unperverted and therefore unspoiled. This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing."
HSLDA [Home School Legal Defense Association] officials estimate there are some 400 homeschool families in Germany, virtually all of them either forced into hiding or facing court actions.An outpouring of support and encouragement for the Dudek family has come from around the world. Hitler? Government interference with families? And to think there are some who believe America should be more like Europe....
Just weeks ago, WND reported the Dudeks warned about a new German federal law that also gives family courts the authority to take custody of children "as soon as there is a suspicion of child abuse," which is how the nation's courts have defined homeschooling.
China will censor the Internet used by foreign media during the Olympics, an organising committee official confirmed Wednesday, reversing a pledge to offer complete media freedom at the games.With the Chinese government censoring unspecified websites, it could be a clash of the West meeting the East ... the Western journalists who are used to having most everything their way ... and the Chinese government that is used to having most everything its way.
"During the Olympic Games we will provide sufficient access to the Internet for reporters," said Sun Weide, spokesman for the organising committee. [emphasis added]
"Just tell me one thing Barack Obama has done that you admire," I asked a prominent Democrat. He paused and then said that he admired Obama's speech to the Democratic convention in 2004.Read more....
I agreed. It was a hell of a speech, but it was just a speech. On the other hand, I continued, I could cite four or five actions -- not speeches -- that John McCain has taken that elicit my admiration, even my awe.
First, of course, is his decision as a Vietnam prisoner of war to refuse freedom out of concern that he would be exploited for propaganda purposes. To paraphrase what Kipling said about Gunga Din, John McCain is a better man than most.
ONCE upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.I would get lost in all things Beatrix Potter. While Peter's sisters were good and went hunting blackberries, Peter went straight to Mr. McGregor's garden where he had been warned to stay away from, and got into all kinds of mischief. The illustration that stands out to me the most of Miss Potter's drawings is the one of Peter slipping under the fence (above).
Obama told his German audience he was sorry about his country because “I know my country has not perfected itself.” [This comment was made in the former seat of Nazi power. A letter to editor published in Obama’s hometown Chicago Tribune noted the irony: “While America may not be perfect, there is no reason to apologize to the Germans, architects of the Holocaust.”]There will probably be more commentary from others in the days ahead.
As for America’s role in saving Germany from the onslaught of Stalinist communism and the subsequent Cold War, there was nothing.
There was a rhetorical flourish about the Berlin Wall coming down, but nothing about the great American sacrifice, not to mention how our military might made President Reagan’s call -- “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev” -- a reality.
There seems to me no question that the Batman film "The Dark Knight," currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.Batman is a box office hit right out of the gate and is generating talk nationwide especially among the young 20- and 30-somethings. Hollywood flops when it makes anti-moral/anti-America movies ... conservatives flock to theaters when offered movies of hope and moral clarity with good winning over evil. Klavan asks:
Why is it then that left-wingers feel free to make their films direct and realistic, whereas Hollywood conservatives have to put on a mask in order to speak what they know to be the truth? Why is it, indeed, that the conservative values that power our defense -- values like morality, faith, self-sacrifice and the nobility of fighting for the right -- only appear in fantasy or comic-inspired films like "300," "Lord of the Rings," "Narnia," "Spiderman 3" and now "The Dark Knight"?When we find someone, even within our ranks, who holds a moral compass that points to right over wrong, they are often vilified much as the President has been vilified for doing what he knows is right to preserve the freedoms and, indeed, the very lives of the citizens in the country he loves.
Doing what's right is hard, and speaking the truth is dangerous. Many have been abhorred for it, some killed, one crucified.
The true complexity arises when we must defend these values in a world that does not universally embrace them -- when we reach the place where we must be intolerant in order to defend tolerance, or unkind in order to defend kindness, or hateful in order to defend what we love.Mr. Klavan draws the following conclusion that closes his WSJ piece:
When heroes arise who take those difficult duties on themselves, it is tempting for the rest of us to turn our backs on them, to vilify them in order to protect our own appearance of righteousness.
... when our artistic community is ready to show that sometimes men must kill in order to preserve life; that sometimes they must violate their values in order to maintain those values; and that while movie stars may strut in the bright light of our adulation for pretending to be heroes, true heroes often must slink in the shadows, slump-shouldered and despised -- then and only then will we be able to pay President Bush his due and make good and true films about the war on terror.Maybe not heroes ... but we have knights amongst us who take up the pathway of morality and principles, and who face ridicule and contempt by those who do not understand....
SAINT PAUL, Minn. - The 2008 Republican National Convention today released a behind-the-scenes, time lapse video of the ongoing transformation of the Xcel Energy Center into the podium for the Republican Party's nomination of Sen. John McCain. In the week since work began at the venue, workers have removed 3,000 seats, built workspace for staff and media, and began technological enhancements needed to support the 45,000 participants expected. We invite you to view our progress by clicking here.Only five weeks to go....
Stay tuned! The 2008 Republican National Convention plans to release a new video each Sunday, so that all can follow along with the six-week transformation.
The 2008 Republican National Convention will be held at Saint Paul's Xcel Energy Center from Sept. 1-4, 2008. Approximately 45,000 delegates, alternate delegates, volunteers, members of the media and other guests are expected to attend the convention. Minneapolis-Saint Paul is expected to receive an estimated $150-$160 million positive economic boost from the four-day event.
For more information about the 2008 Republican National Convention, please visit our website and join our social network sites on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.
I asked him to explain the controversy about his canceled trip to visit with wounded troops at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. … "So rather than go forward and potentially get caught up in what might have been considered a political controversy of some sort," Obama said, "what we decided was that we not make a visit and instead I would call some of the troops that were there. So that essentially would be the extent of the story."Read the entire article and the comments below. To be continued....
SAINT PAUL, Minn. - Maria Cino, Chief Executive Officer and President for the 2008 Republican National Convention, today announced the program block schedule for the upcoming Republican National Convention. The program blocks are as follows:Minneapolis-St. Paul, here we come! Only five weeks to go....
Monday, September 1: 2:30 - 10:00 p.m. CDT*
Tuesday, September 2: 6:20 - 10:05 p.m. CDT
Wednesday, September 3: 6:20 - 11:20 p.m. CDT
Thursday, September 4: 6:20 - 10:15 p.m. CDT
*Note: there will be a 30-minute break at 6:30 p.m. CDT
"We are pleased to announce the official block schedule for the 2008 Republican National Convention and are confident this year’s compelling program will be one of the most exciting in GOP convention history," said Cino. "The convention will showcase Sen. John McCain and his vision for America to the 45,000 convention participants joining us from around the country and the millions more participating from home."
About the Republican National Convention
The 2008 Republican National Convention will be held at Saint Paul's Xcel Energy Center from Sept. 1-4, 2008. Approximately 45,000 delegates, alternate delegates, volunteers, members of the media and other guests are expected to attend the convention. Minneapolis-Saint Paul is expected to receive an estimated $150-$160 million positive economic boost from the four-day event.
For more information about the 2008 Republican National Convention, please visit our website and join our social network sites on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.
"Oddly enough, my opponent advocates the deployment of two new combat brigades to Afghanistan -- in other words, a surge. We're left to wonder how he can deny that the surge in Iraq has succeeded, while at the same time announcing that a surge is just what we need in Afghanistan. I'll leave all these questions for my opponent and his team of 300 foreign policy advisors to work out for themselves. With luck, they'll get their story straight by the time the Obama campaign returns to North America."
- John McCain (on Obama's trip to Afghanistan - listen to audio version)
A U.S. military official tells NBC News they were making preparations for Sen. Barack Obama to visit wounded troops at the Landstuhl Medical Center at Ramstein, Germany on Friday, but "for some reason the visit was called off."The Bush administration had nothing to do with it, as was claimed by RD, but the lefties will continue to push whatever version of the story they want to tell....
One military official who was working on the Obama visit said because political candidates are prohibited from using military installations as campaign backdrops, Obama's representatives were told, "he could only bring two or three of his Senate staff member, no campaign officials or workers." In addition,
"Obama could not bring any media. Only military photographers would be permitted to record Obama's visit."
The official said "We didn't know why" the request to visit the wounded troops was withdrawn. "He (Obama) was more than welcome. We were all ready for him."
Sen. McCain has picked up support in almost every group in every state, especially among independent voters and men voters. The Republican now leads Obama among independent voters in Michigan and Minnesota. Overall results show:We are still in summer polls ... most Americans are not paying that much attention yet to the fall campaigns. It will be interesting to see how these numbers change over the next weeks but especially after the Republican Convention in September.
- Colorado: McCain is up by a nose 46 - 44 percent, compared to a 49 - 44 percent Obama lead June 26;
- Michigan: Obama tops McCain 46 - 42 percent, compared to a 48 - 42 percent lead last time;
- Minnesota: Obama edges ahead 46 - 44 percent, compared to a 54 - 37 percent Obama lead;
- Wisconsin: Obama leads McCain 50 - 39 percent, compared to 52 - 39 percent.
“The committee hosting the Democratic National Convention has used the city's gas pumps to fill up and apparently avoided paying state and federal fuel taxes. . . . Downs said the contract with the host committee started in March and that $9,700 in fuel and services had been purchased from the city so far."The hypocrisy is amazing. Democrats, who are constantly calling for more taxes even in this time of high gasoline prices appear to have received thousands of dollars in tax-free gasoline while in Denver preparing for the August Democrat Convention, according to the Rocky Mountain News.
Dick Wadhams, chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, said the city's arrangement with the DNC host committee was "appalling."I am sure conservative bloggers in Colorado will be watching as preparations continue for the quickly-approaching Democrat Convention.
"I'm hoping this is not the first of many stories about how Colorado taxpayers are apparently subsidizing the Democratic convention," Wadhams said.
The 30-second spot, now airing across several cable channels, including MTV, opens with a folksy-voiced narrator claiming, "People are saying that Senator Obama's recent changes of position have made him a flip-flopper." Newspaper headlines appear on the screen, stating, "Obama aide signals shift on Iraq troop withdrawal," "Shift on war hits Obama's liberal base, " "Obama's Enigma" and "Obama's Changes Raise Issue: Can You Believe Him?"Flip-flopper? Or both-ways? It would be nice if the mainstream media put away their smelling salts and began to hold this candidate accountable.
The question "Flip-Flopper?" flashes, and the narrator says, "He's not! Flip-floppers only hold one position at a time." An image of Obama pointing his finger is then transposed to the other side of the screen as the narrator adds, "Senator Obama is different: He holds two positions at the same time."
Using mirror images of Obama's head pointing in opposite directions, the ad then claims Obama has voted both for and against banning handguns, public campaign financing and withdrawing from Iraq. It cites sources including ABC News, the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. "He wants to have them all both ways," says the narrator. "He's 'Both Ways Barack' - worse than a flip-flopper!"
(Note to new conservative bloggers: when they call you “ridiculous,” “thin-skinned,” or worse, it’s because they’ve bounced all their intellectual checks, and are digging for rhetorical change under bus seats.)This guy has a sense of humor that weaves throughout his posts ... but I also found his profile of interest because he expressed what many of us say about why we're in the blood sport of politics:
The mission is proceeding according to plan.
... if we forget our history, we might not live to repeat it. My kids and I - they’re why I’m out there doing my little bit to try to change this culture (and Party) for the better, so they have a country worth living in someday. And the flag.Those were thoughts I certainly identified with from Shot in the Dark's Mitch Berg of Minnesota. I'm looking forward to being in his part of the world in five weeks.
... supervisors overwhelmingly agreed that the road, a half-mile portion of Route 636, was needed.The proposal was tabled at Mr. Pyles' request on Monday because of the lack of notice in order to investigate. He expressed a frustrated feeling of being made to feel guilty by his fellow supervisors because he was asking questions and digging into figures.
The road would serve as an eventual connector between U.S. 250 and Augusta Medical Center.
Supervisors also agreed that Crescent’s 420-unit project of townhouses, duplexes, single-family homes and apartments was being put in the right place.
The development will be located in Fishersville directly across the entrance from Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, the Augusta County Schools offices and three Augusta County schools.
WASHINGTON -- In January 2007, when Gen. David Petraeus took command in Iraq, he called the situation "hard" but not "hopeless." Today, 18 months later, violence has fallen by up to 80 percent to the lowest levels in four years, and Sunni and Shiite terrorists are reeling from a string of defeats. The situation now is full of hope, but considerable hard work remains to consolidate our fragile gains.And the bias of the mainstream media continues with this latest episode by the New York Times....
Progress has been due primarily to an increase in the number of troops and a change in their strategy. I was an early advocate of the surge at a time when it had few supporters in Washington. Sen. Barack Obama was an equally vocal opponent. "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there," he said on Jan. 10, 2007. "In fact, I think it will do the reverse."
Now Sen. Obama has been forced to acknowledge that "our troops have performed brilliantly in lowering the level of violence." But he still denies that any political progress has resulted.
Perhaps he is unaware that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has recently certified that, as one news article put it, "Iraq has met all but three of 18 original benchmarks set by Congress last year to measure security, political, and economic progress." Even more heartening has been progress that's not measured by the benchmarks. More than 90,000 Iraqis, many of them Sunnis who once fought against the government, have signed up as Sons of Iraq to fight against the terrorists. Nor do they measure Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's newfound willingness to crack down on Shiite extremists in Basra and Sadr City -- actions that have done much to dispel suspicions of sectarianism.
THE SUCCESS of the surge has not changed Sen. Obama's determination to pull out all of our combat troops. All that has changed is his rationale. In a New York Times op/ed and a speech [last] week, he offered his "plan for Iraq" in advance of his first "fact-finding" trip to that country in more than three years. It consisted of the same old proposal to pull all of our troops out within 16 months. In 2007 he wanted to withdraw because he thought the war was lost. If we had taken his advice, it would have been. Now he wants to withdraw because he thinks Iraqis no longer need our assistance.
To make this point, he mangles the evidence. He makes it sound as if Prime Minister Maliki has endorsed the Obama timetable, when all he has said is that he would like a plan for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops at some unspecified point in the future.
Sen. Obama is also misleading on the Iraqi military's readiness. The Iraqi Army will be equipped and trained by the middle of next year, but this does not, as Sen. Obama suggests, mean that they will then be ready to secure their country without a good deal of help. The Iraqi Air Force, for one, still lags behind, and no modern army can operate without air cover. The Iraqis are also still learning how to conduct planning, logistics, command and control, communications, and other complicated functions needed to support frontline troops.
No one favors a permanent U.S. presence, as Sen. Obama charges. A partial withdrawal has already occurred with the departure of five "surge" brigades, and more withdrawals can take place as the security situation improves. As we draw down in Iraq, we can beef up our presence on other battlefields, such as Afghanistan, without fear of leaving a failed state behind. I have said that I expect to welcome home most of our troops from Iraq by the end of my first term in office, in 2013.
But I have also said that any draw-downs must be based on a realistic assessment of conditions on the ground, not on an artificial timetable crafted for domestic political reasons. This is the crux of my disagreement with Sen. Obama.
SEN. OBAMA HAS said that he would consult our commanders on the ground and Iraqi leaders, but he did no such thing before releasing his "plan for Iraq." Perhaps that's because he doesn't want to hear what they have to say. During the course of eight visits to Iraq, I have heard many times from our troops what Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond, commander of coalition forces in Baghdad, recently said: that leaving based on a timetable would be "very dangerous."
The danger is that extremists supported by alQaida and Iran could stage a comeback, as they have in the past when we've had too few troops in Iraq. Sen. Obama seems to have learned nothing from recent history. I find it ironic that he is emulating the worst mistake of the Bush administration by waving the "Mission Accomplished" banner prematurely.
I am also dismayed that he never talks about winning the war -- only of ending it. But if we don't win the war, our enemies will. A triumph for the terrorists would be a disaster for us. That is something I will not allow to happen as president. Instead I will continue implementing a proven counterinsurgency strategy not only in Iraq but also in Afghanistan with the goal of creating stable, secure, self-sustaining democratic allies.
John McCain, a U.S. senator from Arizona, is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
Pyles accused the developer of overestimating the cost of the road project so that the county would end up having to pay up to $3.7 million while the developer would end up paying nothing.The developer says it's not true while admitting the $100,000 error was an honest mistake. So who is right?
Pyles also said he found a miscalculation in the deal that would cost the county about $100,000.
Bottom line is, Romania's still struggling to rebuild even these many years later. It's come a long way, but even locals admit that Romania's admission to the EU may have been premature. Still, they're trying. And with more and more foreign investment trickling in and greater transparency in the public sector – as required for EU membership -- prospects are good for a rebuilt economy and more jobs.That last line really caught my attention ... "It's a case study in the difficulties of rebuilding a country." Their revolution occurred almost 20 years ago and, yet, they are still in the rebuilding process ... and liberal Democrats are complaining about the lack of or slowness of progress in Iraq?
It's a case study in the difficulties of rebuilding a country.
Romania has, traditionally, been a huge pork producer. ... So guess who’s got a big presence here with pork production? Smithfield of Virginia. Since about 2004.American companies have always been there to help around the world, sharing their technology and experience, and this is yet another example.
... what looked out of place was Beverley Street closed down so Warner could use a microphone outside the Dixie Theatre and tell his supporters what he would do for Virginia if elected. He didn't seem like a politician stumping for support — he looked more like a celebrity offering his fans cherished face time.Not only was Beverley Street closed down but the parking in that entire block of the Dixie Threater was blocked the day before which disrupted shopping at all the stores along that end of the street. The microphone set up on the stage on the street that Warner used to address 50-75 people made me wonder if Democrats thought more people would show up ... otherwise, that small group could fit inside the Dixie Theater.
But when the city and publicly funded entities like the Dixie Theatre and Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library roll out the red carpet for a campaigning politician, something is wrong.Wonder how much taxpayer money was spent to have police on standby and the street closed down ... wonder how much revenue was lost by local businesses who suffered through blocked parking on Wednesday and a blocked street on Thursday ... wonder how much it cost the Woodrow Wilson Birthplace and Blackfriars to open their facilities and welcome Mark Warner? How much did it cost to have the Pierce-Arrow carry Mark Warner around town?
The Staunton Performing Arts Center put in the request to have Beverley Street closed, and it was done. Then he was whisked away for a ride in President Wilson's Pierce-Arrow for a trip to the presidential library. The pomp and circumstance would be wonderful for an elected representative who has actually gotten something done for the library, but for a candidate? How come Gilmore wasn't invited for a celebrity jaunt in the famous limo?
When taxpayer money supports organizations, their respective boards need to be careful how they get played by political parties welcoming candidates.
Teresa Gamble Treadaway, 49, pleaded guilty in federal court in Greensboro to one count each of wire fraud, computer fraud and unlawful access to stored communication for commercial advantage.After being fired, this woman continued to intercept emails to her old company even after she was hired by a competitor. Check out the rest of the article here.
Treadaway faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000, and a federal judge can order her to make restitution to her former company ECOFLO.