Elle at In-Politically Correct has posed an interesting question: what about Paul Harris for Senate? Amid all the discussion about Eric Cantor running (and my personal opinion is he should stay where he is although I think he would make an excellent senator), Elle brings up the name of Paul Harris.
I admire Jim Gimore and do not mean this to be a sign of setting his candidacy aside. It is, merely, to indulge in someone else's speculation of
what if ?Thoughts?
I agree, Eric Cantor would be a great choice, but I hope he stays in the House. Paul Harris would make an outstanding candidate. So, I ask now, how do we convince him to run?
Harris has no interest. Cantor won't because he could become speaker or majority leader when republicans take back the house in 2010 or 2012. Virtucon says Saxman is considering a run--he'd be great, would have a great shot at defeating gilmore, and could make a race of it with warner.
Big fan of most of these guys, but all these names are getting a little out of hand. Gilmore has a statewide organization and a good fundraising network, not to mention that he has significant support among the activists who will vote at convention. It's fine to speculate on what ifs, but I hope at the end of the day we can get behind Jim Gilmore, who will be our nominee, and focus on defeating Mark Warner.
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