"What a wonderful sight."--SSgt. Herb Harman, 47, Augusta County, when seeing his home and family and friends after serving the past year in Iraq

--Sgt. Michael Putnam, 48, Williamsburg, 654th MP Company, Army National Guard, just back from Iraq
"You grow up in a big way when you have responsibility for other people's lives." -- Spc. Michael Goodrich, 20
Homecoming Greeting for Herb
Hundreds of family members, friends, and grateful Americans turned out in Richmond at the Virginia War Memorial as the 150 men of the 654th MP Company of the Army National Guard arrived on buses escorted by the thundering roar of dozens of Harley-Davidsons, with American flags waving, ridden by Patriot Guard Riders from all over the state.
Just back from Iraq, the men of the 654th had spent the past year in Iraq training Iraqi police and working with the Navy Seals and Air Force to provide protection for high-level Iraqi government officials. No men were lost in the dangerous operation; they all returned home.
Herb's wife, Jan, and daughter, Kelsie, and other family members were in the crowd at the War Memorial, and then caravaned home to Augusta County where more family and friends waited for his return. It was a happy tearful homecoming for one of our own.
Richmond Times-Dispatch has coverage here with a photo of Herb, Jan, and the newest grandbaby, Kylie.
Welcome home, Herb!
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