Look at the message in this "template." It's a message to Americans who have stuck their heads in the sand about the danger to our country from Muslim terrorists who want to kill us. It's doesn't get any plainer than that.
Many democrats in power don't seem to understand the alarming reality of terrorism -- perhaps they need another 9/11 to demonstrate to them the tenacity of our enemy -- or, proabably more accurately, they don't care because they have a political agenda to push and national security is perceived as a Republican issue.
Because of that, many dems act as if they would rather win the political war as opposed to the world war we are currently engaged in.
Many Americans also don't seem to understand the alarming reality of terrorism ... perhaps because the MSM doesn't feel it's necessary to remind them?
In my opinion the film footage of the Twin Towers being attacked and crumbling should be shown every day of our lives. The photos and footage of the Pentagon with a huge gaping hole in the building should be shown daily.
The photos of that Pennsylvania field where Flight 92 went down should be shown over and over as a reminder that there are Americans willing to stand up and fight the enemy ... with their lives ...
... and we don't even want to be reminded of it by a template banner.
I wonder: What part of "They want to kill us" do the dems and MisLeader not understand?
And why would educating the public about the danger of terrorism so infuriate the MisLeader?
Perhaps they want to keep us all in denial and ... group think?
It is very sad, because right after 9/11, America's left and right sides actually started to come together. Sadly, it will take another 9/11 to bring both together again.
One proposal made over on Dennis Neal's blog is to have a gathering of bloggers so we can meet in person. I am all for this and do not believe it would turn into a shouting match.
There are, of course, personal concerns, but I think if we all meet up, it might help ease the tensions between the bloggers.
What are your views on this? I can be reached at steve_harkonnen@yahoo.com
Steve said, "One proposal made over on Dennis Neal's blog is to have a gathering of bloggers so we can meet in person. I am all for this and do not believe it would turn into a shouting match.
There are, of course, personal concerns, but I think if we all meet up, it might help ease the tensions between the bloggers. What are your views on this?"
I saw where Dennis was proposing a local bloggers meeting but I will not participate in that. Here's why.
During the recent dust-up on the blogosphere where conservative bloggers took the side of liberal blogger Waldo Jaquith over conservative bloggers (SWACers), the reasons cited made it obvious they had become friends with the guy. It blinded them to the political aspects of it ... that Waldo had savaged our Republican candidates from Kilgore to Allen to Virgil Goode. Waldo is not a benign little blogger ... he has run for public office in Charlottesville and is well-known in media circles. He is trouble for Republicans.
I'm usually a pretty friendly person ... but the Waldo incident showed me I do not want to become friendly with the enemy. It will cloud my judgment in the middle of battle.
So, because of that, I will not be interested in meeting lefty bloggers.
9/11 brought this nation together in a way I had never seen in my lifetime (but had heard my World War II-era parents speak about).
The nastiness since then -- the pure hatred and venom toward President Bush and Republicans -- has shown me the other side isn't interested in working with us. And the constant attacks by the MSM has shown we must fight this war in the blogs and however we can get a public forum.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.
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