Friday, April 20, 2007

VA Tech ... a moment of silence - did you feel it?

At 12:00 Noon today the radio went silent. All was quiet around me as the nation paused to remember, mourn, and pray for the victims of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech.

Did you feel it? I could sense the overwhelming power of prayer from millions around the Commonwealth of Virginia ... around the Nation ... around the world....

Did you feel it?

At the conclusion of the bells tolling ... you could almost hear the rebounding, proud swell from millions....

We are ... VIRGINIA TECH!!!


Anonymous said...

AUGH! I cannot believe I missed that! What power that must have had behind it! At least we have the Blogger Day of Silence though...

Lynn R. Mitchell said...

It was amazing but a moment of silence could be taken at anytime ... anywhere.

But I know you, John. I know the victims are in your prayers already even as you give thanks that none of your friends were among those gunned down. That's what makes you the special young man you are....