Only four days to go until Election Day and everyone is busy. Without a central headquarters this year, the SWAC area volunteers have been working from home and meeting together to go over campaigns.
The weight of elections has fallen on Augusta County with four Board of Supervisor candidates who are opposed ... one running against a MoveOn.org anti-war protester.
Not much blogging has gone on ... everyone has been so busy. There have been candidate signs to get out, literature to deliver, door-to-door walks, phoning into the Districts, emailing to voters.
We are lining up poll workers, and candidates are making that last push to reach out to voters. Letters to the editor have been written; ads have been placed in newspapers.
We have worked together to make up literature pieces, gone over mailers, mulled over sign costs, raised funds from contributors. It always amazes me how much work goes into these campaigns ... did we do enough?
Part of the delight of this job is driving throughout my District at this time of year. Grabbing my camera everytime I left home, I would snap shots of back roads, mountain tops, colorful autumn leaves, and yard signs.
Tonight we are all still busy. Some are dropping lit; others are going door-to-door. I'm on the computer designing a final lit piece. Staunton and Waynesboro helping Augusta; Augusta helping Staunton and Waynesboro ... it's what makes the grassroots volunteers of SWAC work so well together.
When it's over we will all gather and relax and wait for the returns. Win or lose, we know we will be together to do it all over again for the next elections....
November 6 ... Election Day. Whomever your chosen candidate is you owe it to them to take a few minutes to vote. They have worked hard for it.
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