Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bob McDonnell-Rick Perry lunch in Richmond ... live blogging with the Bearing Drift crew

The Republican Party of Virginia's luncheon featuring Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Texas Gov. Rick Perry is today at 12:30 at the Richmond Convention Center. A timeline of the events....

10:00 am - After the harrowing last three miles of a journey from the Shenandoah Valley to Richmond on I-95, I parked at the Convention Center, signed in, and found the press area of the event. Right behind me was Norm Leahy, co-steering the Bearing Drift ship of bloggers, and was soon joined by Brian Kirwin and Jason Kenney.

12:00 Noon - Press and RPV staff have been busy putting final touches on the room in the final moments before guests will arrive.

12:05 pm - Guests are entering the dining room with plates that have been loaded in the buffet line in the lobby. We are 20 minutes from the official start of the lunch....

The event has been a huge success with 1,080 expected at the event.

12:42 pm - Anita Kumar, Ryan Nobles, Jeff Schapiro, many other media...

12:50 pm - Pat Mullins has gaveled lunch into order and is giving grassroots remarks to rally the troops. All candidates in the room stood to be recognized ... the room exploded with applause when he said we need a new occupant in the White House in 2012 ... 50 media outlets covering event from all over the world ...

Sen. Mark Obenshain (prayer) & Del. Brenda Pogge (Pledge of Allegiance).

Pete Snyder, owner of thriving Virginia business. "Pass the law. Pass the law." to laughter in the room ... "There is a path to victory in 2012 and it goes right through the Commonwealth of Virginia!"

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