Counter-Rally to Cindy Sheehan's "defeat & retreat" rally
A post from Gathering of Eagles....
A post from Gathering of Eagles....
Counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan’s “defeat and retreat rally”
Posted by Gabi on July 18, 2007
A non-partisan “Win the War!” campaign ( http://www.win-the-war.com/) has been launched in Charlottesvlle, VA to rally and sustain public resolve for victory in Iraq. The campaign aims to unite pro-victory groups around the country under an umbrella group while simultaneously reaching out to talk shows, blogs and citizen action groups. The goal is to establish a united front of national leadership and a widespread local grassroots organization.
To replicate the success of the Gathering of Eagles counter-rally in Charlotte, NC recently ( http://www.charlotte.com/540/story/201334.html), the campaign is organizing a pro-victory counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan’s “defeat and retreat” rally on the downtown mall by Charlottesville Ice Park this Friday at 6 p.m.
Its aim will be to remind Ms. Sheehan and her supporters, and the public at large, that many citizens of the area believe that defeating Al Quaeda decisively in Iraq will do more to defend America and bring about peace than giving in and handing the terrorists a victory. Everyone is invited, especially Eagles!
Those attending the counter-rally will meet in front of the Paramount Theatre on the mall at 5:45 p.m., and then walk over to Ms. Sheehan’s event. “Win the War!” signs will be provided. Families will be welcome to join.
Anyone with questions should contact Josh Levy at joshlevy@yahoo.com or (347) 387-2702.
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