RPV materials packed ... check.
Laptop ready to go ... check, check!
Agenda, invitations, candidate materials ... check.
Suitcase packed ... check.
Vehicle gassed and ready to go ... check.
We have much business to cover both days so, while it will be fun, we will be rolling up our sleeves to work hard for our candidates.
After it all wraps up on Saturday, there is a meeting for the delegates to the National Convention where we will receive packets of information about hotel rooms, transportation, and other materials for our trip. I'm looking forward to being with the Delegation for the first time.
Tomorrow is the first meeting of the reconstituted State Central Committee when the newly elected members will gather to cover the business of the Republican Party of Virginia. These are the representatives elected by their peers from each Congressional District throughout the state, and I am looking forward to greeting those who won re-election and some who are back on after a brief hiatus.
We have a good group of SWAC-GOP folks going over including Augusta County Chairman Kurt Michael, as well as several of the SWAC bloggers. The way this weekend turns out will help determine the course of the Republican Party in Virginia....
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