It was a curiosity at first ... the "I Am Voting For The Chick" 4'x8' signs that appeared at Blue Ridge Lumber in Fishersville.
Folks gawked, honked the horns in approval, and laughed as they saw the big blue signs with the message that mentions no names ... but, amazingly, all know who it is referring to.
Sarah Palin is the darling of the Republican Party ... and these signs reflect it.
An idea that was hatched, if you will, by Tom Sheets who owns Blue Ridge Lumber, the signs have proven to be so popular that they are now being offered to Republicans in the Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County areas.
As soon as the information went out in the SWAC-GOP newsletter on Tuesday, dozens of signs were reserved and requests continue to be received.
Not only are 4'x8' signs being offered but also yard signs which have proven even more popular for those who have no place for larger signs.
It's the "no-name campaign" ... everyone knows who "the chick" is ... and they love her!
Cross-posted at SixtyFour81.com
I find this sign offensive. It is not a "hit." This sign says to me that I should not take Governor Palin seriously as a professional. She makes this case perfectly well without any help from a yard sign.
One of the issues with the politically correct in America is that they are too eager to be offended.
This sign is a "hit" whether you think so or not -- they are flying out the door to people who have a sense of light-heartedness and want a way to say they support Sarah.
I'm a girl and I'm not offended. Out of hundreds of signs that have been given out, you are the fourth I've heard who is offended ... so you're way outnumbered.
Meanwhile, requests continue to pour in for the signs. The great thing about America is that you don't have to display one ... but I have the freedom of speech to do so.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!
i want to buy one of these signs but cannot find a web site to make a purchase. where can i get one?
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